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Automatic monitoring of labile copper with special focus for aquaculture installations with recycling of water. ATMS600. Copper and other heavy metals can be monitored by sending samples to a laboratory or by automatic and continuous in situ monitoring .
Automatic monitoringof labile copperwithspecialfocusfor aquacultureinstallationswithrecyclingofwater ATMS600
Copper and otherheavy metals can be monitored by sending samples to a laboratory or by automatic and continuousin situmonitoring. The advantages by using automatic monitoringareobvious, butnoacceptablemethod has so far beenavailable. As a result from research in analyticalchemistry at Norwegian UniversityofScience and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, newmethodsaredevelopedenablingautomatically to monitor heavy metals in waters, and this is patentedinternationally. The company SensAqua AS in Trondheim and Oppdal takes care ofthecommercialaspectsofthisactivity. As given below, we have workedout a method for continuousmonitoringofcopperofparticularinterest for aquaculturewithreused water. A pilot station has beenestablished at Nofima AS in Sunndalsøra, Norway. This has workedsatisfactory in a testing periodofaboutsevenweeks.
The measuring system Control system and measuring unit The software program POS for control routines and data presentation (includingcommunicationwiththe system via Internet) Dosagepump for additionofelectrolyte (1 M HCl being dilutedto 0.01 M in the sample) HCl (1 M) reservoar, Consumption; about 1 liter for about 3 monthsfor oncean hourcontinuoususe.
The sensor system Silver/silverchloridereference elektrode for thereference circuit Platinum counterelectrode av platina for theelectrolysis circuit Workingelectrode, gold basedalloy designet for monitoringoflowconcentrationsofcopper Analyticalcell; test solution + HCl (0.01 M)
Single plots with and withoutadditionofcopper Voltammogram (system responce) for a scanwith and withoutadditionof 5 g/l Cu2+
Results from measurements over time Lang term measurementsofcopper
CONCLUSION From theresults during the testing period it is foundthattheconcentrationofcopper in the water can be monitoredcontinuouslywithsatisfactoryresults. It waselectricity breakdown for somedays during theactualperiod, and theresultswerethen lost, but it wasfoundthatthe breakdown did not affectthefurthermeasurements. Weassumethatthemonitoringcan be run continuously at least one monthbeforemanual attendance is needed. Wealsotested by comparingafteradditionof standard coppersolution, withsatisfactoryresults. The method is speciallydesigned for copper, butother metals canalso be monitored.