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2. Presentation:Overview. DOHCS PerspectiveBackground and ContextPrinciplesGoalsSupporting Inter-disciplinary teams (process/ status related to principles
1. 1 Primary Health Care:Provincial Primary Health Care Newfoundland and Labrador
Inter-professional Teams
November, 2006
2. 2 Presentation: Overview DOHCS Perspective
Background and Context
Supporting Inter-disciplinary teams (process/ status related to principles & goals)
Family Physician and PHC Team Perspective
3. 3
PHC Provincial Framework:
NL Department of health & Community Services Perspective
5. Continuum of Service/Care Model
6. 6 NL: PHC Framework Principles Timely access range comprehensive services
Range services prevention/ promotion to end-of-life, incl. acute and episodic care
Access urgent and emergency services 24/7
Linkages with secondary/ tertiary
Focus health promotion/ prevention illness & injury
Services by inter-professional teams & networks
Full use provide knowledge & continual professional development
Clear accountability & relationships
7. 7 NL: PHC Framework Principles Inter- professional teams evidence based and affordable
Population based, community development (including citizen involvement) and inter-professional approach planning, implementation & evaluation
Recognition of health determinants
Involvement client/patient decision making/ self-care
Team access information/ communication
Respect for privacy
Support research, evidence informed practice, & health outcomes
Funding arrangements & payment options
8. 8 NL: PHC Framework Goals
Enhance accessible, sustainable Primary Health Care services
Support comprehensive, integrated, and evidence-based services
Promote self-reliant healthy citizens & communities
Enhance accountability and satisfaction of Health Professionals
10. 10
11. 11 Implementing Inter-professional Teams: Process & Status Team Approach
Leadership teams
PHC team area Coordinator/ Facilitator/ Physician; Regional Director & VP leads; Provincial DOHCS leaders & Advisory Committee
Team development/ Building Better Tomorrow (BBTI)
Regional HR departments; Train the trainer sessions; Web-based
Facilitation guide
Guide being finalized; Web-based
Physician funding model/ contracts
Contracts later stages of development
Memorial University Newfoundland
Medical School: Pilot skills development module this fall
Enhance pre/post-licensure education: working with team areas
12. 12 Implementing Inter-professional Teams: Process & Status Right Services/When/Where Needed
Needs/ Services Assessment
Scope of Practice
Initiated 8/8 PHC team areas; Action plans; Collaborative process initiated
Chronic Disease Prevention & Management (CDPM)
Diabetes Collaboratives PHC team areas; next Mental Health/ Arthritis
Selfcare/ telecare
24/7 nurse line; opened late September
Healthy Living
Community Advisory Committees
Established in all rural PHC team areas
Wellness & community development projects
Variety activity in all PHC team areas
13. 13 Implementing Inter-professional Teams: Process & Status Information Management
Enhanced Sharing of Electronic Information
Pilots (urban and rural)*
Information Management support CDPM
Registration process (rural and urban)
Early implementation
Provincial Telehealth plan
Plan/ implementation plan/ partial funds/ Cabinet paper
Electronic Medical Record
Contract to pilot 2 urban physician practices; ID rural gaps
Literature review and benefits case
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