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American Nuclear Society Material Science & Technology Division. Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Ken Chidester, Chair November 19, 2003 New Orleans, Winter Meeting. MSTD Objectives. Promote the advancement of materials science in Nuclear Science Technology
American Nuclear SocietyMaterial Science & Technology Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Ken Chidester, Chair November 19, 2003 New Orleans, Winter Meeting
MSTD Objectives • Promote the advancement of materials science in Nuclear Science Technology • Support the multi-disciplines which constitute it • Encourage research by providing a forum for the presentation, exchange, and documentation of relevant information • Promote the interaction and communication among its members • Recognize and reward its members for significant contributions to the field of materials science in nuclear technology
MSTD Governance 2004 Kenneth M. Chidester, Chair Todd R. Allen, Vice Chair Ronald G. Ballinger, Secretary/Treasurer Executive Committee Members 2004 Carl J. Czajkowski 2005 Brian R Beebe Nasr M Ghoniem William J Dean Robert J. Hanrahan, Jr. Travis W. Knight James J. Laidler David J. Senor Masathoshi Sato James S. Tulenko 2006 Il Soon Hwang * Ning Li David B. Mitchell Tetsuo Shoji* Kenan Unlu Steven J Zinkle * Non-U.S. Representatives
MSTD Succession Planning MSTD Chair serves for 1 year The Vice Chair is Chair Elect and serves for 1 year The Secretary/Treasurer is 1 position and serves for 1 to 2 years. Recently sec/treas becomes Vice Chair nominee Generally: Executive Committee members serve for 3 years but may repeat for a second 3 year term. About 4 new EC members are elected each year. The nominees are taken from the general MSTD membership & 2 non U.S. Typically the outgoing Chair serves as head of the nominating committee and stays involved in Division committees. Other standing and special committee members may be from general membership (many are former division officers. Current plan to prepare outline of responsibilities, required actions, meetings, deliverables, divisions actions and plans etc. for next 1 to 2 years for MSTD officers and committees. (A comprehensive check list of duties & provide training of new officers)
MSTD Governance Standing Committees Chair Nominating Jim Stubbins Program Robert Hanrahan Planning & Membership Honors & Awards Todd Allen Publicity/newsletter John Lambert Publications University Liaison Ron Ballinger Schumar Scholarship Todd Allen MSTD Web site Travis Knight International Liaison Allen and Billaux
MSTD National Meeting Support MeetingSessions Nov/2000 2 Jun/2001 2 Nov/2001 3 Jun/2002 2 Nov/2002 5 Jun/2003 2(?) Nov/2003 7 (45 + Papers)
MSTD Services to Membership Communications: Newsletter soon to be on line Scholarships: Schumar becoming endowment $2000/yr Peer Recognition Award/Recognition: Mishima Award shared with IRD Student Support: $500/yr for student conferences Member Support: $500/yr in 2003 and 2004 to support member attendance at select conferences (Global 2003 and NATO conference in 2004)
MSTD Meetings Topicals: • ENS TopFuel & ANS LWR Performance March 2003 – Germany • Environmental Degradation Aug. 2003 – Stevenson, WA – shared with NACE & TMS, MSTD leads in 03, 09, 15 • LWR Fuel Performance Sept. 2004 – Orlando, FL – every 2 years
MSTD Future • Emerging opportunities and direction: • Pu Futures Conference – 3 yr cycle (330 attended 3rd in July/03) – held in NM - Natural fit to MSTD • Hydrogen production and storage studies • Space fuels & materials studies • Fundamental material modeling & simulation tech. • Atomistic – Continuum – Simulation – Codes • potential joint sessions and topicals with MCD • Proposal for “Research in Progress” Session(s) starting in Winter 2004
Summary • Membership stable with potential growth • Growing participation in topicals • Governance needs shoring up • Several emerging opportunities for growth in material science in both fundamental science and technical program direction exists – NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT