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Herbal medicine and herb-drug interactions

Herbal medicine and herb-drug interactions. Charlotte Gyllenhaal, Ph.D. Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy and Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment 6-1870, gyllenha@uic.edu. Outline. Evidence for herb-drug interactions

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Herbal medicine and herb-drug interactions

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  1. Herbal medicine andherb-drug interactions Charlotte Gyllenhaal, Ph.D. Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy and Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment 6-1870, gyllenha@uic.edu

  2. Outline • Evidence for herb-drug interactions • Pharmacokinetic (PK) versus pharmacodynamic (PD) interactions • St. John’s wort • Warfarin • Miscellaneous • Herb-drug interactions and surgical/dental procedures • Use of computer databases for clinical questions

  3. Learning objectives • Distinguish between pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions. • Know the principal pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions of St John’s Wort, i.e. induction of CYP450 3A4, and serotonin syndrome/photosensitivity • Know the main reasons for herb-drug interactions with warfarin, i.e. vitamin K activity; decreased GI absorption or CYP450 2C9 metabolism; and herbs that decrease platelet aggregation or thromboxane synthesis or have coumarin content. • Know the main reasons for caution with herbs and surgery or dental procedures, i.e., herbal anticoagulants (cause bleeding), sedative or stimulant herbs (modify anesthesia). • Know principles for clinical coping with herb-drug interactions

  4. Evidence for herb-drug interactions • Case reports • Underreported? 70% “don’t ask-don’t tell” • Lab studies • Define mechanisms • Recent interest in CYP450 induction • Not necessarily borne out in trials • Human studies – interpret with caution • Trials using probe drugs • May be too short or expensive • May be done on healthy population (not always) • Genetic polymorphisms • Multiple drug/herb users, elderly patients De Smet, Br J Clin Pharm 2006; 63:258-67

  5. Drug Interaction Resolution • Require dosage adjustments • Temporary or complete elimination of one or the other agent to avoid serious consequences • Close monitoring of the subject • Total change of drug therapy

  6. PK vs PD review • PK: absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination (ADME) • CYP450, PgP • Absorption from GI tract (laxatives) • PD: pharmacological function • Anticoagulant drugs plus anticoagulant herbs • Sedative herbs plus anesthesia • Negative • Most • Positive or synergistic • Possible PD or PK • Decrease side effects

  7. Prevalence: Canadian seniors • Canadian seniors with osteoarthritis • Survey, n = 191. Average 2.8 prescriptions, 1.9 self-care products • Potential interactions detected using standard databases • 214 instances, 14% possible clinical significance • 7 herbs/supplements, associated with 5 clinically insignificant interactions • 1 recommendation to stop medications (dilatiazem + atrorvastatin -> statin side effects intensified) • Clinically significant interactions may be rare – but thus easier to forget about and harder to monitor! Putnam, Can Fam Physician 2006; 52:340-45

  8. Prevalence: Mayo Clinic • 6 specialty areas • Survey of 1795 patients; 39.6% used supplements • Potential interactions detected using Lexi-Interact (available on PDA) • 107 interactions with potential clinical significance • Garlic, valerian, kava, ginkgo and St. John’s wort accounted for most potential interactions – 68% • Antithrombotics, sedatives, antidepressants, and antidiabetics most involved in interactions – 94% • No patient was seriously harmed by herb-drug interaction Sood et al. 2008; 121(3):207-11

  9. St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) • Mild-moderate depression; multiple clinical trials, fewer AEs than conventional drugs • Case reports suggesting PK interactions (most important of SWJ interactions) • Lab and clinical studies indicate PK interactions: • CYP450 3A4 mechanism • short-term inhibition • Long-term induction; of most importance clinically • Reduces various drugs to subtherapeutic levels • Hyperforin, an active constituent, is a ligand for the xenobiotic pregnane X receptor -> CYP450 3A4

  10. St John’s wort (SJW) • Other PK interactions • P-glycoprotein (PgP): involved in multidrug resistance, acts as a pump to remove drugs from cells • SJW induces; thus removes drugs from cells • Also regulates MDR-1 (multidrug resistance gene) and other drug transporters Chavez, Life Sci 2006; 78:2146-57

  11. St. John’s wort: PK interactions • Human trial with irinotecan (cancer) • Blood levels of active metabolite were reduced • Other drugs affected • Cyclosporin, tacrolimus, indinavir, nevirapine, imatinib, alprazolam, midazolam, amitriptyline, digoxin, fexofenadine, methadone, omeprazole, theophylline, verapamil, etoposide. • Human study with oral contraceptives indicating reduced OC exposure and breakthrough bleeding (pregnancies resulted). • Case of delayed emergence from general anesthesia observed. • Multiple potential interactions with oncology drugs (but rare use by oncology patients?). • Other CYP450s • May inhibit CYP1A2, does not inhibit CYP2D6, hyperforin inhibits CYP2C9 Murphy Contraception 2005; 71:402-8

