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THIS IS ROTARY. 2010-2011. THIS IS ROTARY. Rotary is a global network of community volunteers.

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  1. THIS IS ROTARY 2010-2011

  2. THIS IS ROTARY Rotary is a global network of community volunteers. An Organization of 1.2 million business and professional leaders from more than 200 countries, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

  3. Rotary Founder Paul Harris In the Beginning . . . • The first Rotary Club was organized in Chicago in 1905, by Paul P. Harris. • He and three friends, Silvester Schiele, a coal dealer, Hiram Shorey, a merchant tailor, and Gustavus Loehr, a mining engineer, met in rotation at each other’s offices - thus the name Rotary.

  4. “Service Above Self” • Rotary was not long to recognize that fellowship alone would not keep a group together — there needed to be a purpose. • The first service project occurred in 1907, construction of Public Toilets in Chicago ­ addressing a real community need. • Rotary became the world’s first “service club”.

  5. Rotary is an International Organization • There are currently more than 33,000 clubs worldwide. • These are distributed in 200 countries throughout the world through 530 Districts. • That’s over 1.2 million members world-wide.

  6. Rotary has a Regional Component • Our club, The Rotary Club of Bakersfield West is in District 5240 which is comprised of 72 clubs with 3,702 members. • The District covers all of Kern County and extends from Agoura Hills, in Ventura County up to Paso Robles, in San Luis Obispo County and over to China Lake. • District supports local Rotary clubs •Frazier Park & Mountain Communities

  7. Rotary Theme2010-2011 District 5240 Governor Deepa Willingham Santa Ynez, CA Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith Missouri, USA • Annually each District elects a District Governor (but each club is an autonomous group). Rotary International is governed by a president and a board of directors elected from all over the world.

  8. The Rotary Club of Bakersfield West Chartered in 1975

  9. Object of Rotary The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.

  10. Guiding Principles of Rotary In particular, to encourage and foster 1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; 2. High ethical standards in business and professions; worthiness and dignifying of all occupations; 3. Application of the ideal of service to personal, business and community life; 4. Advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through united fellowship.

  11. ROTARY STANDARD of EXCELLENCE 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? THE FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do

  12. Women In Rotary • In 1988-89 women were admitted to Rotary. • For over 20 years, women have rejuvenated and transformed clubs worldwide. • Each year about 25% of the District 5240 club presidents are women. (36% in the 2009-2010 year.)

  13. Rotary International Programs Rotary Volunteers Community Corps Friendship Exchange Rotary Fellowships World Community Service Youth Exchange Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Interact Rotaract Opportunities for Service Current Club or District Projects • Rotary Foundation Programs • Polio Plus • Educational Programs • Group Study Exchange • Ambassador Scholarships • Rotary World Peace Scholarships • Rotary Grants for University Teachers • Humanitarian Grants • District Simplified Grants • Individual Grants • Matching Grants • Local Grants

  14. Polio Eradication Progress 1985 350,000 cases each year 125 countries 1988 10% polio free countries 2005 70% polio free countries

  15. Progress 2006 4 endemic countries, the lowest in history Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan

  16. Bakersfield West Rotary Opportunities within Bakersfield-West Rotary • The Opportunity to Serve − giving back to the community. • Professional Networking − work with business and professional leaders in serving others. • Personal Growth and Development − enhance your leadership skills, as well as gain experience in public speaking and communication, organization and planning, team building, fundraising, and teaching. • Friendship − fellowship and building enduring relationships. • Cultural Diversity − experiencing diverse business and professional practices and promoting cultural tolerance.

  17. Bakersfield West Rotary Continuing Rotary International Program Support • Rotary Foundation Fellows • Interact Clubs • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards • Rotary Youth Exchange • Rotaract Club of Bakersfield • Polio-Plus • Rotary Volunteers

  18. Bakersfield West Rotary Foundation Projects • Foundation Grants for local projects is offered twice a year, as requested by members. • Committee prioritizes list to match club goals. • Foundation Board decides on selection(s). • Bakersfield West Rotary Foundation sponsors as many of these projects as possible.

  19. Bakersfield West Rotary Projects Major fund-raiser is the: • Annually held March/April at Garces Memorial High School. • Proceeds are for Bakersfield West Rotary Foundation projects and designated community organizations. • All club members are expected to participate in committees and to be there for the event. Cioppino Feed

  20. Bakersfield West Rotary Major Community Service Projects • Approximately $300,000 currently in Bakersfield West Foundation PAST FOUNDATION RECIPIENTS • $75,000 community Mobile Blood Bank • in conjunction with the 6-clubs of Bakersfield • Bakersfield Homeless Center • Women’s Dormitory Finishing Project • Youth Center Paint Project • CASA • MARE • Boys and Girls Club • Ronald McDonald House

