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Explore water governance, policy evaluation, and policy actors in environmental policy. Learn about policy instruments and societal change strategies. Understand the environmental policy life cycle and the role of networks in shaping policies.
Water Rights and Policies: Water Institutions and governance Dr. Bas JM van Vliet, Environmental Policy Group Wageningen University 23-27 April 2006
Contents lectures (preliminairy) • Sunday 23 April: Policy, Policy Actors and Policy instruments • Monday 24 April: Policy evaluation tools • Tuesday 25 April: Water Governance and institutions • Wednesday 26 April: Cases of Water Governance
What is Policy? Policy is: (Hoogerwerf 1995): • The attempts to reach specific goals… • with certain means… • and in a certain timepath
Policy theories • Policy process theories • Policy network theories
Issue-attention cycle • Pre-problem stage • Alarmed discovery • Realizing costs and difficulties solving them • Gradual decline public interest • Post-problem stage time
MOST IMPORTANT Nuclear power 50% industrial disasters 45% Air pollution 44% pollution of tap water 43% pollution of seas/coasts 42% tropical forests 41% Climate change 39% LEAST IMPORTANT Damage tourism 17% hunting 17% noise 18% traffic/public transport 21% domestic waste 22% Acid rain 29% GMOs30% Public agenda: environmental worries in the EU (2002, Eurobarometer)
Policy life cycle (Winsemius) recognition/formulation/implementation/control Political Weight Degree of controversy
Who makes policy? • ‘Politics’ (Parliament): sets goals, makes choices (importance of proper water management in comparison to other issues) • Government (ministeries, local governments): formulates water plicy • Other Actors (companies, other organisations) may formulate own ‘policies’
From process to networks • Against sharp and hierarchical distinction between state and society • State no longer monolithic
Policy networks Networks are more or less stable patterns of social relations between mutually dependent actors, constructed around policy problems and/or policy programs
Network theories • State is a multiple actor • mutual dependency between state and societal actors • no hierarchical relation, but dualistic role of state organisations • intermediate organizations • no fixed triangles or coalitions
Networks • Policy networks: policy-actors and a political-administrative point of view • Economic networks: economic actors and an economic/monetary perspective • Societal networks: civil society actors and a socio-cultural perspective
Analysing networks • rules of the game: formal and informal rules • resources: money, authority, knowledge, information • the strategies: offensive, consensual, cooperative, adversarial • the ideological identity or world view of the network
Actor Networks around water supply Economic Hardware suppliers Clients Other water enterprises Ministry of Water Competing water users Water Supply Company Local Government Water Association Policy NGOs Societal
Policy and Management Environmental Policy is steering: • Intentional, organised form of societal change to improve the environmental quality (NOT the technical intervention itself = environmental management). Two main elements of environmental policy: • Policy instruments (the means) • Policy strategies (goals and design of policy processes)
Environmental Policy instruments • Regulatory or legislative instruments (“the stick”: laws and other regulations), • Economic instruments (“the carrot”: subsidies, fines), • Communicative instruments, or interactive steering (“preach”: extension, education, negotiation)
Environmental Policy Matrix (World Bank, 1997) Wave4 ?
Wave 1: Using Environmental Regulations • Mainstay of environmental policies and resource protection in virtually all countries, • involves the setting of environmental standards enforced via legislation without the aid of market-based incentives. • Water and air quality standards and emission standards, land use standards (Brazil, China, OECD, Pakistan, etc.), protected areas (China, Brazil, etc.), bans on fishing and pesticide (Indonesia, Latin America), quota for water consumption (USA, Israel)
Regulations • Why preferred by Governments? • for politician, hide the true cost, and avoid conflicts • for bureaucracy, source of power and influence • Pressure groups, NGOs, as a predictable way • Mixed experience with effectiveness • Needs to be complemented by market instruments • Important factors which can impair the functioning: • high bureaucratic cost • large informational requirement • problems of socio-cultural acceptance,
Wave 2: Market based instruments, creating and using markets • Creation of incentives to producers and consumers to make better use of resources. • It aims to internalize external cost into the price of a good through economic instruments • Principle 16 of Rio Declaration states: • “National authorities should endeavour to promote the internalization of environmental cost and the use of economic instruments, taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution with due regard to public interest and without distorting international trade and investment (UN, 1992)”.
