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Understanding the Essay

This essay provides a brief explanation of what hard water is and its differences from soft water. It explores the concept of nitrates and the impact of hard water on cost. The essay also discusses the importance of a clear thesis statement and the components of an effective introduction.

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Understanding the Essay

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  1. Understanding the Essay • PHYSICS FINAL • (Hard Versus Soft Water) • Briefly explain what hard water is. • Ice. • 2. What is a nitrate? • Much cheaper than a day rate.

  2. is called the introduction. is where your claim (thesis statement) appears. Your claim (thesis statement) tells the reader what you will prove in your essay, or what point you will make. You cannot write an essay until the claim (thesis statement) is known. Paragraph One…

  3. The Claim… • is a sentence, rarely two, that contains a subject and an opinion. • has one opinion that is specific, so that it is easier to prove. • is your central argument, and every word you write should be one that is helping to prove that opinion. Think of yourself as a lawyer, and your claim is what you will prove to the jury (your readers or audience).

  4. Examples of Claims • [Subject] The large meat and dairy corporations [Opinion] are doing much more harm to the food supply than good. • [Subject]Sports drinks are promoted as healthy choices for athletes; [Opinion] however, they are not. • Note: Keep “I think,” “I feel,” and “I believe” statements out of your essay.

  5. More Claim Examples • [Subject] Romeo and Juliet[Opinion] is a play that demonstrates how hatred can destroy the things that one loves. • [Subject] The Odyssey[Opinion] is an epic poem which symbolizes the journeys – both inner and outer – that one must undertake to achieve true and lasting happiness. • Note: Keep “I think,” “I feel,” and “I believe” statements out of your essay.

  6. An Introduction without Attention-grabbing Lead Sentence • In Harper Lee’s classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, many of the main characters display tremendous acts of courage. Many of these acts are so crucial to the story line that [CLAIM] it is clear Lee is making a statement about the importance of having courage, especially when a wrongdoing is occurring and needs to be righted.

  7. Quick Quiz So, it’s time to write an essay. Your topic is first selected. • 1.What should you do next? Answer: Write your claim.

  8. Supporting facts, or details, that help prove your claim Explanations regarding the meaning of each piece of supporting evidence A minimum of 3 to 4 pieces of evidence. Each fact is a new and unique fact that supports – helps prove – your claim. Body Paragraph Needs Evidence Reason(ing)!

  9. Evidence(Supporting Facts) • Evidence is facts from your literary source (books, journals, research articles, etc.). They are the facts that support your opinion. • Synonyms for evidence are: examples, descriptions, illustrations, support, proof, and quotes.

  10. Claim [Subject] The novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, [Opinion] reminds readers of the dangers of making assumptions. Evidence Your mission? Come up with one piece of evidence – a fact – that supports this claim. I’ll come around and check.

  11. Reason(Explaining the Evidence) • Once you’ve written your evidence, you have to explain the fact’s significance. In other words, why is this detail important; what does it show in relationship to what you are trying to prove? • After each piece of evidence, there should be at least two or three sentences to adequately explain the detail’s meaning:you know, break down each detail’s importance.

  12. One Fact Typically Requires Two Reason(ing) Sentences • I. First half of sentence explaining what the evidence shows. “This shows that…” • II. Second half of sentence explaining WHY evidence shows what you have said it shows. “This shows that… because…” • III. Second sentence is usually used to further explain why evidence shows what you say it shows and to clarify your reason from your first sentence more specifically.

  13. [Subject] The novel Bless the Beasts and Children, written by Glendon Swarthout, [Opinion] is a story that illustrates the dangers of poor parenting. [Evidence] For example, Goodenow’s mother allowed him to sleep in the same bed as her until he was twelve-years old. [Reason] This is an excellent example of poor parentingbecause when a mother allows a son to do this beyond the age of a toddler, she is unknowingly creating an overly dependent child, a child that will have difficulty separating himself from his mother. Further, such a dependency – as psychologists will tell you – causes the child to have great difficulty functioning in the world without the presence of his mother, thus crippling him when he tries to make it on his own.

  14. What Have You Learned? In an essay, what must the first paragraph have? A formal claim What two crucial items must your body paragraph contain? Briefly explain each. Evidence and Reason(ing) explaining the Evidence. Evidence is the facts/supportive details. Reason(ing) explains what those facts Mean in relationship to what you are trying to prove.

