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Eye Movements Study on Reading Behaviors of Automobile Advertisements Published in Mobile Phone Newspaper . Qing Tang. Zheng Yuan. Min Zhang. Outline. 1. Introduction. 2. The experimental design. 3. 4. Eye tracking data analysis. Conclusion. Introduction.
Eye Movements Study on Reading Behaviors of Automobile Advertisements Published in Mobile Phone Newspaper Qing Tang Zheng Yuan Min Zhang
Outline 1 Introduction 2 The experimental design 3 4 Eye tracking data analysis Conclusion
Introduction In this study we try to exploring the difference in reading behaviors between subjects of different genders. The experiment is based on the eye tracker and mobile newspaper advertisements. By controlling the mobile newspaper advertisements' area, place, colors, display mode, recording the subjects‘ eyes move process of reading mobile newspaper advertisements ,we analyze the behavior of readers and the exogenous factors of mobile newspaper advertisements.
The experimental design a.The choice of subjects In this experiment, we selected 10 college students, 5 male and 5 female; age around 21 years old with normal vision or corrected visual acuity above 1.0. They have no eye diseases such as color blindness or color weakness. b.The experimental variables Variable Aadvertising colors:A1- cool colors,A2- warm colors,A3-dark colors; Variable Badvertising area:B1-25%,B2-50%,B3-75%; Variable Cadvertising posotion:C1-upper,C2-middle,C3-bottom; Variable Dmain information display mode:D1-flashing,D2-non-flashing.
c.Design of the experiment We randomly selected an advertisement from 12580 live broadcast in 2010 as the experimental material, which is a ad of Dodge.
According to the Uniform design method, we design six different ads. Table 1 show the experimental program. Table 1 Uniform design of the experimental program U6(332)
Data analysis In order to exploring how the variables(the mobile newspaperadvertisements' area, place, colors, display mode)affecting the behavior of readers, we use statistical methods to analyze the data of eye movement trajectory of the mobile newspaper advertisements, the primary visual region, the time to first fixation, fixation counts, etc. Then establish the regression model of the time to first fixation, the observation length, the fixation count about the colors, place, size, display mode. A Advertising Colors variables B Advertising Area C Advertising Position D Main Information Display Mode
In order to establish regression models of first fixation duration(explained variable) about variables A,B,C,D(explanatory variables), We need to introduce corresponding dummy variables. (1)Dummy variableX1(advertising colors): X1(1)1 refers to warm color, X1(1)=0 refers to not warm color; X1(2)=1,refers to cool color, X1(2)=0 refers to not cool color; thus, X1(1)=0 and X1(2)=0 refers to dark color. (2)Dummy variableX2(advertising position): X2(1)=1refers to upper, X2(1)=1refers to not upper, X2(2)=1 refers to bottom, X2(2)=0refers to not bottom, X2(1)=0 and X2(2)=0 refers to middle; (3)Variable X3(advertising area):ration variable(numerical value) (4)Dummy variableX4 (main information display mode): X4=1 refers to flashing, X4=0 refers to non-flashing.
By using gradual regression method of multiple regression analysis, we establish models of Y11 about X2(2)and Y12 about X4: Y11=0.431+1.366X2(2) …………(1) Y12=1.537 -1.145X4 …………(2)
b.Fixation Duration Regression model - Fixation Duration of female readers
The gradual regression model has deleted the variables that have no significant effect. So the regression model about Y21(Fixation Duration of male readers) and X3 is Y21=0.792+2.539X3 ………… (3) The regression model about Y22 and X3、X4 is Y22=-0.212+2.544X3+1.372X4 ………… (4)
c.Fixation Count Regression model - Fixation Count of female readers
The gradual regression model has deleted the variables that have no significant effect. So the regression model about Y31(Fixation Count of female readers) and X2(1) is Y31=3.650+2.45X2(1)…………(5) The regression model about Y32 and X3、X4 is Y32=0.133+6X3+2.067X4…………(6)
conclusions 1. Automobile ads displayed in flashing manner were more attractive and gained better disseminative effects. As for male readers, the main information display mode have great effect on fixation duration and time to first fixation . 2.For female readers, advertising position has great influence on advertising disseminative effects .Automobile ads located at the top of mobile newspaper were more attractive. While for male readers, advertising area influenced their reading behaviors. 2000
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