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EURO  - Introduction

This introduction provides an update on the status of EUROnu, including milestones and deliverables, costing and safety considerations, and the PRSTAB paper. It also discusses future plans and opportunities for measurement and collaboration.

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EURO  - Introduction

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  1. EURO - Introduction • Welcome • Status of EUROnu • Milestones and deliverables • Costing and safety • PRSTAB paper • Strategy • Future

  2. Since Last Meeting • Only 2.5 months to go! • (DB, R, T2K, DC) • Some things to measure: • δ • mass hierarchy • Global fits from Fogli et al

  3. Since Last Meeting • Opportunity for us! Enrique Fernandez-Martinez & Pilar Coloma • LENF: 1.4x1021 decays per year, 100 kt mass MIND at 2000 km • BB100: gamma=100, with 1.3/3.5x1018 decays for Ne/He, 10-2 • atmospheric background suppression, 500 kt WC detector • SPL: 4 MW proton driver, 500 kt WC detector • CN2GS: 0.8 MW, 500 kt WC detector at GS (730 km) • CN2PY: 0.8 MW,100 kt LAr at 2300 km • 10 years total running • 5%/10% systematics for signal/backgrd

  4. Since Last Meeting

  5. Since Last Meeting • Opportunity for us! • At this meeting: • Discuss input to Strategy Review • Reach consensus • Decide our future • Finish our work • Write up before SR deadline: 31st July • Provide our input to Strategy Review

  6. Deliverables

  7. Deliverables

  8. Deliverables

  9. Milestones

  10. Milestones

  11. Milestones

  12. Publications • Reminders • All EUROnu pubs should be on or linked to EUROnu website • All should have a EUROnu number – see website • All should have EC acknowledgement – see website • Some are protected – you need to login to see them • If you need a login, email me

  13. Publications

  14. Meetings • All meetings should be on the web • “Meeting” means anything: - involving discussions between >1 people - uses EUROnu travel funds (EC or matching) • Meetings are included in finance reports • Better that they can be found on website • They also must be listed in annual report

  15. Costing and Safety • See next two presentations • Costing is my biggest concern in EUROnu - very important - must do the best we can • Members of the costing panel doing good job • But: - limited resources - costing tool not as helpful as we hoped • Still, progress being made

  16. Super Beam Costing

  17. Costing Neutrino Factory

  18. Beta Beam

  19. Special edition of Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerator and Beams • Standard journal for accelerator science – high rating • Papers will be peer reviewed • Structure: - Summary of EUROnu: Edgecock/Wildner - Physics performance: WP6 - For each WP + Overview + Papers on specific topics • All papers should be standalone, but part of the “set” • Deadline: 31st July! • Final report will come from these EUROnu Paper

  20. All speakers should be able to upload to Indico • Please upload your talks! • Much work done in EUROnu • A lot of progress made • Must now finish off! • Exploit opportunities from: - - Strategy Review • Important we reach a consensus! • Thank you for all your efforts! Final Remarks

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