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Unit four

汽车实用英语 Practical Automobile English. Unit four. Valves and Valve Train. 4.1 Presentation. 4.2 Text review 1 、 What are the major units of the crankshaft and connecting rod assembly in a reciprocating engine?. Major 主要的; unit 部分,部件;

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Unit four

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  1. 汽车实用英语 Practical Automobile English Unit four Valves and Valve Train

  2. 4.1 Presentation

  3. 4.2 Text review 1、 What are the major units of the crankshaft and connecting rod assembly in a reciprocating engine? Major 主要的;unit部分,部件; the crankshaft and connecting rod assembly曲轴连杆机构;reciprocating 往复式的. 翻译:往复式发动机的曲轴连杆机构由哪些主要部件构成?

  4. All of the major units of the crankshaft and connecting rod assembly are the engine crankcase and cylinder block, the piston and connecting rod, the crankshaft and flywheel. 翻译:往复式发动机的曲轴连杆机构的全部主要部件包括:曲轴箱缸体、连杆活塞和曲轴飞轮。 the engine crankcase and cylinder block 曲轴箱缸体;the piston and connecting rod连杆活塞;the crankshaft and flywheel曲轴飞轮;

  5. 曲轴连杆机构 the crankshaft and connecting rod assembly

  6. 2、 What is the main stuff of the crankshaft?The crankshaft is either forged from a high quality steel or cast in a high-strong iron. 翻译:曲轴的主要材料是什么? 曲轴是由高质量的钢材锻造而成或用高强度的金属浇铸而成。 Stuff原料; crankshaft曲轴; forge锻造的; quality质量; steel钢材; cast浇铸; iron金属;

  7. 3、翻译: The piston pin hole in the piston also serves as a bearing for the piston pin, which is used to connect the connecting rod. 主句:The piston pin holeserves 非限定性定语从句:which 活塞销坐支撑活塞销,活塞销连接活塞和连杆。

  8. 4.3 memory 1、底盘 2、阀,气门 3、点火 4、刹车 5、离合器 6、主销 7、活塞 8、进程,阶段 9、行程,冲程 10、曲轴

  9. 11、intake 12、spark 13、exhaust 14、seal 15、crankpin 16、spark plug 17、version 18、cylinder 19、road wheel 20、cast

  10. 4.4 application

  11. 4.5 New Words and Expressions manifold 歧管,总管

  12. tappet 挺杆,气门推杆

  13. helical 螺旋的 螺旋形的

  14. convex 凸的,凸面的

  15. spherical 球的,球形的

  16. fulcrum 支点, 支轴, 支柱

  17. oscillate 摆动 振动 摇摆

  18. pedestal 轴承座 轴架 支座

  19. conical 圆锥形的 圆锥的 chamfer 锥角 切角面 圆角

  20. concentric 同心的 同轴的

  21. valve gear 气门机构 配气机构

  22. coil spring 螺旋弹簧 圈弹簧

  23. valve stem 气门杆 阀杆

  24. 锥角,切角面,圆角 凸的,凸面的 挺杆,气门推杆 摆动,振动,摇摆 歧管,总管 球的,球形的 tappet manifold convex spherical oscillate chamfer

  25. 4.6 Read the text of page 36 for five minutes: (1)The function of the valve gear; (2)The major units of the valve gear;

  26. thevalve train

  27. Qu.1: What’s the function of thevalve gear? function功能; the valve gear配气系统 配气系统的主要功能是什么?

  28. The valve gear of an internal combustion engine provides timely admission of the fresh charge into the cylinders and exhaust of spent gases from them. 内燃机的配气机构用于保证新鲜混合气可以实时地进入气缸,同时燃烧后的废气可以及时排出。 The valve gear provides admission The valve gear配气系统;provide 提供;timely 及时地;admission 同意,认可;fresh charge 新鲜空气;exhaust 排气

  29. Qu.2: What are the major units of the valve gear? major 主要的;units 部分,部件; 配气系统包括哪些部分?

  30. The valve gear is composedof timing gears, a camshaft, tappets, valves, spring with fasteners and valve guides. 配气机构由正时齿轮、凸轮轴、挺柱、气门、带有锁紧装置的弹簧和气门导管组成。 timing gears正时齿轮;camshaft 凸轮轴;tappets挺柱;valves气门; spring弹簧; fastener锁,系牢;valve guide气门导管

  31. the types of camshaft drive mechanism

  32. Qu.3: What’s the function of thecamshaft? camshaft凸轮轴 凸轮轴的主要功能是什么?

  33. camshaft’s functionisto open the engine valves positively and timely, in a definite sequence and to control their closing against the return action of the valve springs. 凸轮轴的功用是按特定得到顺序准确适时地打开气门并通过气门弹簧的回位作用控制气门的关闭。 camshaft凸轮轴;engine valves发动机气门;positively准确的; timely及时的;definite确定的;sequence顺序;return action回位;the valve springs气门弹簧.

  34. Presentation Number nine and number ten

  35. Read the text of page 37 for five minutes: (1)The function of the tappets, the push rods and the rockers; (2)The feature of the valve;

  36. Qu.4: What are the function of the tappets, the push rods and the rockers respectively? the tappets挺柱;the push rods推杆;the rockers摇臂; respectively分别的,各自的 挺柱、推杆和摇臂各自的功能是什么?

  37. The tappets serve to transmit the force from the camshaft to the push rods. The tappets挺柱;serve起作用;transmit传递;force 力; the camshaft凸轮轴;the push rods推杆. 挺柱把凸轮轴的作用力传递给推杆。

  38. The push rods transmit the force from the tappets to the rockers. The push rods推杆;transmit传递;the force作用力;the tappets挺柱;the rockers摇臂。 推杆把挺柱的作用力传递给摇臂。

  39. The rockers transmit the force from the push rods to the valve. the rockers摇臂;transmit传递;the push rods推杆;valve气门。 摇臂把推杆的作用力传递给气门。

  40. The features of the valve system Open and close the valves at just right time. Remove the burned gases as much as possible and increase the volumetric efficiency(充量系数).

  41. 各部件联合工作过程: 力 力 凸轮轴 挺柱 推杆 力 力 气门 摇臂 回复力 弹簧

  42. working process of valve system: force force push rod camshaft tappet force force valve rocker reciprocating force spring

  43. Abbreviations EBA紧急制动装置 Emergency Braking Assist EBFD电子制动力分配系统 Electronic Brake-force Distribution EAS电子控制的空气悬挂系统 Electronic Air Suspension

  44. ECA电子控制点火提前 Electronic Spark Advance ECM发动机控制模块 Engine Control module ECT发动机冷却水温度 Engine Coolant Temperature

  45. EDM电子诊断监控器 Electronic Diagnostic Monitor EECS 燃油蒸发污染控制系统 Evaporative Emissions Control System

  46. ⑤ ⑦ ④ ⑧ ③ ② ⑩ @ ① Games: Valve spring Valve stem Valve seat Valve head Piston Valve clearances Rocker-arm Rocker-shaft Push-rod Tappet camshaft

  47. Exercise: Write a personal resume including following information: 个人资料 求职目标 学习经历 工作经历 任职资格 奖励 论文著作 社团任职 推荐人 Personal Data/ Information Objective Educational Background Working Experience Qualification Awards Publications Affiliations Reference

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