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Choosing & Using Assessments, the Intake Process and Effective Case Management

Learn about the importance of using effective assessment tools in the intake process for effective case management. Explore the Youth Assessment & Screening Instrument (YASI) as a comprehensive and evidence-informed tool for reducing recidivism.

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Choosing & Using Assessments, the Intake Process and Effective Case Management

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  1. Choosing & Using Assessments, the Intake Process and Effective Case Management Liz Shulman, LMFT Clinical Consultant Middletown JRB

  2. Middletown JRB • Small City-Sized Community (population approx. 50,000) • Reformed 10 years ago under Middletown YSB • Discontinued accepting referrals for status offenses; Only accepting delinquent referrals now • Multi-layer & Individualized Interventions • 33 Average Yearly JRB Referrals (since 2011) • Referral Volume  Importance of using effective assessment tool

  3. Middletown JRB Process • Philosophical Background • Intentionality • Warm/Welcoming • Empowerment • Building Relationships

  4. Middletown JRB Process • Case Management

  5. Structure of JRB Intake Process • Referral Received from Police/Juvenile Court • Schedule JRB Assessment Date & Call to Confirm • Formal Letter Mailed Home • Review Police Report/Documentation • Obtain School Records (MPS Only) • JRB Assessment

  6. Welcome to Middletown Youth Service Bureau

  7. Welcome to Middletown Youth Service Bureau

  8. Intake Process/Assessment Warm & Welcoming Refreshments Offered Supportively Direct Approach

  9. Choosing Assessments • Previous Tool Used • Global Risk Assessment Device (Ohio State Univ.) • Research Process • Lengthy & Cumbersome Process • Information Gathering • Priorities/Key Elements Desired in the Assessment Tool • Philosophical Foundation

  10. Choosing Assessments • Key Elements: • Juvenile Justice Population • Comprehensive (i.e. Biopsychosocial) • Risk & Needs Assessment • Strength-Based • Validity Tested/Evidence-Informed Tool • Ultimately, a tool that would assist in development of appropriate case planning/interventions to reduce the likelihood of a youth reoffending

  11. Youth Assessment & Screening Instrument (YASI) • Publisher/Distributor: Orbis Partners, Inc. • Measures: Risk of Recidivism • Population: Juvenile Offenders • Population Age: 12 – 18 year olds • Background Information: Adapted version of the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment (late 90’s) • Current States Using the YASI: * • New York - Vermont • Virginia - Illinois • California (Custody version for youth) • Mississippi - Internationally

  12. Overview of the YASI • Pre-Screen vs. Full Assessment • Number of Items • Pre-Screen: 30 items • Full Version: 90 items • Length of Time (determined by Orbis Partners) • Pre-Screen: 20-40 minutes • Full Version: 30-60 minutes • Cost • $500/year (Assessment & Case Planning Software) • $400/person (e-Training for additional staff)

  13. YASI – Content & Style • 10 Domains • Legal History • Family • School • Community/Peers • Alcohol & Drugs • Mental Health • Aggression • Attitudes (pro-social & anti-social) • Social/Cognitive Skills • Free Time/Employment

  14. YASI – Static & Dynamic Factors • Static: Historical & Unchanging • Examples: Legal history, family history of problems, school suspensions, history of trauma, violent behaviors • Dynamic: Changeable • Examples: Positive & negative family influences, attitude toward education, lack of empathy or receptivity toward change, deficits in problem solving/interpersonal skills, positive & negative peer influences, adult role models • *Focus on these for Interventions/Case Planning

  15. YASIPRE SCREEN-Paper Version

  16. YASI/CaseWorks Software

  17. Full Assessment Results/Narrative

  18. YASI – Case Planning

  19. Effective Case Management • Assessment Tool • Serves as a catalyst for effective case management • More knowledge of the youth, the better able to identify appropriate interventions and services • Collateral Contacts • Existing • Any New Referrals

  20. YASI Implementation • Training by Orbis Partners, Inc. • e-Training Option • Training Components • Customization • Orbis Partners, Inc. can customize the software to meet individual community/user needs • More Information • http://orbispartners.com/assessment/youth-assessment-yasi/ • Contact Liz Shulman at 860-854-6030 or lizslmft@gmail.com • This PowerPoint Presentation will be available on the CYSA Website: • http://www.ctyouthservices.org/

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