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Wood Inlay Text

Wood Inlay Text . Kaitlyn Buschak. new document, mine is 540×300 pixels at 72ppi . to start, create 3 layers and pasting wood textures in each. The font I’m going to use here is called Bifurk-http://www.acidfonts.com/typeface/bifurk.htm.

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Wood Inlay Text

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wood Inlay Text KaitlynBuschak

  2. new document, mine is 540×300 pixels at 72ppi

  3. to start, create 3 layers and pasting wood textures in each

  4. The font I’m going to use here is called Bifurk-http://www.acidfonts.com/typeface/bifurk.htm With the top layer of wood texture selected, press the T key to invoke the Type tool and click and type on the stage to add your text

  5. With the text selected, click on the Light Wood layer in the layers palette to select it as the working layer, then press the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers palette to convert the selection to a Layer Mask.

  6. Now do the exact thing to the Dark Wood layer, load the text as a selection and add a layer mask to the Dark Wood layer.

  7. lets just turn it off the word layer by clicking on the little eye icon to the left of the layer thumbnail in the text layer

  8. Make sure that the top wood texture layer is selected in the Layers palette as the active layer and then click on the Layer Mask in that layer to insure that what we do next will be applied to the Layer Mask and not to the layer itself pressing the M key to invoke the Rectangular Marquee tool and creating a selection around the lower portion of one of our letters.

  9. Press the D key to insure that your foreground color is set to black, then we’re going to press Option-Delete (PC: Alt-Backspace) to fill our selection with black.

  10. Create a long narrow selection using the Rectangular Marquee tool

  11. I want this selection to be at a 45° angle, so lets choose Select>Transform Selection from the main menu. Holding the Shift key to constrain the rotation, grab one of the end points of the selection and rotate it. When it’s in the position you want,

  12. holding down the Option (PC: Alt) key which will add a small minus sign (-) next to the Marquee tool I’ll create selections around the sections of the selection that I don’t want to be there, this will deselect only those areas of the selection that overlaps the other letters.

  13. Now we’ll just fill our modified selection with black by pressing Option-Delete (PC: Alt-Backspace) to mask away another piece of the Dark Wood layer from view.

  14. Continue this process through each letter paying attention to the lines of the letters and where the highlight would best be suited.

  15. add a 1 pixel white outline to each of the two wood lettering layers to represent that small over cut margin around the areas in wood overlay work that’s been filled with glue or wood filler.

  16. My final text would look something like this

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