  15. The Introduction[An Outline] • Attention-Getter [AG] (See Handout) • Response To Attention-Getter [R2AG] Answer Question Comment On Attention-Getter Explain Meaning Of AG • Transition To Topic[T3] • Claim! [C] • Formula = AG + R2AG + T3 + C

  16. IV - B. Transitions • are the first part of your Concrete Detail • help you to go smoothly from Topic Sentence, or previous sentence, to Concrete Detail • examples of Transition starters: Though, Consequently, Even so, In fact, Furthermore, In addition, For example, Therefore, Still, On the other hand, Of course, Moreover, Further

  17. V. The Conclusion ParagraphThe Resolution to the Essay • Starts off with a Topic Sentence that somehow connects back to the Introduction • Follow TS by briefly summarizing your evidence (each fact and the reasoning used to explain evidence’s relevance). • After brief summary, quickly explain again how your evidence proves what you said you’d prove in your claim. • Near the paragraph’s end, restate your claim. But, word it somewhat differently from original.

  18. Beginning the Body Paragraphs 1. Write down the three (3) concrete details you will use to help prove your thesis statement. Skip a few lines between each one. 2.Now, below each concrete detail, write two sentences that explain the importance of the concrete detail and how it relates to your thesis.

  19. III. Pre - Writing A. Select Topic B. Write Thesis C. Write Intro D. CD Selection E. CD Commentary F. Outline IV. Body Paragraph Extras A. Topic Sentence B. Transitions C. Concluding Sentence D.Body Paragraph Visual Pre-Writing Outline &Body Paragraph Extras

  20. III. Pre-WritingF. Outline [Main Idea] TKAM about importance of courage when wrongdoing occurring • Courage displayed by Finch Family A. Atticus representing Robinson 1. courage b/c of racist town, 2. And represents black man as he would have anyone

  21. Pre-Writing Outline (Cont.) B. Jem protects Scout from Ewell 1. courage b/c he could’ve died, 2. and overcomes fear to act • Courage displayed by other characters A. Boo saves Jem & Scout from Ewell 1. Courage b/c rarely leaves safety of his own house, 2. and risked his life to aid another B. Mrs. Dubose kicks morphine

  22. IV - A. Topic Sentence • is the first sentence of a body paragraph • provides bridge from previous paragraph to next paragraph, makes change smooth • is the sentence that you organize your entire paragraph around Example: [Bridge] Though the Finch Family provides excellent examples of courage, [TS] there are others from the novel who give us a splendid depiction of courage.

  23. IV - C. Concluding Sentence • is(are) the last sentence(s) in a body paragraph • briefly summarizes your key pieces of evidence • gives the paragraph that finished feeling Example: Both Atticus and Jem responded with courage despite the fear-inducing obstacles that confronted them. In their hearts, they wanted only to right what to them was an obvious wrong.

  24. IV - D. Body Paragraph Visual • Topic Sentence • Transition • Concrete Detail • Two Sentences of Commentary • Transition • Concrete Detail • Two Sentences of Commentary • Concluding Sentence(s)

  25. VI. Reminders & Helpful Hints • For each CD, your Commentary must explain how the CD helps prove your Thesis. For example, if you’re trying to prove that a character is courageous, start your CM sentence by saying, “This shows that the character is courageous because …” Or, for “TTT” essays: “This symbolizes childhood because…”

  26. VI. Reminders & Hints(continued) • Typically, you want to organize your CDs to make the most powerful piece of evidence occur last so it’s fresh in the readers mind at the essay’s end. Or… • Organize CDs chronologically so they are in the order that they occurred in the text.

  27. VI. Reminders & Hints(continued) • What’s the most important thing to do after you’ve completed your essay? Read it out loud, at least twice. In this manner you will catch many errors, both grammatical/technical errors and errors in logic.

  28. Reminders & Hints(continued) • Finally, as you’re reading through your essay, ask yourself repeatedly if your CDs and CMs are connecting back to your Thesis. Are they helping to prove what you said you were going to prove in your Thesis? • One More: Keep CDs short and specific, Write a TS that is broad in its scope.

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