  21. Bakersfield West Rotary Major International Service Projects • $3,500 matching Grant funds for Hospital equipment to St. Jude’s in Lebanon • Partnership with Rotary Club of Lebanon and another District in Arizona • $1,000 discovery Grant for hospital equipment to Haiti • $5,000 for Tsunami Relief for rebuilding of homes and school facilities

  22. Rotary International Foundation “World Peace through Understanding”

  23. Rotary International Foundation Promotes World Understanding and Peace • Works for a polio-free world • Care for the children of the world • Feeds the hungry of the world • Provides educational opportunities • Preserves planet earth

  24. Districts You The Source of Rotary Foundation Funding Clubs

  25. Paul Harris FellowsSustainersBenefactors • Many Bakersfield West Rotarians, spouses and friends are Paul Harris Fellows. • Over 20 members and partners are Benefactors of the Permanent Fund. • Many now donate a small amount each quarter when paying their dues.

  26. Bakersfield West Rotary We implement the objects of Rotary through distinct Avenues of Service

  27. Those things that a Rotarian does to help make successful the running of the local club. Urges every Rotarian to participate in all activities which make the community a better place in which to live. Encourage and foster the advancement of understanding and good will among people of the world. The promoting of the “ideal of service” throughout the business and professional world. Support a variety of youth-oriented service projects and programs that help young people prepare for the future.

  28. Bakersfield West Rotary Club Committee Structure

  29. Bakersfield West Rotary Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Bakersfield West includes its Officers: President: Jim Darling2010-11 Vice President: Mike Rubiy2009-10 President Elect: Ricki Foster 2011-12 Secretary: Gary Sager Treasurer: Grady Buck Sergeant-at-Arms: Ralph Adame

  30. Bakersfield West Rotary . . . .and its Nine Directors: Vocational Service: Greg Lockard Community Service: Jeremy Zoch Club Service: Jacquelyn Jans New Generations: Angie Paquette Communications: Brad Henderson Rotary Foundation: Bryan Lynn Membership: Ricki Foster International Service: Danny Dane Director at Large: Barry Rosenfeld A new board is selected to take office on July 1 of each year. All positions in Rotary are one year terms that change July 1.

  31. Bakersfield West Rotary Annual Activities • CSUB Athletics Fundraiser: October 14, 2010 • President’s Cocktail Party: December 11, 2010 • Christmas Luncheon: December 15, 2010 • Charter Night: January 14, 2011 • Valentine Luncheon: February 9, 2011 • Cioppino Feed March 26, 2011 • Professional Assistant’s Day: April 27, 2011 • CSUB Athletics Fundraiser: May 12, 2011 • Demotion: June 24, 2011

  32. As A New Member… • Attend Rotary Information meeting • Red Badge period (6-8 weeks) • Assigned mentor • “Make up” @ other Rotary Club, Interact • Meet/Greet Rotary members • Obtain signatures of all members • Attend service project/committee meeting • Volunteer for service on committee • Not miss 3 consecutive meetings (circumstance) • Receive Blue Badge

  33. Your Rotary Obligations Participation • To be a Rotarian you must give of your time and talents: • in Community service work. • in offering your Vocational expertise to serve. • in Club activities and functions. • in supporting International service projects, and • in District and RI activities. District Conference Oct. 23, 2010

  34. Your Rotary Obligations Attendance Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit of Rotary. A minimum of 60% is expected. • Opportunities to make up attendance include • making up at another Rotary Club within 14 days before or 14 days after a meeting is missed; • attending various other Rotary meetings/ committees; • attending a club service project authorized by the Club Board of Directors; • or by attending a District event or a RI Convention; • or by attending a Club Board Meeting; • or by attending an INTERACT or ROTARACT Club meeting.

  35. Your Rotary Obligations Financial • Initiation Fee (one time) $ 125.00 • Annual Dues $ 720/yr. $ 180.00/Qtr. • Charter & Demotion $240/yr $ 60.00/Qtr. • Fines (Non-discretionary) $ 35.00/Qtr. $ 275.00/Qtr. • Special Events pay-as-you-go • Minimum Expense $1100 per year • Annual Expense - $1200-$1600 per year

  36. Leadership • Clubs encourage members to aspire to leadership or committee roles. • A primary goal is to continually expand the club with committed members who have the interest and ability to get involved in service and humanitarian projects.

  37. Membership Two types of membership in a Rotary Club: Active and Honorary Membership is based upon the capacity to: • hold, or be retired from, a professional, proprietary, executive, or managerial position. • live or work within the locality of the club or the surrounding area. • meet the club's weekly attendance or community project participation requirements.

  38. Bakersfield West Rotary is Fun • A service club should be fun to be a part of even when the work is tiresome. • Bakersfield West Rotary strives to be a fun, young-at-heart club. • Social events are offered regularly. • Laughter is the language of West. • We live up to our claim that: “West is Best”

  39. You are Rotary! • Participate for friendship • Participate for service • Participate for fellowship • Participate for knowledge • Participate for international understanding Remember you are Rotary!

  40. Welcome to the Rotary Club of

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