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How can you Recognize Stained Teeth

Certain foods and drinks that you consume can cause your teeth to become stained. Also, regular use of tobacco can turn your teeth into dark yellow or brown color. Poor hygiene is a major cause of stained teeth. Also, certain diseases and other biological factors lead to staining. The given slideshow will help you to easily recognize stained teeth.

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How can you Recognize Stained Teeth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Can You Recognize Stained Teeth?

  2. For many people, the appearance of their teeth can make or break their self-esteem.

  3. Crooked, chipped, or stained teeth are seen as undesirable & embarrassing.

  4. Here we will discuss about tooth stains & what leads to stained teeth.

  5. What causes teeth staining?

  6. There are several things that can cause your teeth to become stained.

  7. You should take note of the cause & tell your trusted dentist about it.

  8. Your diet

  9. Certain foods and drinks that you ingest can cause your teeth to become stained.

  10. The most common are dark sodas, tea, coffee, and red wine.

  11. However, a few fruits and vegetables like berries and beets can also cause staining.

  12. They will turn your teeth yellow, brown, or slightly red depending on the food eaten.

  13. Tobacco usage

  14. Repeated tobacco use can cause your teeth to turn dark yellow & progress to murky brown.

  15. Poor hygiene

  16. You should listen to your dentist’s advice of brushing & flossing twice daily.

  17. If cavities weren’t enough to scare you away from skipping your dental routine.

  18. Then when you smile your teeth will appear with a coat of yellow stain.

  19. Disease

  20. Certain diseases and other biological factors lead to staining.

  21. Especially if your health issues prevented your tooth enamel from developing when you were a child.

  22. Medicine and other medical treatments

  23. Some medications and medical treatments can cause your teeth to become stained.

  24. These include chemotherapy, some antipsychotic medicines, blood pressure medicines, and antihistamines.

  25. Are there different types of teeth stains?

  26. There are 3 different types of teeth stains that occur – extrinsic, intrinsic, and age-related stains-

  27. Extrinsic stains

  28. Extrinsic stains occur on the surface of your teeth due to dietary choices & tobacco usage.

  29. You can deal with this through regular dental cleanings & good hygiene practices.

  30. Intrinsic stains

  31. These stains go below the surface of your teeth & are difficult to deal with.

  32. Excessive fluoride use & treatments have been known to cause intrinsic staining.

  33. Age-related staining

  34. Age-related staining is inevitable as over the years, the dentin in your teeth yellows.

  35. It might not be visible at first but the coating allows the dentin to show through eventually.

  36. How do you know if your teeth are really stained?

  37. If you look in the mirror and notice that your teeth are an odd color, don’t panic just yet.

  38. Foods that you eat may discolor them for a couple of days and then fade as you brush your teeth properly.

  39. If the stains do not disappear, however, it may be time to see a dentist about your options.

  40. How to deal with stained teeth

  41. If the stains don’t go away when you brush, then you see a dentist.

  42. DIY methods can be ineffectual and dangerous for your dental health.

  43. If you need a dentist who can help, give Dental Group of Simi Valley a call.

  44. If you’re in the Simi Valley, CA area, then call us or make an appointment today.

  45. Visit Us https://www.dentalgroupofsimivalley.com/

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