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National Perspective on the Asphalt Pavement Industry

National Perspective on the Asphalt Pavement Industry. Mike Acott NAPA President Asphalt Pavement Association of Indiana Annual Winter Conference Indianapolis, Indiana January 9, 2014. OUR MISSION IN 2013. Advance Research & Deploy Innovative Asphalt Technology

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National Perspective on the Asphalt Pavement Industry

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  1. National Perspective on the Asphalt Pavement Industry Mike AcottNAPA PresidentAsphalt Pavement Association of Indiana Annual Winter ConferenceIndianapolis, IndianaJanuary 9, 2014

  2. OUR MISSION IN 2013 • Advance Research & Deploy Innovative Asphalt Technology • Achieve Significant Progress on PEC Projects • Expand APA’s Impact/Outreach • Strengthen State and National Legislative Support • Respond to Regulatory Threats • Expand Go-To-Market Effort

  3. Goal: Advance Research and Deploy Innovative Asphalt Technology to Enhance Performance and Reduce Cost

  4. FHWA/NAPA COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT • NAPA has been awarded a $2.5 million agreement for “Advancement of Innovative Asphalt Technology” • Partnership provides a mechanism to advance innovative technologies • Agreement is for 5 years, FY 2014-2018

  5. FHWA/NAPA COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT • Leverage NAPA’s expertise in leading innovation advancement including: • RAP, RAS, WMA Survey for 2013 • RAP Management Best Practices • Recycled Tire Rubber Best Practices • Mix Type Selection Guide update • Thin Asphalt Overlays update • LCCA Webinar?

  6. FHWA/NAPA COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT • The innovation team includes: • NCAT • Texas A&M Transportation Institute • Advanced Asphalt Technologies • Industry Consultants • State Asphalt Pavement Associations

  7. RAP, RAS & WARM MIX DEPLOYMENT 200920112012 RAP 16.2% 19.1% 19.6% National Average RAS .70 1.2 1.9 Tons Millions WMA 16.8 68.7 86.7 Tons Millions

  8. WMA UsagePercentage of Total Asphalt Production in US

  9. ASPHALT PAVEMENT RESEARCH AT NCAT • Respected By Our Customers • Focus on RAP, RAS, Warm Mix, Thinner Pavements, Pavement Preservation, Perpetual Pavement, etc. • Recommendations on LCCA Procedures

  10. Goal: Achieve Significant Progress on PEC Projects

  11. PAVEMENT ECONOMICS COMMITTEE Six NAPA-SAPA Task Groups Funded by NAPA &SAPAs with 100% SAPA Participation $1 Million Program

  12. PAVEMENT ECONOMICS COMMITTEE Six NAPA-SAPA Task Groups Best Quality and Competitiveness Environmental Sustainability Legislative Pavement Design Pavement Preservation Pavement Type Selection

  13. PAVEMENT ECONOMICS COMMITTEE Examples of PEC Projects • Optimize Pavement Design & Materials • Enhance Life Cycle Assessment Software to Include Pavement Smoothness • Unintended Consequences of Reflective Pavements • Develop Thinlays with High Recycled Content • Prevent Passage of Pavement Type Mandatesat State and National Level

  14. PEC: PVI Smoothness Study Project Objectives • Michigan Technological University to compare smoothness of asphalt pavements to concrete • Enhance LCA Software to Include Pavement Smoothness Methodology • Use FHWA’s LTPP database to compare pvmt smoothness • Identify rate of pavement deterioration (IRI) over time Results • Initial results: asphalt is smoother than concrete • Additional work is being conducted to relate to fuel savings

  15. IRI vs. TIME HMA US-127 PCC US-23 IRI (m/km) Time (year)

  16. PEC: Reflective Pavements Study Project Objectives • Arizona State University Reviewed literature to identify unintended consequences • Submit for publication in peer-reviewed journal Methodology • Review Lawrence Berkeley Nat’l Lab’s modeling • Examined for unintended consequences of reflective pvmts Results • Study report posted on ASU web site • ASU raises concerns about Lawrence Berkeley’s models • ASU concluded that reflective pavements may have substantial negative impacts

