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How To Be An Effective Teacher “Teachers are Sculptors of the Human Race”

Learn the key elements of effective classroom management and how it impacts student learning. This session will cover important questions students want answered on the first day of school and strategies for creating a well-organized and productive classroom.

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How To Be An Effective Teacher “Teachers are Sculptors of the Human Race”

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  1. How To Be An Effective Teacher“Teachers are Sculptors of the Human Race” March 24, 2011 Materials Taken From: The First Days of School by Harry & Rosemary Wong www.effectiveteaching.com

  2. Today’s Agenda 1. Bell work- Check Your Teaching Effectiveness Quiz 2. Review Procedures Cell phones on silent Refrain from sidebar conversations Law of two feet 3. Discussion of Critical Role of Classroom Management 4. Session Questions

  3. The Critical Role of Classroom Management • Effective Teaching • Most Effective teacher gain 52 percentile points • Least Effective teacher gain14 percentile points • 6% gain estimated due to maturation • The effective teacher instructs 80% of the time • The average teacher instructs 70-75% of the time • The ineffective teacher instructs 63% of the time • Instruction time lost due to an ineffective teacher: 9 hours per week/54 days/equal to 1/3 of the school year • Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom.

  4. Seven Questions Students Want to Know on the First Day of School ENGAGEMENT IS KEY!!!! • Am I in the right room? • Where am I supposed to sit? • What are the rules of the classroom? • Procedures: How things are done. No penalties and no consequences. • Discipline: behave with consequences. 4. What will I be doing this year? 5. How will I be graded? 6. Will this teacher treat me fairly? 7. Who is my teacher as a person?

  5. 1. Am I in the right room? Photos taken from Head Start/Preschool teacher, Kim Grubb

  6. 2. Where am I supposed to sit?

  7. 6. Will this teacher treat me fairly? Yes, Always!

  8. 3. What are the rules of this classroom?

  9. 4. What will I be doing this year?

  10. 5. How will I be graded?

  11. 7. Who is my teacher as a person?

  12. What Does the CLASS Measure?Classroom Organization(one of 3 domains) • Behavior Management • Productivity • Instructional Learning Formats

  13. Classroom Organization Domain How do teachers help students… • Develop skills to help them regulate their own behavior • Get the most learning out of each school day • Maintain interest in learning activities

  14. Behavior Management • Encompasses the teacher’s ability to provide clear behavior expectationsand use effective methods to prevent and redirect misbehavior. • Clear Behavior Expectations • Proactive • Redirection of Misbehavior • Student Behavior

  15. Behavior Management • Communicating Expectations before Work Time • Clear behavior expectations • Proactive • Student behavior • Clear Behavioral Expectations during Transition • Clear behavior expectations • Proactive • Redirection of misbehavior • Student behavior

  16. Discussion of Procedures……. • Signal for students when too loud: xylophone, small wind chime to ding, same sound/song/note played to signal quieter, lights flashed • Reminding & modeling of voice levels 0-4 or inside/outside voices • Freeze used to get all eyes on me/attention to redirect or give instructions • Who uses CHAMPS or PBIS at school level?

  17. First Day of School to Last Day of School • Clear Behavior Expectations • Routine • Review • Clarity of Rules • Modeling/Practicing • Saying/reminding/repeating • Redirecting • Consistency

  18. Classroom Procedures Explain, Rehearse, Reinforce! “The only way to have responsible students is to have procedures and routines for which the students can feel responsible.”

  19. Teach Procedures!Students MUST know what to do in the classroom! Teach students how classroom is organized (CONSISTENT, PREDICTABLE, RELIABLE)!! • Put procedures on PowerPoint and have slideshow upon entry to classroom • Post procedures • Loop or rotate Ppt. slides for seating and centers before instruction begins and use Ppt. to review procedures with students as models in photos on Ppt.

  20. Sample procedures continued… • Working in Groups- yellow, green, red cup • Working Individually-HELP index card on desk red/green turn over to red if needing assistance • PowerPoint slides of procedures printed, laminated, and posted • Video or audio a rap of classroom procedures (play as needed or post on class Website)

  21. Sample procedures continued….. • For ESL, head start, kindergarten or other students who could benefit from a visual, print series of procedure pictures and post • For transitioning make up songs or raps or allow students to develop songs and raps, team with older students to develop raps to use • Have a daily closing message (summarize what was done for the day on document camera, transparency, typed slip for book bag/home message etc.)

