Lunch at Facebook Café X, Facebook Engineering Building, 1601 California Avenue, Palo Alto, California.Food: International and mostly organic Monday-Thursday, American comfort food Fridays.Value for money: Unmatched – three meals a day and limitless snacks are provided free for staffCorporate mission: “Helps you connect and share with the people in your life” The café in the engineering building of Facebook is a cross between a university dining hall and a Las Vegas buffet. Coders and programmers, for whom lunch is often the first meal of the day, fill up plastic trays with the assistance of a string of chefs - one hand-carving roasts of pork and turkey, another extolling the virtues of black eyed peas, collared greens and pulled pork. An unmanned salad bar and a make-your-own panini station round out the options. At breakfast, there is a waffle bar. In addition to café design, Desimone is in charge of planning breakfast, lunch and dinner, five days a week, for the company’s 2,000-odd local employees. He entertains himself as much as his diners by experimenting with different themes, from Chinese to Haitian to an all-chocolate menu that featured chilli-ricotta-cocoa ravioli and asparagus with chocolate vinaigrette. All meals are free of charge, and at the office’s many snack bars there is a bountiful supply of bananas, Snickers bars and Vitamin Waters. Even the reception desks are furnished with hefty bowls of Starbursts, Tootsie Pops and Peppermint Patties. It’s not surprising new employees are warned of the “Facebook 15,” the typical number of pounds gained in the first year of employment. Free toothpaste and toothbrushes are also provided in the bathrooms. Facebook总部的免费午餐 就餐地点:加州帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)加州大道1601号(1601 California Avenue) Facebook工程大楼(Facebook Engineering Building )的Café X咖啡厅。膳食:周一至周四多为有机食品的国际餐;周五为美式安慰食物(comfort food)。饭菜价格:妙不可言——员工一日三餐及众多小吃,尽饱吃,且均为免费。公司宗旨:“帮助员工在生活中相互交往与交流”。 位于Facebook工程大楼的咖啡厅糅合了大学饭堂与拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)自助餐厅的特色。午餐通常是编码员与编程员每天的第一餐,在一长排大厨们的“帮助”下,他们总是把塑料餐盘堆得满满的——一边忙着用刀切着烤肉与烤鸡,一边大煸食用豇豆、羽衣甘蓝(collared greens)以及手撕烤猪肉(pulled pork)的种种益处。在没有服务员的沙拉吧以及帕尼尼(Panini) 自制区,员工可以随意倒腾自己想吃的东西。早餐时,员工可以自制华夫饼干(waffle)。 除了咖啡厅的设计,德西蒙还负责为公司2000多名当地员工准备每周五天的早、中、晚三餐。通过尝试推出各种风味的主题餐——中餐、海地餐以及全部用巧克力做的餐(其中用红辣椒、意式乳清干酪(ricotta)与可可粉包的馄饨以及用巧克力辣酱做的芦笋为特色菜),他与就餐员工一样大过了一把嘴瘾关。 所有膳食均为免费,公司的诸多快餐店还大量供应香蕉、士力架巧克力棒(Snickers bars)以及维他命矿泉水(Vitamin Waters),接待处甚至也摆放了大盘的Starburst果汁软糖、棒棒糖(Tootsie Pops)以及牛肉肉末饼(Peppermint Patties)。所以提醒新员工注意“到Facebook公司会长15磅肉”也就不足为奇了,员工到Facebook一年内增重15磅是家常便饭,此外洗手间里还免费提供牙膏与牙刷。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900
Central banks pull most gold bullion in a decade from BIS Central banks have pulled 635 tonnes of gold from the Bank for International Settlements in the past year, the largest withdrawal in more than a decade. The move, disclosed in the BIS’s annual report, marks a sharp reversal from the previous year when central banks added to deposits of gold at the so-called “bank for central banks” rather than lending it directly to the private sector amid growing concerns over counterparty risk. Central banks and other official institutions collectively hold about 30,000 tonnes of bullion in their reserves, and many seek to earn an income on their gold by lending it out, just as any other currency. However, demand to borrow gold has fallen sharply in the past decade, driving interest rates on gold lending to record lows. Hedging by gold miners, which is typically structured to involve borrowing gold, was traditionally the largest source of demand. But since miners have cut back their hedging programmes to almost zero, the gold lending market, which is mediated by large bullion-dealing banks, has dwindled. In response to e-mailed questions, the BIS confirmed that the fall in the value of gold deposits disclosed in its annual report represented “a shift in customer gold holdings away from the BIS”. “The Bank’s gold deposit liabilities declined by around 635 tonnes between 31 March 2010 and 31 March 2011,” it added. Comparison with previous annual reports showed the withdrawal was the largest in at least 10 years. Some central banks, unimpressed with the paltry interest rates on offer, may have taken the decision not to lend their gold at all. 各国央行从BIS提取大量黄金 过去一年,各国央行从国际清算银行(BIS)提出635吨黄金,这是逾10年来最大的支取数量。 在国际清算银行年报中披露的这一动向,标志着前一年局面的急剧逆转,当时,在各方越来越担心交易对手方风险之际,各国央行纷纷在有“央行的央行”之称的国际清算银行增加存放黄金储备,而非将其直接借给私人部门。 各国央行和其它官方机构总计在其储备中持有大约3万吨黄金,许多央行寻求通过出借黄金(就像其它任何一种货币一样)得到收入。 不过,借入黄金的需求在过去10年里大幅下降,把出借黄金的利率压低至创纪录低位。 黄金矿商的对冲操作(一般在结构上涉及借入黄金)传统上是最大需求来源。但是,自从矿商将各自的对冲计划缩减至几乎为零以来,由交易黄金的大银行为中介的黄金出借市场已逐渐缩小。 在答复记者通过电子邮件提出的问题时,国际清算银行证实,其年报中披露的黄金储备价值下降,代表着“客户将所持黄金提出BIS,转移至其它地方”。 “从2010年3月31日至2011年3月31日,本行的黄金储备债务降低了大约635吨,”该行补充表示。与往年的年报进行比较显示,这种支取规模至少是10年来最大的。 某些国家的央行由于对能够获得的微不足道的利率不满意,可能决定干脆不出借它们的黄金了。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900