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Exploring Macroeconomic Themes: Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate Dynamics

Dive into key macroeconomic themes including internal and external balance, policy spill-over effects, BOP approaches, and overshooting in exchange rates within an open economy framework. Gain insights into stability, targets, and models like Mundell-Fleming and Dornbusch (1976).

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Exploring Macroeconomic Themes: Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate Dynamics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Balance of Payment and Exchange Rate Overshooting Macroeconomic Themes:10

  2. Open Economy Model: Equilibrium in Six Different Markets Macroeconomic Themes:10

  3. Internal and External Balance Under the Fixed Exchange Rate Regime Macroeconomic Themes:10

  4. Policy Spill-over Effects in Interdependent Economies Macroeconomic Themes:10

  5. BOP: Keynesian Approach Macroeconomic Themes:10

  6. Monetary Approach to BOP Macroeconomic Themes:10

  7. BOP: Elasticity Approach Macroeconomic Themes:10

  8. BOP: Elasticity Approach (Marshall-Lerner Condition) Macroeconomic Themes:10

  9. Exchange Rate Overshooting Macroeconomic Themes:10

  10. Internal and External Balance and Tibergenian Target-Instrument Assignment ProblemFiscal and Monetary Policies for Stability Macroeconomic Themes:10

  11. Assignment Problem in the Mundel-Fleming Model Macroeconomic Themes:10

  12. Exchange Rate in the Long Run Macroeconomic Themes:10

  13. Macroeconomic Themes:10

  14. A Small open economy model of trade Macroeconomic Themes:10

  15. Economy wide Income and Trade Balance in a Small Open Economy Macroeconomic Themes:10

  16. Global Trade model Macroeconomic Themes:10

  17. Equilibrium in the Global Trade Model Macroeconomic Themes:10

  18. Dornbusch (1976) Model of Exchange Rate Overshooting Macroeconomic Themes:10

  19. Macroeconomic Themes:10

  20. Macroeconomic Themes:10

  21. References Macroeconomic Themes:10

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