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Keys to Surviving Your Agriculture Education Class. Team Stalvey Golden Isles Career Academy. Syllabus. School & Teacher websites Go to www.glynn.k12.ga.us Click on “Schools” at the top, then click on “Other Programs” The GICA website will be the first one listed, click on “Go to site”
Keys to Surviving Your Agriculture Education Class Team Stalvey Golden Isles Career Academy
Syllabus • School & Teacher websites • Go to www.glynn.k12.ga.us • Click on “Schools” at the top, then click on “Other Programs” • The GICA website will be the first one listed, click on “Go to site” • Click on “Quick Links” and then “Agriculture Education”. You will see each one of our names at the top of that page. Click on the one you need. • On our websites you will find course info such as the material you have already received as well as all powerpoints used in class class and any handouts given out. • Course Description • Familiarize yourself with the course description and the broad goal of the class.
Syllabus cont. • CTSO-Golden Isles FFA • Career Technical Student Organization • Co-Curricular – meaning that the FFA is a part of the instructional day. It is not extracurricular like BETA Club, Sports, etc. • Instruction concerning the FFA is mandated by Federal Law and required by the curriculum adopted by the State of Georgia • Students are expected to participate in the FFA
Syllabus cont. • Georgia Performance Standards • Recognize the standard provides in bold. Just underneath, you will see multiple objectives you will need to understand to meet the standard. These individual objectives will be turned into a question which will reflect the Essential Question(s) of the various lessons we will cover.
Syllabus cont. • Pacing Guide • Shows the approximate time that will be spent on each standard. • Work Ethic • Business and Industry have stressed to us the importance of work ethic instruction. Here at The Career Academy, you should view yourself as the employee while the teacher is viewed as the supervisor. Treat your time here as a job and apply yourself to that degree. Work ethic will be graded from a standpoint of judging you as an employee. Your attendance, ability to stay on task, willingness to work with others and your overall adherence to the course expectations will be used to determine your work ethic grade. • Determining your grade • Standards & Performance Mastery 50% • Daily Grades 15% • Work Ethic 20% • Final Exam (Written & Performance) 15%
Syllabus cont. • Supplies Needed EVERY Day • Three Ring Binder w/ paper • Pen (Blue or Black) and/or pencil • Supplies that may make your life easier • Highlighter(s) • Colored Pencils/Crayons • Flash Drive • Contacting me • 912-280-4000 ext. 4311 • mstalvey@glynn.k12.ga.us • Make Up or Resubmitted Work • Any assignment that needs to be made up due to absence or low grade has to be within two (2) weeks of the original date of the assignment. This work also will need to be completed outside of regular class time and at my convenience. Please see me ASAP if you need to make an assignment up so a time can be scheduled.
Syllabus cont. • Classroom Policies • Adhere to all Glynn County School Rules • Only handle what items belong to you or what you have been asked to use in class • NO Grooming (Makeup, Hair, etc.) • NO food, drinks, candy, etc. allowed in lab. • Computer use is by teacher permission ONLY. • Cheating will not be tolerated. (Cheating is defined as using someone else’s work for your gain, using aids during testing or the completion of work for someone else) Results in a “0” for the assignment as well as a discipline referral • Consequences • 1st Offense Verbal Warning • 2nd Offense Detention & Note Home • 3rd Offense Detention & Phone Call Home • 4th Offense Discipline Referral
Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAE) • Required of EVERY Agriculture Education student • A project related to Agriculture that is a joint venture between you, the student, your parent(s)/guardian(s) and your Agriculture Education teacher. • Requires documentation showing you invested ten (10) hours outside of school time working on your project. • Complete the record book found on our websites. • Include a minimum of three (3) pictures that highlight you working on your SAE. • Return the orange form with signatures by August 30, 2013 • Submit your record book documenting at least three (3) hours by October 4, 2013. Place into my Homework Folder. • Submit your final record book by December 6, 2013.
FFA Presentation Assignments • Required of EVERY Agriculture Education student • These two (2) projects allow you, the student, to demonstrate your understanding of the National FFA and some of its components. • FFA Creed (200 points) • Write a 2-3 page essay OR create a 15 slide power point explaining how the FFA Creed relates to present day life. This assignment MUST be presented in class. • National FFA Organization (400 Points) • Write a research paper of at least five (5) pages and create a 10-20 slide power point (highlighting or outlining your research) on the National FFA Organization. Include the following: • How the FFA began • 2-3 benefits of being an FFA member • Explain the benefits of giving back to the community • List & explain 3 Career Development Events • Explain the Supervised Agricultural Experience Program
Exempting the FFA Presentation Assignments • This exemption was created because a lot of students choose to be active in the FFA and rather than penalize them for learning the same material two ways, we have decided to reward those students who are active FFA members. In order to exempt the FFA Presentation Assignment, the following MUST be done: • Participate in at least 1 FFA sponsored Service Project during the semester. • Participate in a minimum of 3 FFA activities (before, during and/or after school) • Participate in a minimum of 2 FFA sponsored events outside of the regular school day. • Participate in at least 1 Career Development Event (Local, Area, Regional or State) • You MUST document your FFA activities in the FFA/SAEP Record Book due by December 6, 2013.