  12. St. John’s wort • PD interactions • With other antidepressants • Serotonin syndrome • SJW has both SSRI and MAO inhibitor activity • Restlessness, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, hallucinations etc. • Case reports with buspirone, loperamil, nefazodone, paroxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine • Possible adrenergic crisis • MAO inhibitor activity (not major activity) • Photosensitivity • Active constituent hypericin is photosensitizing but generally not a problem with healthy persons. Potential interaction with other photosensitizing drugs?

  13. Clinical strategy • Avoid use with other medications unless checked out in an interaction database. Will have similar interaction profile to other CYP450 3A4 inducers. • Major drug-drug interaction pathway

  14. International Normalized Ratio (INR) and Stroke Warfarin (Coumadin) given as long-term therapy after stroke; dose is adjusted by periodic monitoring of INR

  15. Warfarin-herb interactions • Numerous drug-drug interactions: macrolides, NSAIDs, COX2s, SSRIs, omeprazole, 5FU etc (variable quality of evidence). • Possible pathways: Vitamin K activity lowers INR • Foods: leafy greens (healthy diet) • “Green drinks” – clinical interactions with oncology patients. Case reports with cranberry juice also. • Multivitamins (low vitamin K dose) • CoQ10: similar structure to vitamin K, but RCT found no effect on INR. Case reports suggest monitoring. Rhode, Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab 2007; 10:1-5 Engelsen, Throm Hemost 2002; 87:1075-6

  16. Warfarin-herb interactions • PK • decreased absorption from GI tract due to mucilage (comfrey, Iceland moss) or laxative herbs (senna, rhubarb etc) • CYP450 2C9 inhibition/induction, which metabolizes the active S-enantiomer of warfarin (saw palmetto, kava, bromelain possible but only lab data) • PD • Herbs that decrease platelet aggregation • Decreased thromboxane synthesis • Herbs with coumarin content (though coumarin is a relatively weak anticoagulant)

  17. Warfarin and Chinese herbs • Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) – ginsenosides may inhibit platelet aggregation (anticoagulant). 2 case reports of lowered or unsteady INR (procoagulant) • RCT in healthy volunteers showed no effect of Asian ginseng on INR, platelet aggregation. Vitamin K in extracts? Monitor closely. • American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) – RCT in healthy volunteers indicated moderately reduced INR, warfarin levels, AUC. Chavez, Life Sci 2006; 78:2146-57 Jiang, Br J Clin Pharm 2004; 57:592-9 Yuan, Ann Intern Med 2004; 141:23-7

  18. Warfarin and “G” herbs • Garlic (Allium sativum) – 2 case reports. Continuing ingestion of high levels of garlic or garlic oil can decrease platelet aggregation • Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) – Inconclusive results in studies in healthy volunteers but case reports exist. • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) –Preliminary human study indicates no effect on INR, but case reports suggest interaction • Green tea (Camellia sinensis) – Inhibits platelet synthesis of thromboxane (lab). Case report of decreased INR in patient drinking 1 gal/day green tea – vitamin K. Chavez, Life Sci 2006; 78:2146-57

  19. Warfarin and lipid-based agents • Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, algal formulas) – case report of increased INR with fish oil in a stabilized warfarin patient, 67-y/o female. • Strong antiinflammatory effects, but did not affect INR in an RCT. • Saw palmetto – lipid extract. Case report of intraoperative hemorrhage (w/o warfarin) and increased INR in 2 warfarin patients. Chavez, Life Sci 2006; 78:2146-57

  20. Case Report Female, age 76, hx of hypertension, osteoarthritis, gastropathy due to NSAIDs, atrial fibrillation, stroke: presents at ER with hematuria and bleeding gums. Meds: hydrochlorothiazide, warfarin, acetaminophen. No recent illnesses, antibiotics, diet change reported. CBC normal, previous INR was 2.1 but now 7.0

  21. Case Report Appropriate INR for stroke patients is 2.0-3.0. Elderly are at risk for bleeding d/t lower body weight, low vitamin K intake, drug interactions. Drug interactions include acetaminophen (not widely recognized): metabolized by 2C9, as is warfarin. Patient recently increased acetaminophen intake d/t osteoarthritis flare; cautioned to reduce dose, use daily (not intermittently) and monitor INR more frequently.

