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Understand the importance of active reading and annotating to make meaning from text. Learn strategies such as visualizing, paraphrasing, questioning, and graphic representation to enhance comprehension and critical thinking. Discover how active reading helps construct personal interpretations of texts.

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  2. HOW DO WE MAKE MEANING FROM TEXT? Adoccring to rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it doesn’t mttaer in what order the ltteers in a word are, the only iprmoatnt thing is that the frist and lsatltteer be in the rghitpclae. The rset can be a taotlmses and you can siltlraed it wouthitporbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mind deos not raederveylteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.

  3. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO READ ACTIVELY? Readers bring different experiences and knowledge to a reading experience meaning, each reader will construct a different interpretation of a text. Active reading allows individual readers to construct meaning by initiating a dialogue between reader and text. Active Reading Involves: • Visualizing • Paraphrase • Questioning • Graphic Representation

  4. What does it mean to VISUALIZE a text? Visualizing means to actively picture the details of what is written. This is NOT the picture the author puts in your mind, but is instead a reader working to focus on exactly what the text says and connecting details to your own understanding. It means more of your mind is working during reading. What do I do? • Doodle in the margins, draw pictures with accurate details • Circle/highlight words and phrases that contain the details • Consciously connect details from text to your own knowledge for comparison

  5. What does it mean to PARAPHRASE a text? To paraphrase means to put into your own words in order to clarify. The point of paraphrase is to make complicated text, less complicated so you will have to break text into smaller pieces and work to translate the what the text says into what you say. What do I do? • Chunk text into recognizable sections • Rewrite significant details in your own words in margins • Mark shifts in structure and meaning

  6. What does it mean to QUESTION a text? Readers question the text to clarify and to maintain a purpose for reading, thus connecting the reader to the text. Questions can be THICK and require inference, interpretation, and argument. They can also be THIN and require simple factual information to answer. What do I do? • Note when new information appears with a question in the margin • Think aloud before, during, and after reading • Ask “what am I suppose to think?” and “do I agree or disagree?”

  7. What does it mean to GRAPHICALLY REPRESENT a text? Graphic representation is a reflective skill that requires the readers to reorganize and interpret their understanding of a text. Instead of analyzing, graphic organizers require you to synthesize, put the pieces of understanding together in a new, artistic representation to realize a deeper meaning What do I do? • Write structural signifiers in margins • Create comprehensive outlines, brainstorms, graphs, charts, or pictures • SPACE CAT

  8. How do I show ACTIVE READING? ANNOTATION Annotating a text is the process of marking the main ideas , mapping the development of ideas, commenting in margins and reflecting on a text. Successful readers develop an individualized system of annotation and use it. All text must be annotated in this class. What do I do? • MARK • MAP • COMMENT • REFLECT


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