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Comparative Analysis of Education Systems for Labour Market Allocation

Explore the theoretical basis and empirical evidence on how education systems affect labor market outcomes and social mobility in different countries. Understand the impact of educational supply and demand on competition and qualifications for various types of jobs. Analyze the role of educational stratification, occupational specificity, and vocational training models in shaping employment patterns. Utilize data from ISCED classifications and comparative education measurements to identify key factors influencing labor market entrants' outcomes.

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Comparative Analysis of Education Systems for Labour Market Allocation

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  1. Bildung und Bildungssysteme im internationalen Vergleich Bildungssysteme und die Messung von Bildung für die vergleichende Forschung in EuropaWalter Müllerfür die ASI Jahrestagung 2003

  2. Übersicht • Theoretische Fundierung für vergleichende Bildungsmessung am Beispiel des Verhältnisses von Bildung und Beruf • Varianten vergleichender Bildungsmessung in der Praxis Bildungsjahre CASMIN (Comparative Analysis of Social Mobility in Industrial Nations) ISCED International Standard Classification of Education • Die Umsetzung von ISCED im European Social Survey • Was wäre zu tun?

  3. Theoretical background to explain differences between countries: Matching models • Basic matching mechanism very much the same in different contexts: Interrelated decision of two contraction actors (workers and employers), in which each attempts an optimal solution for him, given preferences, ressources, constraints and opportunities. • Variation between countries in the institutional condititions under which decisions are made - different systems of education and training- different labour market regulations • Balance between educational supply and demand, that affects the conditions of competition between different groups of qualification holders.

  4. Characteristics of educational systems relevant for LM allocation • Stratification: Extent and form of tracking in the educational system:  enhances signalling capacities of educational credentials. • Occupational specificity: Extent to which learning of specific occupational competences is emphasized rather than general knowledge or cognitive abilities:  qualifications can more directly be used in jobs;  less training investments required by employers. • Different organisational forms of vocational training: School based vs. combinations of training and working.

  5. Differences in unemployment rate among LM entrants in groups of EU-member states by type and level of education (estimates from multilevel models)

  6. Unemployment Rates by Country and Years of Labour Force Experience, ISCED 3 leavers

  7. Differences in socio-economic status among LM entrants in groups of EU-member states by type and level of education (estimates from multilevel models)

  8. Logs-odds einer oberen Dienstklassenposition für verschiedene Tertiärabschlüsse im Vergleich zum Abitur

  9. CASMIN Bildungsklassifikation

  10. ISCEDInternational Standard Classification of Education

  11. ISCED 5-6: Classification for Germany

  12. Messung von Bildung (1) Vergleichstandard: Die (vergleichsweise beste) üblicherweise genutzte nationale Bildungsklassifikation International vergleichbare BIldungsmasse (2) Years of education (3) CASMIN-classification (7 codes) (4) The three level classification of education used in the Political Action study Wie viel Varianz wird durch (2), (3) und (4) erklärt im Vergleich zu (1) ? Abh. Variablen: Prestige of job Personal income Cultural capital (number of languages spoken, knowledge of words test) Gender role ideology Motivational function of inequality Power explanation of inequality Political interest Erklärung verschiedener abh. Variablen durch unterschiedliche Messung von Bildung im Ländervergleich (Brauns / Müller 1995)

  13. % varíance explained by years of ed., CASMIN and Political Action-scale compared to variance explained by national classification in ISSP data for US, D, HUN and POL Prestige Personal Income Cultural Capital

  14. % varíance explained by years of ed., CASMIN and Political Action-scale compared to variance explained by national classification in ISSP data for US, D, HUN and POL Gender-role Ideology Motivational Function of Inequality Power Explanation of Inequality Political Interest

  15. Messung von Bildung (1) Vergleichstandard: Die (vergleichsweise beste) üblicherweise genutzte nationale Bildungsklassifikation International vergleichbare BIldungsmaße (2) Years of education (3) 6 ISCED-Niveaus ohne Differenzierung nach beruflich oder allgemeinen Tracks Abh. Variablen: ISEI Political Competence Attitude towards immigrants ISCED 97 im Vergleich zu Bildungsjahren und nationaler Klassifikation - ESS-Daten 2002/03

  16. Mean years 13,2 12,7 12,4 10,8 11,4 12,8 12,9 12,0 13,0 11,4 12,0 11,6 10,2 9,7 7,4 Highest level of education attained in European countries 2003

  17. % variance explained by years of education in ESS data

  18. % varíance of ISEI Index*** explained by education years, ISCED, and national classification of education * The National Educational Classification for Finland and Slovenia are not available for the ESS, Edition 1.** The Mapping of Educational Levels in Ireland are 1:1 equal to the International Standard.*** The Regressions on the ISEI Status Index are only computed for individuals in depemdent employment or self-employed and only for men.

  19. % varíance of political competence explained by education years, ISCED, and national classification of educational * The National Educational Classification for Finland and Slovenia are not available for the ESS, Edition 1.** The Mapping of Educational Levels in Ireland are 1:1 equal to the International Standard.

  20. % varíance of attitudes towards immigrants explained by education years, ISCED, and national classification of education * The National Educational Classification for Finland and Slovenia are not available for the ESS, Edition 1.** The Mapping of Educational Levels in Ireland are 1:1 equal to the International Standard.

  21. Mean of ISEI in national education groups aggregated in the ISCED classification

  22. % variance explained (net of cohort and year of survey) in regression of various variables on all educational dummies

  23. Occupational status (ISEI) by level and type of education and labour force experience – estimated by mulitlevel model for EU-member states

  24. ISCED 4: Classification for Germany

  25. Labour market integration and first job outcome by initial level of education in Europe* ISCED 5-6 ISCED 0-2 ISCED 0-2 ISCED 5-6 * includes Austria, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

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