  22. Case Report INR at a therapeutic level for 6 m. Patient then returned with nosebleed and INR of 10. Acetaminophen, aspirin, warfarin doses had remained the same, no illnesses. Closer questioning revealed use of ginger for upset stomach – ginger tea and ginger root.

  23. Case Report Patient advised to stop ginger consumption & monitor INR more frequently; excessive anticoagulation stopped with iv vitamin K. Problem: ginger did not cause CYP450 interaction in pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic study and trials in healthy patients indicated only questionable clinical effect on coagulation Combined effect of ginger anticoagulant effect and acetaminophen 2C9 effect? Patient age? Very similar story for chamomile (very weak antiinflammatory effects). Lesho EP et al. Cleve Clinic J Med 2004; 71:651-655 Segal R et al CMAJ 2006; 174:1281-2

  24. Garlic (Allium sativum) • Drug Interactions: • Alters pharmacokinetic variables of acetaminophen • Clinical trial: Inhibits CYP2E1 • No effect on warfarin PK or PD in 2 clinical trials but 2 cases reported in one paper, ↓ INR • Produced hypoglycemia with chlorpropamide – case but bitter melon, another herbal hypoglycemic, also in curry that caused effect Izzo AA, Ernst E. Drugs, 2001, 61:2163-2175

  25. Garlic (Allium sativum) • Drug Interactions: • Saquinavir (Fortovase) study-10 healthy volunteers • AUC during the 8 hour dosing interval decreased by 51% • 10 day wash out needed before Cmax, AUC levels returned to 60-70% of normal • Ritonavir – possible interaction with garlic PK or PD, resulting in garlic toxicity to GI tract • Garlic and Protease Inhibitors should be avoided Clin Infect Dis, 2002, 34:234-238.

  26. Herbs and Statins • Pharmacodynamic interactions: the “herbal statins” (frequently in cholesterol-lowering supplements). Effect on statin side effects (liver, myalgia, rhabomyolysis)? Usually due to polypharmacy. • Red yeast rice (monacolin = lovastatin); case report of rhabdomyolysis with lovastatin and cyclosporine after initiating red yeast rice • pantethine (a stabilized form of vit B5 included in some cholesterol lowering supplments)artichokereishi mushroom tocotrienolspolicosanolguggulgarlicfish oil (also raises LDL cholesterol) possibly goldenseal resveratrol plant stanols chlorogenic acid (coffee, though not absorbed easily)luteolin (parsley, peppers)luteolin 7-0-glucoside (dandelion flower) Armitage 2007; Lancet 370; 1781-90; NAPRALERT; naturalstandard.org

  27. Herbs and Statins • Pharmacokinetic interactions: • CYP450 3A4: lovatstatin, simvastatin, atrorvastatin. • CYP 2C9: fluvastatin, rouvastatin, pitavastatin • Herb/supplement 3A4 and 2C9 inhibitors/inducers: • berberine Oregon grape (contains berberine) • bromelain resveratrol • cranberry St. John’s wort • DHEA schizandra • uncaria • feverfew • Also grapefruit juice

  28. Ginkgo Cases/trials on interactions: • Aspirin – hyphema • Acetaminophen - bilateral subdural hematomas • Warfarin - intracerebral hemorrhage but no effect in 2 clinical trials • Ibuprofen -- cerebral hemorrhage • Rofecoxib – bleeding, case report • Valproate: 2 cases of seizures • Risperidone – priapism; vasodilating effect of both substances? • Induction of CYP2C19 – clinical trial, case report. Possible/weak effects on CYPs 3A4 and 2C9

  29. Ginkgo and psychotropics • Female with Alzheimer disease was switched from bromazepam and vitamin E to trazodone and ginkgo. Lapsed into a coma (later reversed). • Antioxidant effect may result in enhanced activity of haloperidol (antipsychotic). • Ginkgo – 2 case reports of interaction with phenelzine (MAO inhibitor); insomnia, headache, irritability Galluzzi, J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 68:679-80 Zhang, J Clin Psychopharm 21:85-88

  30. One case report of coma induced by a combination of kava and alprazolam-a benzodiazepine Extrapyramidal side effects-4 cases of dopamine antagonism-oral, lingual and trunk dyskinesia (spasmodic movements) Inhibition of CYP2E1 – clinical trial Do not combine with alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers or CYP2E1 substrates Kava (Piper methysticum)

