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Explore background, sample tests for English, Math, and SPaG, assessment details for 2019, new curriculum expectations and preparation tips for your child. Attend the session to support your child effectively during test week.
KS2 SATS 2019 KS2 SATS Guidance for Parents SPRING 2019
Tonight we will…… • Give some background into the KS2 SATs, what the children can expect and how they work • Opportunity to look at sample test materials • Arrangements for January – May • What you can do at home to support your children • Question and Answers
KS2 ‘Assessment’ in 2019 Statutory assessment • KS2 new national curriculum testswith outcomes in the form of scaled scores. • Teacher assessment at KS2 for writing, using the DfE assessment framework for teacher assessment. Formative classroom assessment • Determined by schools in line with their curriculum.
KEY POINTS The ‘new’ curriculum is more challenging and has an increased focus on developing children’s subject knowledge and skills. In essence, children will either pass or fail these tests. Their standardised score will be reported to their secondary schools. Class teachers will meet with secondary school staff to discus pupil’s attainment and specific needs. The new National Curriculum does not have levels of attainment, but instead has ‘expectations’ children are required to meet at each banding (EXPECTED STANDARD). No levels Scaled Scores The 2019 tests will include reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling, arithmetic and reasoning.
NO MORE LEVELS! Children develop at different times and in individual ways, but at the end of Year 6 the DfE guidelines for English and maths are as follows:- Children achieving a standardised score of 100 or above will be at the expected standard (EXS) . Any pupil not achieving this will be reported as ‘has not met the standard’ (HNM). Children achieving a standardised score of 110 or more will be working at greater depth within the standard. For writing, there are additional standards which are ‘working towards the standard’ (WTS) and working at greater depth within the standard (GDS) . REMEMBER – ALL CHILDREN ARE DIFFERENT!
Scaled Scores Working Towards Expectation 100 Working At Expectation Exceeding Expectation
WHAT WILL BE ASSESSED? ASSESSED BY TESTS (marked externally) MATHS SPaG READING Paper 1 (30) - Arithmetic Paper 2 (40) - Reasoning Paper 3(40) - Reasoning Paper 1 (45 mins) Short answer questions. Paper 2 Spelling. ONE PAPER (1 hour) Reading booklet and associated answer booklet. * No Calculator Paper CONTINUOUS TEACHER ASSESSMENT WRITING
What is the ‘Expected Standard’ in writing? Children are expected to be able to write for a range of purposes. Some examples of writing at the expected standard can be found at the back.
How are we preparing? January - May • Magic maths minutes, word of the day, skim and scan, spelling • Intervention Groups including Pixl therapies • Regular familiarisation of SATs papers • Test technique integrated into lessons • 10 Minute SATs Buster SPAG books • Revision home learning to reinforce work covered in class
WHEN ARE THE TESTS? All KS2 SATs will be held in the week beginning 13thMay 2019. The tests must be taken on the scheduled days. Monday 13th May 2019 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling Tuesday 14th May 2019 English reading Wednesday 15th May 2019 Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning Thursday 16th May 2019 Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning
Attendance As we work through the curriculum at such a pace it is vital your child is in school every day. Punctuality is essential during test week so that all pupils can start their tests at appropriate times.
Support with home learning. Communicate with teachers. Read regularly and discuss a variety of texts – not just ‘listening’ to your child read. Short bursts of mental maths, times tables and problem solving etc. ‘Little and often’ Support your children but don’t pressurise. Check the school website for updates. HELPING AT HOME
Thank You! If you have any questions, please ask! Please remember to have a look at the information at the back. There are some things that you can take away with you.