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Play The Easter Game and help children remember Easter symbols while engaging in fun exercises for math, logic, and language development. Adjust the rules to suit the kids' progress.
Creativity and thinking developing game will help the young ones remember Easter symbols. • Find a game dice and play the game. Rules can be changed according to the development of kids. • Pressing the Easter egg icon will open a mathematical, logical or language exercise. Play
finish Start
TheEastersymbolis: a pumpkin a rabbit Rudolphthereindeer Return to thegame
FindtheEasteregg Return to thegame
Easter is celebrated in: summer spring winter Return to thegame
Check and repeat the name of the colors Return to thegame red blue yellow golden purple brown
Where is the Easter willow? Return to thegame
Find 3 differences Return to thegame
10 9 15 26 11 Count the Easter eggs Return to thegame
Cross-out the given numbers. The number that is left will tell how many eggs the hen laid. 1234 1350 3554 4568 6750 7655 8749 11786 23676 40596 Return to thegame Check
ColortheEasteregg Return to thegame
Help the chicken find the Easter egg Return to thegame
How many Easter eggs have fallen out of the rabbit’s basket? Return to thegame
Spellingthewordfromthemixedletterswilltellyouwhichholidayisn‘tcelebratedonthesameday. D R H Y B A I T Return to thegame Check
B Y I R T A H D Return to thegame
How many Easter eggs are hanging on the branches? Return to thegame
Help the rabbit write an Easter greeting Return to thegame
The game was created by the deaf educator-expert SigitaKoroliove of Klaipeda deaf and hearing impaired primary school. Picturesfrom