  31. Sore throat, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease Triterpene saponins-glycyrrhizin Prolonged use > 6weeks of >50 g/day-pseudaldosteronism Potassium depletion, sodium retention, edema, hypertension and weight gain Drug Interactions Thiazide and loop diuretics, cardiac glycosides Antihypertensives Spironolactone or amiloride Only clinically significant in cases of excessive use, however… appears with excessive licorice candy Possible with multiple use of herbal formulas containing licorice (ie in Chinese formulas) Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

  32. Licorice: positive interaction Small trial of women being treated for polycystic ovary syndrome with spironolactone (antiandrogen and diuretic – PCOS due to high androgen levels), which has side effects of diuresis, low blood pressure, volume depletion. 20% of drug-alone, none of drug + licorice had symptoms, also metrorrhagia due to spironolactone improved. Also useful due to estrogenic effect of licorice. Armanini Eur J Obst Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2007; 131:61-7

  33. Herbal laxatives • Decrease blood levels of drugs by shortening gastrointestinal transit time • Increase potassium loss • Common herbal laxatives: aloe, cascara sagrada, rhubarb, senna Abebe W, 2003. J Dental Hygiene 77(1):37-46

  34. Other potential interactions • Ephedra (diet pills) – illegal in US but possibly obtained internationally/Internet. Increase in blood pressure, thus contraindicated with antihypertensives and stimulants (e.g. caffeine). • Black Cohosh (menopausal symptoms) – although debated, some expert analyses suggest rare hepatoxicity, thus should not be used with hepatoxic drugs.

  35. Other possible interactions • Tamoxifen – inhibitors of CYP2D6 should not be taken because of metabolism of prodrug to its active form. Genetic polymorphism in population. Several antidepressants are strong inhibitors but SJW is weak if at all. Valerian in vitro activity. Goldenseal – strong inhibition in clinical trial. • Chinese herbs – Scutellaria species – induction of CYP2E1, 2C9. Angelica dahurica – inhibited CYP1A2 (but no effect of Angelica tenuissima). Hundreds of other Asian herbs with no info.

  36. Surgery and Dental Procedures Drug interactions and physiological reactions: CNS herbs: potential PD interactions with anesthesia: Valerian, kava, St. John’s wort (PK interaction also), lavender, passionflower, lemon balm, ashwaganda, ginseng, ephedra). Midazolam – SJW, goldenseal and possibly ginkgo PK effects but ginkgo studies are contradictory Blood sugar – ginseng, bitter melon, chromium, fenugreek, cinnamon Ang-Lee, JAMA 2001; 286:208-16

  37. Surgery and Dental Procedures Anticoagulant herbs: post-op bleeding and interaction with aspirin or other NSAIDs that may cause bleeding. Garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, feverfew. Angelica, asafoetida, anise, astragalus, arnica, bogbean, bromelain, borage seed, capsicum, clove, curcumin, dong quai, fenugreek, fish oil, green tea, horsechestnut, juniper, licorice, meadowsweet, onion, pau d’arco, parsley, passionflower, quassia, red clover, reishi, salvia, turmeric, willow.

  38. Surgery and Dental Procedures Stop herb and supplement use 7-14 days prior to surgery. All pre-surgical patients should be questioned about herb/supplement use to determine recent consumption of anticoagulant or drug-interacting herbs.

  39. Dental procedures: herb side effects • Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium): mouth sores and irritation if leaves are chewed • Feverfew, ginkgo: gingival bleeding due to anticoagulant effect • Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) and kava (Piper methysticum): tongue numbness • St John’s wort: xerostomia • Yohimbine (Pausinystalia yohimbe): salivation

  40. Apthous ulcers and licorice Clinical trial, disssolving oral patch with glycyrrhizin (compound from licorice) in aphthous ulcer: Control and patch groups were similar in levels of stimulated pain at baseline. By visit 3 (3 days) the treatment group had less pain. larger reduction in ulcer size. Martin M. IADR/AADR/CADR 85th General Session and Exhibition (March 21-24, 2007)

  41. Clinical coping • Counteract “don’t ask-don’t tell” • Open and nonjudgmental discussion • Follow up herb use found in case histories • Explain importance of potential interactions • Avoid SJW and warfarin interactions • Patients on complicated medical regimens should avoid herbs and supplements unless carefully screened/supervised

  42. Checking for herb-drug interactions • Natural Standard (www.naturalstandard.com). Subscription service. • Partial database at MedlinePlus.gov • Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database (www.naturaldatabase.com). Subscription service. • Lexi-Interact. Subscription service (www.lexi-comp.com) • MicroMedex – Altmedex. Subscription service (www.micromedex.com) • Some subscription services give indications of interactions according to class of drugs and may thus be excessively broad in definitions of interactions.

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