Attractiveness of Market based instruments • Achieve the desired effects at the least possible cost • Easier to enforce • Equal to everybody • Generate revenue
Using Markets • Use the market and price signals to make the appropriate allocation of resources. • Examples: subsidy removal (energy and water pricing reform in many countries), pesticide and fertilizer subsidy reductions and Indonesia. Taxes on industrial emissions.
Creating Markets • To reduce the lack of markets for environmental resources and services by • Defining property rights, • Privatization and decentralization, • Establishing tradable permits and rights, and creating international offsets. • Water rights (USA, Chile), land titles (Thailand), participatory irrigation management (India, Mexico, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tunisia) • Tradable quotas/permits for fisheries (New Zealand), tradable emission permits Chile, Czech Rep., Poland, US.
Third wave: Engaging the Public • Governments rarely lead in the fight for an improved environment; more often political leaders respond to public demands for action to address environmental issues. • Information disclosure, community pressure, and public participation are crucial in creating the political will to take effective action. • Examples: • Eco-labeling for agricultural production in many OECD countries, • Public disclosure program in Indonesia for air and water pollution control.
Communication as an instrument for policy The role of government during different phase of the policy life cycle (IUCN, 1995)
Communication methods in the different phases of the policy life cycle 1: Identification/agenda setting • Regular opinion and attitude surveys • Mass media content analysis • Management by speech • Systematic and continuous network with NGO, interest groups and scientific institutions (public relations) • Regular briefings and interviews and meetings with interest groups and the press
Communication methods in the different phases of the policy life cycle 2. Formulating environmental policy • Knowledge/attitude/practice (KAP) surveys • Integrating communication in the mix of policy instruments • Design of a communication strategy • Communication to /consultation with those who will be involved (public relations)
Communication methods in the different phases of the policy life cycle 3. Implementing environmental policy • Information campaigns • Specific information materials • Marketing and advertising • Instruction • Education • Consultation of target groups (public relations)
Communication methods in the different phases of the policy life cycle 4. Management and control • Monitoring and communication of results • Regular opinion and attitude surveys • Informing on changes of policy design and implementation • Education
Other instruments: Joint Environmental Policy Making Voluntary agreements • Are based on the principle that industry accepts that it bears responsibility and that it is prepared to avoid damage, reduce impacts or ensure the sustainable use of resources. • A high level of trust is essential, based on a close understanding of the nature of industry and its processes, as is the possibility of imposing a regulatory mechanism or sanctions in case of failure. • Will normally only work where a high level of industrial self-discipline exists, based on a long experience and understanding of government objectives.
Other instruments: Self regulation • Self-regulation may be promoted by governments as a means of placing some of the burden of ensuring compliance with environmental standards on industry. • However, it is better seen as a means for industry to improve performance and competitiveness by reducing such costs as: • environmental charges and fines resulting from high levels of pollution, • waste disposal costs where low levels of recycling or reuse are achieved, • energy or water consumption through efficiency gains, • natural resource input gains through improved processes.
Which Policy Instrument to Choose? There is no single ideal instrument, we need the full orchestra! The mix should be: • Economically viable • Socially acceptable • Culturally adaptive • Legally based • Psychologically comfortable
Exercise: Water Policy and policy instruments in Yemen • Briefly describe the current policy in one of the following fields of water policy in Yemen: • Urban Water Supply • Urban Wastewater management • Water drilling for agriculture • Wadi management • … • Assess and review the policy actors (use network models) • Assess and review the instruments used • What would be the ideal mix of actor networks and policy instruments in the given case?