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Managing Aircrew From Outside Your Squadron. (Version 29NOV11). M-SHARP Personnel Status Defined. “Assigned to Permanent Unit” This status is reserved for the unit to which the Marine has PCS/PCA orders. “Assigned to Temporary Unit”
Managing Aircrew From Outside Your Squadron (Version 29NOV11)
M-SHARP Personnel StatusDefined • “Assigned to Permanent Unit” • This status is reserved for the unit to which the Marine has PCS/PCA orders. • “Assigned to Temporary Unit” • For aircrew, this status is reserved for MEU attachments to the HMM/VMM (rarely applies outside of the MEU scenario for aircrew). • For non-fliers, this status represents traditional “TAD” or “FAP” assignments. • “Augmenting Temporary Unit” • This status is reserved ONLY for MCO 3125.1B defined “Augments”, (Category 1). • This status is nearly always misused for MCO defined “Staff Aircrew”, and it corrupts readiness reporting metrics, since ALL 3 Personnel Status options above carry READINESS value to the unit assigned.
M-SHARP Personnel StatusDefined • MCO 3125.1B (SBTP/FHP) excerpts: • The phrase, “Major ‘X’ from the MAG or MAW is ‘CAT ONE’ to this unit or that.”, is incorrect <<unless>>… • …It is the true intention of HHQ that Major “X” will work up and deploy with the squadron in question <<and>>… • ….HHQ desires that his readiness value counts toward that squadron’s DRRS MET readiness calculations. • Pilots that MAG or MAW assign to you, solely for the maintenance of flight minimums, log books, OPNAV requirements, etc. are NOT “CAT ONE” by the MCO. • They are “Staff Aircrew”.
M-SHARP Personnel StatusDefined • Maj Hoare, a “Staff Pilot”, is shown incorrectly assigned as “Augmenting Temporary Unit to HMLA-469”, & appears in BLUE on all reports. • As such, he affects the READINESS of 469 by adding another experienced combat aircrew, which will skew DRRS reporting.
Flying Marines from Outside Your Squadron • MCO 3125.1B defined “Staff Aircrew” from the MAW, MAG, MCAS, or other guest aircrew on the Authorized to Fly List, can easily be managed in M-SHARP. • Squadron Administrators must take care not to disrupt the official Personnel Status of such Marines, however, or they can completely disrupt the visiting Marine’s profile in M-SHARP. • Administrators must also not misuse Personnel Status assignments, as it can significantly affect READINESS REPORTING! • Every time a Marine’s Personnel Status is changed to a new Permanent Unit, all of his M-SHARP Administrator Permissions are stripped away. • This problem commonly affects HHQ field grade “Staff Aircrew”, who after a single flight with a squadron on line, return to critical billets such as MAG OPS / DOSS, MATSS OIC, Wing G-3, etc. and are unable to perform their M-SHARP responsibilities.
How a Marine can Lose his Permissions • Here, Maj Hoare was permanently changed to HMLA/T-303 so that he could fly with them. • When this change was made to his profile, he lost ALL of his Administrator Permissions, and could not function when he got back to work as the MATSS OIC. • Only an M-SHARP Support Rep or Developer can renew Administrator Permissions.
M-SHARP Tools for Visiting Aircrew • External Personnel interface • Allows the squadron to view the complete T&R and OPNAV status of any Marine in the database without affecting his profile. • The Marine and his unit don’t know you are looking at him. • The squadron’s data is completely unaffected by Externals. • This is the best option for managing the “Authorized to Fly” list. • “Find Person Not in Your Unit” interface • When a squadron needs to fly a visiting aircrew, but does not what to add him as an External Person, this feature allows for the squadron to both schedule the Marine on their flight schedule and log a flight.
External Personnel Setup The External Personnel interface allows the squadron to manage “Authorized to Fly” Marines.
External Personnel Setup cont. Click on “New” to add a new External Person to your squadron. • Type in the name you wish to search. • Check the box to select the Marine. Click “Add” to save the selection.
External Personnel Setup cont. Maj Hoare is now and External Person to HMLA/T-303.
External Personnel Setup cont. Another search option is to do a Unit search. In this example, the squadron can add multiple Externals at one time.
Make an External Personnel, “Personnel Group” • Setup>Personnel>Personnel Groups • Select “New” to make a new Personnel Group • Type “External Personnel” into the Group Name field. • Select “Automatic Update” • Set filters as shown
Make an External Personnel, “Personnel Group” • Setup>Personnel>Personnel Groups • M-SHARP “auto updates” the new Personnel Group • Maj Hoare is “automatically” part of the group, as are all Marines added via the External Personnel interface.
Maj Hoare – External Person(Visible on the Hotboard) • Maj Hoare, as an External Person, can now be seen on the unit’s Hotboards for just like any other member of the squadron. • Set Personnel Group filter as shown.
Maj Hoare – External Person(Visible on ALL Reports Menu Reports) • Externals show up in Yellow at the bottom of all reports on the “Reports” menu, and do not contribute to the squadron’s data. • The Squadron can view all of Maj Hoare’s data just like any other squadron member to confirm his OPNAV or T&R status.
Maj Hoare – External Person(Visible on the Flight Scheduler) Maj Hoare, as an External Person, can now be seen on the unit’s Flight Schedule for selection just like any other member of the squadron.
Maj Hoare – External Person(Visible on the Flight Logger) Maj Hoare can log a flight just like any other pilot in the squadron.
Find Person Not in Your Unit(What you have to do if you DON”T add aircrew to External Personnel) • If we had not made Maj Hoare External, we still could have added him to the logged flight via the “Find Person Not in Your Unit” interface. • This is the best option for aircrew you don’t fly often. Search and Select work the same. Then “Add Person” to save.
Find Person Not in Your Unit • If we had not made Maj Hoare External, we still could have added him to the flight schedule via the “Find Person Not in Your Unit” interface by clicking on the “P” in the aircrew field. • This is the best option for Marines you don’t fly often. Search and Select work the same. Then “Add Person” to save.
What if I need to edit the Marine’s data? • Maj Hoare, External Person to HMLA/T-303, does not appear on any Main Menu reports, as he is not assigned a formal Personnel Status to this unit. • As such, his data cannot be edited by 303.
What if I need to edit the Marine’s data? • If MAG or MAW requires that the squadron must maintain Maj Hoare’s log books, and be responsible for his basic status as a Marine aviator, then periodically, the unit can Assign him Temporarily to the squadron. • When the editing of his data such as OPNAV, T&R metrics is complete… • Assign him back to to his Permanent Unit immediately. • The squadron should notify Maj Hoare that his status will be changed for a couple of hours to update his data.
What if I need to edit the Marine’s data? • Maj Hoare’s data can be edited as required by the squadron Training or DOSS as required. • Again, this “editing” of “Staff Aircrew” data must be of short duration, and only with his knowledge and approval. • “Staff Aircrew” must be returned in tact to their Permanent unit quickly.
How does the Ops O check the work of his staff? At least once a week, the Squadron Ops O should review the “Unit Roster” report to make sure that all Marines assigned to his unit are correctly represented. Reports>Standardized Reports…
Summary • M-SHARP Administrators must use “External Personnel” and “Find Person Not in Your Unit” functions to manage aircrew from outside your unit. • DO NOT move Marines out of their Permanent Unit just for the purpose of flight operations, as this will severely affect their profile in M-SHARP by removing all of their Permissions, and affect READINESS!!! • For questions please contact Support at: • https://msharpsupport.com/techsupport.asp