  22. Superintendent, Henry Webb Philosophy: • Have a Plan… • Work the Plan… • Keep it Simple…

  23. Chalk/White Board or Flip Chart Daily Postings (reinforce routines..post in same location daily) • Agenda/Today’s Schedule/Today I will do • Bell work/Flashbacks/Do Now/Welcome Work • Learning Targets/”I can statements”/Objective/Today I will learn

  24. Raises Achievement By 27%! • Give parents what you want kids to know: • Syllabus (what is expected & what you will be teaching for year in each content area) • List of learning targets/”I can statements” • Example- Do kids and parents see where they are going? GPS or MAP to get end result…you’re not driving around the curriculum/unit/book/lesson…give students & parents the roadmap! • Feedback & Feedback Looping very important so students is encouraged to continue in this learning journey with you

  25. The Effective Teacher • Establishes good control the first week of school. • Teaches students, not a subject or a grade level. • Maximizes academic learning time. • Does things right consistently. • Affects and touches lives. • Establishes positive expectations for all students. • Establishes good classroom management techniques. • Designs lessons for student mastery. • Works cooperatively and learns from colleagues. • Seeks out a mentor who serves as a role model. • Goes to professional meetings to learn.

  26. The Effective Teacher Cont….. • Has a goal of striving for excellence. • Can explain the district’s, school’s, and department or grade level’s curriculum. • Realizes that teaching is not a private practice. • Is flexible and adaptable. • Listens, listens, listens. • Understands the research process. • Teaches with proven research-based practices. • Knows the difference between an effective teacher and an ineffective one. • Has a statement of positive expectations ready for the first day of school.

  27. Every day millions of students arrive at American classrooms in search of more than reading and math skills. They are looking for a light in the darkness of their lives, a Good Samaritan who will stop and bandage a burned heart or ego. --Jim Trelease

  28. The Effective Teacher Cont…… • Creates a classroom climate that communicates positive expectations for all students. • Has a personal goal of high expectations. • Creates an environment for all students to learn. • Is a role model for students. • Thinks and behaves globally. • Comes to teach dressed for success. • Has an inviting personality. • Creates an inviting classroom environment. • Addresses people by name. • Says “Please” and “Thank you.” • Keeps the students actively engaged in learning.

  29. The Effective Teacher Cont…… • Trains students to know what they are to do. • Has students working on task. • Has a classroom with little confusion or wasted time. • Prepares, prepares, prepares. • Maximizes proximity to materials and students. • Prepares the classroom for effective work. • Cultivates a positive reputation. • Communicates with parents before school starts. • Greets the students with positive expectations. • Has the seating assignment and first assignment ready.

  30. Classroom Management • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf7kR8uZ9a4 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vojFJUVhbHw&feature=related •  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kLWbfHRNJ0&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saF3-f0XWAY&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV-OZc9jcWc&feature=related

  31. The Effective Teacher Cont….. • Has the assignment posted daily in a consistent location. • Does not disturb the class during roll taking. • Knows what results should be recorded. • Keeps a running progress of student work. • Thinks through a discipline plan before school begins and conveys the plan to students. Has a discipline plan posted when students arrive on the first day of school. • Rules are stated positively • Teacher voice/tone is at an appropriate level

  32. The Effective Teacher Cont…. • Writes learning targets that tell the student what is to be accomplished. • Knows how to write objectives/learning targets at all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. • Gives both formative and summative assessments. • Uses formative assessments to determine the appropriate corrective help. • Grades and encourages for percentage mastery, not on a curve. • Helps establish and enhance the school culture. • Has a well-thought-out and structured procedures for every activity. • Teaches the procedure for each activity early in the year. • Re-teaches a procedure when necessary and praises to reinforce when appropriate.

  33. MSU Graduate and Virginia (MN) High School Teacher, Mark L. Henderson I dropped out of school at 17 in the 8th grade. At 39 I went to college in Morehead, KY. I graduated at top of my class with majors in French and History. Most of my life I was a carpenter, just a common laborer, not so amazing. When I started teaching, I heard all the talk about “poor students this year.” As a carpenter we received lumber from the yard straight run, full of knots, bows, twists and deformities. As uneducated workers we had to build the most beautiful home the eyes had ever seen.

  34. We did it! One step, One procedure, At a time. As a teacher my students are straight run, full of problems, anxieties, and misinformation. I am expected to make something of them I will, One step, One procedure At a time- Build something beautiful.

  35. Teaching The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. You can teach a lesson for a day but if you teach curiosity, you teach for a lifetime. It’s too bad that the people who really know how to run the country are busy teaching school. When truth stands in your way, you are headed in the wrong direction. When teaching the love of truth, never lose the truth of love. Teacher’s task: take a lot of live wires and see that they are well-grounded. The mediocre teacher tells, the good one explains, the superior one shows, the great one inspires. Nothing improves a child’s hearing more than praise.

  36. Session ReviewHarry Wong 3:04, 4:53, 6:30, 7:53, 11:28


  38. A Vision of K-12 Students Today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A-ZVCjfWf8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_MaJDK3VNE&NR=1&feature=fvwp Cat Herders

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