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CAD/CAM/CAE mjukvara. There are lot of companies providing softwares for CAD/CAM/CAE solutions worldwide. Each software is having its own importance and specialization. some details of the widely used softwares is as below. . CATIA(CAD/CAM/CAE).
CAD/CAM/CAE mjukvara There are lot of companies providing softwares for CAD/CAM/CAE solutions worldwide. Each software is having its own importance and specialization. some details of the widely used softwares is as below.
CATIA(CAD/CAM/CAE) CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is a multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the French company DassaultSystemes. Written in the C++ programming language, CATIA is the cornerstone of the DassaultSystemes product lifecycle management software suite. The software was created in the late 1970s and early 1980s to develop Dassault's Mirage fighter jet, then was adopted in the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, and other industries. for more www.3ds.com/products/catia/welcome/
Pro/ENGINEER(CAD/CAM/CAE) Pro/ENGINEER is a parametric, integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE solution created by Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC). It was the first to market with parametri, feature-based, associative solid modeling software on the market. The application runs on Microsoft Windows and Unix platforms, and provides solid modeling, assembly modelling and drafting, finite element analysis, and NC and tooling functionality for mechanical engineers.http://www.ptc.com/products/proengineer/
SIEMENS NX(CAD/CAM/CAE) • NX is the commercial CAD/CAM/CAE PLM software suite developed by Siemens PLM Software. NX is widely used in the engineering industry, especially in the automotive and aerospace sectors. NX has some presence in the consumer goods design sector. • NX is a parametric solid / surface feature-based modeler. It uses the Parasolid geometric modeling kernel.
MASTERCAM (CAD/CAM) • Founded in Massachusetts in 1983, CNC Software, Inc. is one of the oldest developers of PC-based computer-aided design computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software. They are one of the first to introduce CAD/CAM software designed for both machinists and engineers. Mastercam, CNC Software’s main product, started as a 2D CAM system with CAD tools that let machinists design virtual parts on a computer screen and also guided computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine tools in the manufacture of parts. Since then, Mastercam has grown into the most widely used CAD/CAM package in the world. CNC Software, Inc. is now located in Tolland, Connecticut. • Mastercam’s comprehensive set of predefined toolpaths—including contour, drill, pocketing, face, peel mill, engraving, surface high speed, advanced multiaxis, and many more—enable machinists to cut parts efficiently and accurately. Mastercam users can create and cut parts using one of many supplied machine and control definitions, or they can use Mastercam’s advanced tools to create their own customized definitions.
DELCAM (CAD/CAM) • Delcamis one of the world's leading suppliers of advanced CAD/CAM software product development solutions for the manufacturing industry. The company has grown steadily since being founded formally in 1977, after initial development work at Cambridge University, UK. It is now a global developer of product design and manufacturing software, with subsidiaries in North America, Europe and Asia. • PowerMILL- Specialist NC CAM software for the manufacture of the complex shapesFeatureCAM - Automated machining for parts on mills, lathes and wire EDMPartMaker- Applies a visual programming approach to make CNC programming quicker and easierPowerSHAPE - CAD design and modelling software for total design solutionsPowerINSPECT - Inspection software (OMV, Manual CMMs, CNC CMM's, Inspection Arms, Optical MMs, Laser Trackers and Line Laser Probes)Delcam CRISPIN - Sole Engineering for the footwear IndustryCopyCAD - Reverse Engineering softwareExchange - The CAD translation solutionArtCAM - Provides a unique CAD modeling and CNC CAM machining solutionArtCAM Insignia - The easiest professional CNC routing and engraving softwareArtCAM Insignia E - Insignia E is an entry level 2D routing packageArtCAMJewelSmith - Software to design and manufacture jewelry quickly and easilyMillWizard - Create real 3D objects from your favourite 3D modelling program using the ArtCAMMillWizard softwareDental Solutions - CAD modelling and cam machining solutions for the dental industryOrthotics Solutions - CAD CAM software for the manufacturing needs of bespoke orthotics and orthopaedic footwearOrthopaedic Solutions - CAD CAM software tailor made for the Orthopaedic Industry.PS-Team - An EPM, project management and programme management solution.
Edgecam (CAM) • Edgecamis a market leading computer aided manufacturing (CAM) system. Capable of programming milling, turning and mill-turn machines, Edgecam combines unrivaled ease of use and sophisticated toolpath generation. Edgecam is a principal brand of the Planit group - recently ranked by CIMdata as the world's fastest growing CAM vendor, with most industrial users.Edgecam is a completeCAM software solution for production machining and mold & die applications. With an extensive range of 2-5 Axis milling, turning and mill/turn strategies, seamless CAD integration and sophisticated automation tools, Edgecam is the only CAM system you'll ever need.Edgecam is designed to cope with programming the simplest to the most complex components and offers full support for the latest CAD, machine tool and tooling technology. Available worldwide, Edgecam is supplied and supported through a network of subsidiaries and specialist resellers.
Work NC (CAM) • WorkNC is a Computer aided manufacturing(CAM) software developed by Sescoi for 2, 2.5, 3, 3+2 and 5-axis machining. WorkNC is used by more than 25% of companies in demanding countries such as Japan and is well known for having always focused on automation and ease of use since its first release in 1988. WorkNC-CAD was introduced in 2002, making WorkNC a complete CAD/CAM product, one of the worldwide market leaders in its field. The typical users of WorkNC belong to the following industries: automotive, aerospace and defense, engineering, medical & dental, tooling, mold and die manufacturing.
Pro/Toolmaker (CAM) • Pro/TOOLMAKER offers the power of high-speed machining for toolmaking, prototypes, and other precision machining applications, with a fast, easy-to-use, NC toolpath programming application. Manufacturing engineers and machinists now have the most powerful package of NC programming capabilities, including NC post-processing and tooling libraries, in a single, stand-alone product package. With Pro/TOOLMAKER, manufacturing engineers can work with data from any CAD system, create associative NC toolpaths directly from CAD models, and leverage concurrent engineering. The result: you have the power to increase product quality, reduce scrap, and shave production time and costs for any design.
GibbsCAM (CAM) • Gibbs cam is the CAM industry´s recognized ease-of-use leader, offers simple to use, yet extremely powerful, solutions for programming CNC machine tools. GibbsCAM´s intuitive, graphical user interface, is not only easy to learn, but is extremely efficient to use. Designed by machinists for machinists, GibbsCAM is extremely familiar to users coming from the shop floor. The GibbsCAM product family supports the full range of metal cutting machine tools, from basic milling and turning centers to rotary tables, to 3- and 5-axis simultaneous milling machines, complex multi-task machining machine tools to Wire-EDM devices through the seamless addition of modules. GibbsCAM´s signature ease-of-use, programming efficiency, speed and short training time makes GibbsCAM the best tool for programming your parts.
T-Flex (CAD/CAM) • T-FLEX CAD (T-FLEX) is a Parasolid-base parametric CAD software application for 3D solid modeling and 2D design and drafting, developed and sold by Russia-based software company Top Systems. T-FLEX CAD is written for Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems, and is distributed in various languages.
Visi CAD (CAD/CAM/CAE) • VISI is acknowledged as one of the world's leading PC based CAD / CAM solutions for the Mould & Die industries. It offers a unique combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and solid modelling, comprehensive 2D, 3D and 5 axis machining strategies with dedicated high speed routines. Industry specific applications for plastic injection tool design including material flow analysis and progressive die design with step-by-step unfolding provide the toolmaker with unsurpassed levels of productivity. • Vero Software offers dedicated solutions that eliminate the links between varying software suppliers and the solid-to-surface or CAD / CAM geometry conversions required by traditional systems. • VISI offers the following applications: • VISI Modelling - 3D solid & surface modelling with a mould & die focus • VISI Analysis - 3D model analysis and geometry validation • VISI Mould - Plastic injection tool design • VISI Flow - Plastic flow analysis and simulation • VISI Electrode - Automated electrode creation and production • VISI Progress - Progressive die and press tool design • VISI Machining 2D - Feature based, multi-axis 2D machining & drilling • VISI Machining 3D - High speed milling technology • VISI Machining 5 Axis - Multi axis machining for mould & die, aerospace and production • VISI Blank - Blank development for stamping dies and press tools • VISI Reverse - Reverse engineering from point cloud or mesh data • VISI Shoes - Shoe design, last, heels, sole and shoe mould design
