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George Eliot Primary School. Headteacher – Beatrix Simpson. Background. GEPS is a two form entry, multi-cultural, multi-faith, urban community school in north Westminster. There are 457 pupils on role, 98% ethnic minorities, 93% EAL, 30% SEN, 58% FSM
George Eliot Primary School Headteacher – Beatrix Simpson
Background • GEPS is a two form entry, multi-cultural, multi-faith, urban community school in north Westminster. • There are 457 pupils on role, 98% ethnic minorities, 93% EAL, 30% SEN, 58% FSM • Historically, two schools on a shared site – GEJS & GEIS • 2006 – GEJS ‘Notice to Improve’ • 2007 – GEJS ‘Good’ • 2009 – GEJS English subject survey ‘Outstanding’ • 2009 – GEIS ‘Special Measures’ • 2011 – GEPS featured in ‘Excellence in English’ • 2011 – GEJS and GEIS amalgamated • 2012 – GEPS ‘Outstanding’
Adaptable leadership • No one single model of leadership could fit all schools; they vary too much in terms of size, catchment areas, vision, culture, intellectual capacity and professional maturity of staff. • A leadership style or management structure that works well in one school may be totally unsuitable in another; indeed, they could become unsuitable over time, even in the school where they were once effective.
Shared leadership: a productive approach at GEP • Learning by doing • Providing a pool of potential leaders • Structured CPD • Clear management structures and systems • Effective leaders- outstanding teachers, able to model lessons • Hands on approach by the HT and DHT • DHT – line management of core subject leaders • Extended Senior Leadership Team • Passion for English • Communication
Structures and Monitoring at GEP • We use effective tracking systems to enable rigorous pupil progress meetings • We ensure all staff are held to account for pupil progress • At GEP we ensure that monitoring by subject leaders is rigorous and systematic enough to have sufficient influence on improving outcomes for all pupils • We delegate but hold leaders accountable • Subject leaders should be the first to identify and tackle underperformance
Subject Leader Interviews • Task
Structures and Monitoring English Action Plan
Transformational leadership at GEP Effective leaders at George Eliot Primary School focus on teaching and learning as their principal aim and core function. This involves nurturing a shared vision through motivating, inspiring, influencing, challenging and supporting all members of the school community to develop their own and their pupils’ aspirations and expectations.
Curriculum An original and distinct curriculum for any subject that requires improvement English- for GEP A curriculum to suit the needs of our pupils: • is highly structured • enables whole school consistency • targets EAL pupils and delivers an inclusive approach to learning • encourages speaking, listening and thinking skills • motivates boys • is emotionally intelligent • draws on pupils' experiences but strives to broaden their horizons • teaches basic skills discretely
Curriculum and Assessment • Formative Assessment • All 4 aspects of AfL are embedded: • A Focus on learning - • Effective questioning - • Formative feedback - • Reflection and Evaluation - • Formative assessment MUST feedback into planning • Example: pupils complete a piece of independent writing. After the lesson, QLA style marking is conducted (for writing, this would focus on SSP, TSO, CE). Marking reveals that cohort is weak in their use of spatial openers and linking paragraphs together. This informs planning for subsequent week - particularly big writing and talk for writing foci.
Impact Overall English data In 2011, we were ranked 47th nationally (out of 20,000) for VA. This puts us in the 1st percentile for achievement.
Ofsted May 2012 Our recent Ofsted report quotes: • ‘The school successfully closes any gaps in attainment between its many different groups of pupils because it makes excellent use of assessment information to support each group...achievement is outstanding.’ • ‘Pupils’ reading and writing skills by Year 6 are particularly impressive.’ • Pupils are mature in managing their own behaviour and this is supported significantly by the school’s innovative curriculum, which provides excellent opportunities for focused debate.’ • The school’s promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptional; its curriculum development has ensured that pupils significantly broaden their view of the world and consider ethical and moral issues with great confidence.’
OFSTED – new framework • Quality of leadership in, and management of, the school • Inspection examines the impact of all leaders, including those responsible for governance, and evaluates how efficiently and effectively the school is managed. In particular, inspection focuses on how effectively leadership and management at all levels promote improved teaching, as judged within the context of the school, and enable all pupils to overcome specific barriers to learning, for example through the effective use of the pupil premium.
Quality of leadership in, and management of, the school • Inspectors will consider the extent to which leaders and managers: • demonstrate an ambitious vision for the school and high expectations of all pupils and teachers • improve the school and develop its capacity for sustained improvement by developing high quality teaching, leadership capacity and high professional standards among all staff • ensure that all teaching staff benefit from appropriate professional development and that performance is rigorously managed
Quality of leadership in, and management of, the school • accurately evaluate the school’s strengths and weaknesses and use their findings to promote improvement • provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils, enables all pupils to achieve their full educational potential and make progress in their learning, and promotes their good behaviour and safety and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development • engage parents in supporting pupils’ achievement, behaviour and safety and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Ofsted • Preparation – SEF, Data, CRB records • Management – Timetables • Feedback from staff – ongoing