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Superconducting Undulator R&D Review

Superconducting Undulator R&D Review. SLAC, LBNL, ANL Jan. 31, 2014 07:00 AM (PST) Kings River Room ( B052-306 ), SLAC or “Go-To-Meeting ” teleconference. Superconducting Undulator (SCU) Motivation. Using an SCU for the LCLS-II HXR undulator…

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Superconducting Undulator R&D Review

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  1. Superconducting Undulator R&D Review SLAC, LBNL, ANL Jan. 31, 2014 07:00 AM (PST) Kings River Room (B052-306), SLAC or “Go-To-Meeting”teleconference

  2. Superconducting Undulator (SCU) Motivation Using an SCU for the LCLS-II HXR undulator… • …allows full performance to 5 keV (SASE & self-seeded) and with 50-70 m less undulator (or more taper) • …has orders of mag. less sensitivity to rad. dose • …is much less sensitive to e-emittance (new high-rate gun) • …produces very low pressure in a small vacuum chamber (gas scattering at 1 MHz) SXR FEL HXR FEL Schematic of the LCLS-II facility with the new SCRF linac and two new undulators, along with the existing copper (Cu) linac, undulator and experimental halls. The “Cu Linac” is in the 3rd km of the SLAC tunnel.

  3. SCU R&D Plan in Brief • ANL… • Build 2-m test cryostat (based on existing design at APS) • Build & test 1.5-m long NbTiprototype planar undulator (lu = 21.0 mm) • LBNL… • Build & test 1.5-m long Nb3Sn prototype planar undulator (lu = 18.5 mm) • Develop and apply shimming to each of the NbTi and Nb3Sn cold masses • Both Labs… • Develop (refine) field measurement and field correction techniques • Demonstrate predicted field, field quality, end-field corrections, field measurement and tuning, cold mass fiducialization, and integration of cold mass into cryostat • Goal: Within 18 months deliver fully functional SC prototype undulator(s) which meet LCLS-II specifications see presentations on Jan. 31

  4. Review Committeeand Charge Review Committee: Charge to theCommittee: • Is the SCU R&D plan technically sound, and is it well enough defined in scope, schedule, and cost so as to produce definitive results that can support a baseline design change to the hard x-ray LCLS-II undulator, by May 2015? • If the plan appears insufficient, what recommendations can the committee make to improve the chances for supporting a baseline change within 18 months? • What further alterations might be made to solidify the plan and move it forward in time or reduce costs?

  5. DRAFT Agenda for Jan. 31 Review* (2014) Meeting site at (no password needed): https://portal.slac.stanford.edu/sites/ad_public/reviews/scu_rd_jan_2014/ Review Agenda (all times Pacific/SLAC): • 07:00 AM (5 min) Welcome and ChargeNorbert Holtkamp (SLAC) • 07:05 AM (30 min) SCU Advantages in LCLS-IIPaul Emma (SLAC) • 07:35 AM (20 min) Undulator Tolerance EstimatesHeinz-Dieter Nuhn (SLAC) • 07:55 AM (50 min) SCU Development at ANLEfim Gluskin (ANL) • 08:45 AM (10 min) (break) - • 08:55 AM (50 min) SCU Development at LBNLSoren Prestemon (LBNL) • 09:45 AM (20 min) SCU Field MeasurementsDiego Arbelaez (LBNL) • 10:05 AM (25 min) (executive session)Committee Only • 10:30 AM (adjourn) - Chairman assembles committee response in writing within 2 weeks (Feb. 14, 2014) * Carried out by video conference to save travel.

  6. Tele-Conference Instructions 1. Please join my meeting. https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/298937589 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone: United States: +1 (213) 493-0619 Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6925 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 503 473 Access Code: 298-937-589 Audio PIN: shown after joining the meeting. Meeting ID: 298-937-589 • We will use Go-To-Meeting to connect • You don’t need any previous experience • Brief instructions will be sent before the meeting (see right side of this slide ) • These will download the software you need • You only need a computer (with monitor screen) and a telephone (cell OK) • You can swap PC-mic/speakers for phone • Call P. Emma if trouble (+1 510 612-9033) Note country phone numbers We will hold a connection test on Jan. 27 at 08:00 AM (Pacific Time) = 17:00 European Time, if you can attend. I will send a reminder on Jan. 23. You will simply click the blue link at right and dial the telephone (or use your PC microphone & speakers) as also listed at right. We will confirm that all of you can connect. It should be brief and easy. Note country-specific phone numbers (toll free from within country).

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