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Ancient Roman Architecture: Arches and Aqueducts

Discover how Romans used arches for structures and aqueducts to transport water, with details on design, functionality, and historical significance. Learn about arches of triumph, the Coliseum, and key architectural features. Get a glimpse of modern arches and follow a step-by-step guide to drawing your own arch.

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Ancient Roman Architecture: Arches and Aqueducts

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  1. RomanArchitecture

  2. Arches • The Romans built arches for support of their structures. • The Romans built arches into all their buildings such as aqueducts and Triumphal Arches.

  3. Aqueducts

  4. Aqueducts- a way to carry water • There wasn’t enough water in the city of Rome. • The Romans brought water in from the surrounding countryside. • The water was brought in by tubes called aqueducts.

  5. Why arches? • Water is heavy stuff. • The Romans needed a structure strong enough to hold all that water to move it from the mountains into the city.

  6. Where did the water go? • The water was transported in concrete tunnels. • The tunnels were underground if possible. • Sometimes the tunnel had to go above ground.

  7. How did the aqueduct work? • The water flowed in a tube on the top of the aqueduct called a water channel. • The arches supported the water channel.

  8. What did the water channel look like? • The water flowed through a rectangular channel. • The channel was lined with concrete. • The Romans invented concrete.

  9. Where else did the Romans use arches? Arches of Triumph Buildings Roofs Windows Doorways City wall entrance doors

  10. Arches of Triumph-to celebrate military success

  11. An Amphitheatre;a place for sporting and gladiatorial events. They were always circular. The one in Rome was named the Coliseum and could hold 50,000 spectators.

  12. The Coliseum was a blend of Greek and Roman architecture • The arches are supported by central columns. • The columns on the first floor are Doric. • The columns on the second floor are Ionic. • The columns on the third floor are Corinthian.

  13. Wealthy Romans, called patricians had the best seats. Middle-class citizens called plebeians, sat in the higher seats. Slaves, if they could afford it, sat in the highest seats.

  14. The Pantheon-a temple to all the gods

  15. How does an arch work?Keystones • The keystone is the red stone at the top of the arch. • The keystone is what the weight rests on.

  16. How does an arch work?Voussoirs • The semi-circular stones on either side of the keystone are the voussoirs. • The voussoirs bring the weight to the columns that go to the ground.

  17. How does an arch work?Buttressing • The square or rectangular blocks between each arch are buttresses. • The buttresses make a column that takes the weight all the way to the ground.

  18. Modern arches Office in Tyson’s Corner Dominion Towers US Capital Hotel Roanoke

  19. Your Task • Go to your seat. • You are going to draw an arch. • Just follow your teacher’s directions and you can do it!

  20. First • Use the yogurt lid to draw a semi-circle.

  21. Second • Add legs to your semi-circle. • Now you have an arch.

  22. Third • Draw a smaller arch inside the first one.

  23. Fourth • Draw a Keystone at the top of the arch.

  24. Fifth • Now draw the Voussoirs that hold the Keystone in place.

  25. Sixth • Draw a second arch next to the first one. • Go through the same steps.

  26. Seventh • Connect the arches with buttresses. • You did it! • Success!

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