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ECAL Calibration with energy flow. Aurélien Martens. Purpose of this talk. Remember the previous talk on this subject (based on DC06 data) http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?contribId=10&sessionId=3&materialId=slides&confId=51076 Today’s results : Sensitivity cuts interdependence
ECAL Calibrationwith energyflow Aurélien Martens
Purpose of this talk • Remember the previous talk on this subject (based on DC06 data) • http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?contribId=10&sessionId=3&materialId=slides&confId=51076 • Today’s results : • Sensitivity cuts interdependence • MC09 update • Dependence on the starting miscalibration • What could we have w/ Hcal or Prs ? • Results on the blind test (see Olivier’s talk) with a more appropriate miscalibration Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
Modus operandi • Miscalibrate (gaussian distributed µ=1,σ=0.1) • With the DeCaloCalib stuff located in Det/CaloDet • It miscalibrates the digits not the ADC. • To redo with a real miscalibration procedure (at the ADC level)… • Cut to remove noise (1.2 ADC A>10ADC i.e. Et> 25MeV for the digits) • Accumulate the flow over typ. 10Mevts (CaloEFAlg was written for this purpose) • Try to estimate the calibration coefficients (with CaloEFlowAnalysis) assuming : • some local smoothness • Symmetric energy flow (up/down & left/right) • One needs an intrinsically smooth energy flow • Et & occupancy (hits) are correlated : Et/Hits is a good candidate (almost flat one) • Et/evts is much less flat…but… Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
The sensitivity problem (1/3) • Comes from interaction between cuts and mean value • How to understand that ? • see previous talk • basic understanding : • ~ exponential spectrum (1rst order approximation in our case) : mean contains the exponential slope value (modified by the miscalibration) + Threshold energy term (depends on stat. fluctuations) smearing of the miscalibration by the statistical fluctuations due to the cut Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
The sensitivity problem (2/3) • Non gaussian sensitivity loss (due to the fact that miscalibration is put at the digits level…) in ECAL with RMS ~ 7% if sum(Et)/Nhits is used • To do with a realistic miscalibration… • Limits too much the procedure • RMS of sensitivity loss is smaller with sum(Et)/Nevt (RMS ~3%) • This set the intrinsic limitation due to this effect • To be investigated in details • Conclusion : sum(Et)/Nevt energy flow is the best way to calibrate in ECAL Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
The sensitivity problem (3/3) • RMS of sensitivity loss is smaller with sum(Et)/Nevt (RMS ~3%) • 5% calibration is reached • Expect 3% by the method + 3% by the sensitivity + additional limitation due to the borders and non bi-linearity 3%sqrt(2)~4.2% • one gets ~5% • Conclusion : sum(Et)/Nevt energy flow is the best way to calibrate in ECAL Et/Evt To be confirmed and investigated in details with the miscalibration procedure at the level of ADC Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
summary of the methods • Local smoothness • Mean over the 8 neighbours. • Do not go across areas (do not use inner or outer cells for calibration coefficient estimate of the middle cells) • The limitation of the number of neighbours at the frontiers is compensated by an extrapolation across the area (in 8 directions) • Reach typically 5% calibration starting from 10% • Symmetric (left/right & up/down) assumption • Should be used as a first step (in order to avoid pb with intrinsic asymmetries) • Could reduce the miscalibration by a factor 2 in practice a bit less • Combination of methods : • 4% to 5% of calibration reached for ECAL, depending on the area Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
Results with different configurations Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
Intrinsic limitations • Sensitivity : • Already mentioned • Limits the calibration at ~3% • Depends on the normalization • To study in details w/ better misc. procedure • Local smoothness • Borders, mag. field • Depends on the normalization • Known Intrinsic asymmetries • hp Cross sections for K+, p and K-, pbar are very different (next slide) • Material before the calorimeters (Next to next slide) • And : • Tilt of the ECAL wrt x axis • Beam crossing angle Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
Hadronic cross sections • left right asymmetry from hadronic cross sections • With Down field, K+ goes to x>0 and then symmetric mean is bigger than the true value there in the ECAL • Flip of the asymmetry in HCAL : K+ are less energetic than K- after ECAL (1.1 int. length) • Very few % effect…in the ECAL at least ,more important in HCAL example : 3 GeV Kaons ~ outer 25 mb 17.5 mb Et/hit HCAL Et/hit ECAL needs confirmation with different MC09 mag. field config (DC06, mag up, inverted asym.) Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
Material effects • Et/evt : more sensible to material effects before ECAL : asymmetry in rad. Length is not negligible with this normalization • Observed asymmetry = Had. Cross sections + material before ECAL of the same order of magnitude • Other possible effects : • Tilt of ECAL wrt x axis • Beam crossing angle Et/evt ECAL Asym in rad. Length before ECAL Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
Hcal & Prs To be investigated in details with the good miscalibration procedure Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration
Conclusions & prospects • Code is now commited in the CVS repository, if you want to play with it, feel free • New smoothing method could be introduced easily (any idea ?) • 1D Histogramming is very fast (and then, calibration computation) • 5% level reached for ECAL and HCAL • Usefulness for pi0 calibration ? • Usefulness for HCAL relative calibration cross check ? • HCAL possibly ameliorated by using 2 different polarities data samples and then a procedure normalized by events • Asymmetries are almost understood • Need confirmation for the field effect • Sensitivity to be continued • With a better miscalibration procedure (sorry for the noisy talk) • Different field configurations to investigate • Ask for Up field or No field generation ? • 10M minbias no-L0 is enough • Would be great to have a look to L0 data sample • 10Mevts to be stripped… • Check if thing are changed • Define the EFlow strategy for the first beam collisions Aurélien Martens - ECAL Energy FLow Calibration