Tebis är både CAD och CAM • Tebis CAD/CAM-system är utvecklade med inriktning främst mot att uppfylla de speciella krav som ställs vid modell-, form- och verktygstillverkning. Vi kan kombinera samman olika CAD- och CAM-moduler på samma Tebis arbetsstation, beroende på behovet av funktioner och komponenter. Visserligen är alla Tebissystem tillgängliga som rena CAD- och CAM-stationer, men faktum är att idag används ca 85% av alla Tebissystem runt om i världen som kombinerade CAD/CAM-stationer. Några fördelar med kombinerade arbetsstationer: • Sekundsnabb granskning av kvaliteten hos inlästa yt- och soliddata • Snabb och enkel korrigering av felaktigheter • Alla nödvändiga komponenter kan läggas till snabbt och enkelt • Formge kompletta verktygslayouter baserade på CAD-underlag • Kombinera yt- och soliddata med hjälp av digitaliserad data (mesh) • Helt automatisk eller interaktiv beräkning av alla nödvändiga frässtrategier • Återanvänd mellangeometrier från NC-beredningen såsom uppdaterade råämnen i CAD-beredningen • Generera fräsbanor med mycket hög precision som är lämpade för höghastighetsfräsning (HSC) • Feature-stödd NC-programmering för 2.5D-borrning och -fräsning
Med Tebis CAM-modul för simultant 5-axlig bearbetning kan man bearbeta ytor snabbare och mer precist än med 3-axlig teknologi. 5-axliga NC-program är inte svårare att skapa än 3+2-axliga, eftersom de utnyttjar samma användargränssnitt. Denna modul är lämpad för bearbetning av såväl konvexa som konkava ytor. Kollisionskontrollen tar även hänsyn till verktygshållare samt eventuella förlängare som definierats i verktygsbiblioteket. • Avancerade strategier för tredimensionell avfasning, gravering och ytbearbetning • Med kurvbearbetningsfunktionerna genererar man 5-axliga program för bland annat avfasning, gravering och avgradning av tredimensionella friformsytor. • Modulen innehåller även olika funktioner och strategier för valsfräsning samt bearbetning av välvda ytor. Man kan definiera stopp- och begränsningsytor för att skydda omkringliggande ytor mot kontakt med verktyget. Med hjälp av torusfräsar och användning av in- och utgångsmakron erhåller man idealiska ytresultat. • Vid NC-beräkningen tar systemet även hänsyn till maskinens kinematik och huvudgeometri • Redan från början vid genereringen av NC-program tar systemet hänsyn till önskade verktyg, huvudgeometri samt maskinkinematiken, vilken är mer komplex än den vid 3-axlig fräsning. Så fort beräkningen är klar kan det 5-axliga NC-programmet simuleras med verktyg och maskinhuvud i realtid. • Vid inre bearbetning av kaviteter kan en gränsvinkel anges, så att kollision med verktygshållaren undviks.För bearbetning av kurvor erbjuder Tebis flera möjligheter, bl a renfräsning av begränsningsområden med alltid vinkelrät position av fräsverktyget gentemot ytan. • Vid bearbetning av ytor kan man ange två kurvor, så skapas mellan dem en verktygsbana med interpolerad sträckning samt avstånd.Med funktionen MSIDE kan även utåt välvda friformsytor bearbetas med hjälp av valsfräsning. • top Vid inre bearbetning av kaviteter kan en gränsvinkel anges, så att kollision med verktygshållaren undviks. För bearbetning av kurvor erbjuder Tebis flera möjligheter, bl a renfräsning av begränsningsområden med alltid vinkelrät position av fräsverktyget gentemot ytan. Vid bearbetning av ytor kan man ange två kurvor, så skapas mellan dem en verktygsbana med interpolerad sträckning samt avstånd. Med funktionen MSIDE kan även utåt välvda friformsytor bearbetas med hjälp av valsfräsning.
ESPRIT CAM System • ESPRIT is a high-performance, full-spectrum, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) system for a full range of machine tool applications. • 2 - 5 axis milling • 2 - 22 axis turning • 2 - 5 axis wire EDM • Multitasking mill-turn machining • B-axis machine tools • High-speed 3- and 5-axis machiningOEM-endorsed ESPRIT drives machine tools in over 15,000 shops across the globe, and is available in more than 15 languages from over 200 resellers. Comprehensive in its ability to handle today’s most advanced machines, ESPRIT satisfies even the most demanding programmers and machining applications. ESPRIT is preferred by CNC programmers worldwide, in every advanced manufacturing sector — from medical to aerospace. ESPRIT is the right choice for programmers, manufacturers, and machinists looking to fully exploit their machine tool investment and enjoy the unparalleled freedom of advanced productivity.
SmartCAM • SmartCAM ApplicationsSmartCAM applications are designed to help you reduce your programming time, improve your machining processes, and deliver your parts quicker. SmartCAMcnc currently offers SmartCAM products for milling, turning, fabrication and Wire EDM applications.