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E-Journal Usage Data From SFX

E-Journal Usage Data From SFX. Enhancing Our Understanding of Full-Text Usage Maribeth Manoff University of Tennessee Libraries ELUNA 2 nd Annual Meeting June 6, 2007. Outline. Background MaxData Project UT Libraries and E-Resource Usage Data Using Data from SFX Subject Categories

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E-Journal Usage Data From SFX

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  1. E-Journal Usage DataFrom SFX Enhancing Our Understanding of Full-Text Usage Maribeth Manoff University of Tennessee Libraries ELUNA 2nd Annual Meeting June 6, 2007

  2. Outline • Background • MaxData Project • UT Libraries and E-Resource Usage Data • Using Data from SFX • Subject Categories • Report 10 (Requests and Clickthroughs by Target) • Other Possibilities

  3. MaxData Project “Maximizing Library Investments in Digital Collections Through Better Data Gathering and Analysis” Funded by Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) 2005-2007 Carol Tenopir, PI

  4. MaxData Project Purpose • Evaluate and compare methods of usage data collection and analysis • Develop cost/benefit model to help librarians select appropriate method(s) for electronic resource usage assessments

  5. MaxData Project Teams • Carol Tenopir and Donald King: readership surveys at UT and four Ohio Universities • David Nicholas et al. (Ciber): deep log analysis on OhioLINK journal usage data • UT Libraries: COUNTER data from vendors, data from several local systems • Gayle Baker, Electronic Services Coordinator • Eleanor Read, Data Services Librarian • Maribeth Manoff, Systems Librarian

  6. UT Libraries andE-Resource Usage Data • Database or Package Level • “Hits” recorded from database menu pages • COUNTER reports from vendors (e.g. Database Report 1: Total Searches and Sessions by Month and Database) • Federated search system (MetaLib) statistics • Totals from journal-level data

  7. UT Libraries andE-Resource Usage Data • Journal Level • COUNTER reports from vendors (e.g. Journal Report 1: Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal) • SFX statistics (e.g. Report 10: Requests and Clickthroughs by Journal and Target) • Some libraries using proxy server logs

  8. UT Libraries andE-Resource Usage Data • What do we want to know from the data? • We want insights into user behavior, e.g. which e-journals they are using and how they are getting to full-text • We want to use these insights to make collection management decisions and to improve access

  9. UT Libraries andE-Resource Usage Data • Which data are more or less useful in answering the questions? • The good news and the bad news - all the data we’ve looked at thus far has potential.

  10. UT Libraries andE-Resource Usage Data • Next steps in determining costs and benefits for the model: • Survey of librarians who collect and work with usage data from vendors • Gathering a variety of data sets and views for analysis and presentation – here is where SFX data comes in

  11. Using Data from SFXThe Starting Point • Journal level analysis thus far has been done using a spreadsheet combining JR1 Reports for 30+ vendors • Using Sep-Nov 2005 time period to correspond with MaxData readership surveys • Using data from SFX to complement and supplement COUNTER vendor reports

  12. Using Data from SFXSubject Categories • In order for journal level data to be useful to collection managers at UT, we need a way to present data by subject area • Journals assigned to subject categories in SFX – just what we need except that the categories are too granular for our purpose

  13. Using Data from SFXSubject Categories • Exported global list of categories from SFX • Mapped these to a set of local categories • Used SFX export query to create a listing of journals with subjects • Matching on ISSN, added subjects to combined JR1 spreadsheet

  14. Using Data from SFXReport 10 • “Requests and clickthroughs by journal and target” • On the SFX Menu • Electronic full text is available in Journal A, Package Y and Z – “Request” statistic recorded for each • Student chooses link to Journal A in Package Y – “Clickthrough” statistic recorded

  15. Using Data from SFXReport 10 • Data elements corresponding to COUNTER JR1 report: • ISSN, Title, SFX Target – JR1 Platform • SFX Clickthrough – JR1 Full Text Request • Look at these two numbers alongside each other to see a fuller picture of use • Compare trends and patterns • See data not in JR1 reports, e.g., non-COUNTER packages, open access journals, backfiles

  16. Using Data from SFXReport 10 • Viewing Report 10 alongside JR1 requires reformatting • Possible to do this with a manual or programming approach, depending on time and expertise available • Looking forward to • Change to format of SFX Query • Automated load of both data sets into an ERMS

  17. Using Data from SFXOther Possibilities • Report 2: Number of requests and clickthroughs per source • Report 16: Unused full text journals • In actuality, the possibilities are endless! • I would love to hear your ideas – thanks!

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