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072 - Dumnezeu e Taria mea

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072 - Dumnezeu e Taria mea

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  1. Cand in zare se iveste solul celui necuratDumnezeu e Taria meaCand armatele de duhuri cerul au intunecatDumnezeu e Taria mea----------------------------------------------------------When He rolls up His sleevesHe ain't just puttin' on the ritz(our God is an awesome God)There is thunder in His footstepsAnd lightning in His fist(our God is an awesome God)

  2. Cand tot iadul sta-n picioare pregatit pentru razboiCand simt ca sufletul se zbate prins in cursa greaMa aplec in rugaciune s-astept ajutorul slaveiDumnezeu e Taria mea ---------------------------------------------------------- Well, the Lord wasn't jokingWhen He kicked 'em out of EdenIt wasn't for no reason that He shed his bloodHis return is very close and so you better be believingthat our God is an awesome God

  3. Dumnezeu e Taria meaAdapost pentru sufletul meuAjutor cand povara e greaDumnezeu e Taria mea ---------------------------------------------------------- Our God is an awesome GodHe reigns from heaven aboveWith wisdom pow'r and loveOur God is an awesome God

  4. Dumnezeu are puterea ca in cer si pe PamantDumnezeu e Taria meaTot ce-n lume se intamplaestescris si in CuvantDumnezeu e Taria mea---------------------------------------------------------- And when the sky was starless in the void of the night (our God is an awesome God)He spoke into the darkness and created the light(our God is an awesome God)

  5. Incercarea cand e mare si se pare ca ma-ngroapaIntunerecul de-i gros si nu mai pot vedeaPlec si fruntea si genunchii dar inalt spre ceruri duhulDumnezeu e Scaparea mea---------------------------------------------------------- Judgment and wrath he poured out on SodomMercy and grace He gave us at the crossI hope that we have not too quickly forgotten that our God is an awesome God

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