  17. Goal: Expand Asphalt Pavement Alliance’s Impact/Outreach

  18. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ALLIANCE Coalition of NAPA, AI, SAPAs Increased Investment in APA with $1 million budget Sales & Field Deployment“Asphalt FACTS” Program

  19. Goal: Strengthen State and National Legislative Support

  20. STRENGTHEN STATE & NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT • Implemented State Legislative Tracking System • Strengthened Staff and Hired Lobbyist Firm • Michele Stanley and Whitmer & Worrall • Advocacy Handbook Completed • Plant/Project Tours & Constituent Meetings • Conducted First Asphalt Fly-In • Grow NAPA PAC

  21. LEGISLATIVE KEY MESSAGES • Urge Congress to swiftly enact a six year, user-fee funded Surface Transportation Authorization bill to stabilize and grow the Highway Trust Fund • Pavement design issues should be left to state engineers • Reauthorize the Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Pavement Technologies Program

  22. Goal: Respond to Regulatory Threats

  23. CRYSTALLINE SILICA RULE- INDUSTRY PATH FORWARD • Known hazard • First “PEL” in years • Proposed Rule published Sept 12th • Proposed Rule requires respirators • Industry is well-positioned for milling

  24. MILLING MACHINE PARTNERSHIP • 10-year Partnership includes Industry, NIOSH, and Unions • Focus has been on validating engineering controls • Water spray and evacuation systems effective • Best Practice Guidelines available • Goal is to protect workers while removing respirator requirements

  25. OUR MISSION IN 2013 • Advance Research & Deploy Innovative Technology  • Achieve Significant Progress on PEC Projects  • Expand APA’s Impact/Outreach  • Strengthen State and National Legislative Support • Respond to Regulatory Threats  • Expand Go-To-Market Effort

  26. Goal: Expand Go-To-Market Effort

  27. GO-TO-MARKET PLAN • Expand Program • Increase Financial Support • Leverage Strengths of All Industry Resources – NAPA, SAPAs, APA, NCAT, AI • Leverage the Power of the Asphalt Industry’s Grassroots

  28. GO-TO-MARKET PLAN DEVELOPMENT • Agreement with Edelman • Guided by Market Research • Media Analysis • Rapid Response Program • Leverage PEC Projects

  29. MARKET research Qualitative and Quantitative research, measure attitudes, and opinions • State DOTs, design/build firms, tollways, public works, engineering firms • In-Depth Interviews • Online survey distributed to 650+ respondents- 221 responses received

  30. RESEARCH: GENERAL FINDINGS The asphalt pavement industry is considered an important partner helping to address the issues facing agencies today. • Pavements are a significant investment for agencies and they look to the industry as technical experts • The asphalt industry is viewed positively • Respondents are particularly interested in the cost effective advancements in pavement technologies • Decision makers pay attention to driver stakeholders

  31. MEDIA ANALYSIS • Assessed Media Coverage for Asphalt and Concrete Over a 12 Month Period • Metrics Include • Tone/Favorability • Key Messaging and Positioning • Topics Driving Coverage • Asphalt has more media coverage than concrete

  32. RAPID RESPONSE PROGRAM • Twice weekly report with recommendations • Covers earned media only • Predominantly trade publications • Low coverage for either side balanced mentions • Coverage largely neutral • Many opportunities for positive coverage

  33. PATH FORWARD • IDI’s Finalized • Quantitative Survey Finalized  • Completed Messaging Workshop • Ongoing Media Assessment  • Maintain Momentum With PEC Projects • Go-To-Market Plan Developed  • Making it All Fit TogetherSTAY TUNED!

  34. NAPA 59th Annual MeetingDriving Decisions: Taking Charge for TomorrowFebruary 2 – 5, 2014 Boca Raton Resort & Club Boca Raton, Florida www.asphaltpavement.org

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