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The Accretion Mode - Morphology Link in Radio-Loud AGN jets: Towards a More Complete Unification Scheme Eileen Meyer Rice University University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Space Telescope Science Institute) 26 June 2012 Black Holes by the Black Sea Istanbul, Turkey.
The Accretion Mode - Morphology Link in Radio-Loud AGN jets: Towards a More Complete Unification SchemeEileen MeyerRice UniversityUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County(Space Telescope Science Institute)26 June 2012Black Holes by the Black SeaIstanbul, Turkey
“From the Blazar Sequence to the Blazar Envelope: Revisiting the Relativistic Jet Dichotomy” ApJ (2011) 740:98 “Radio Loud AGN Unification: Jet Power, Orientation, and Accretion Mode” (in preparation, Georganopoulos et al.) Markos Georganopoulos, UMBC Giovanni Fossati, Rice University Matt Lister, Purdue University
Relativistic Jet, Γ = 2-40 Up to ~Mpc Major Questions - How are Jets formed and launched from the SMBH? - What creates the RQ/RL divide? - Role of Accretion Mode and/or Spin? Radio Loud AGN - Jets in radio galaxies vs. blazar view - Morphology/Structure of the Jet? - Site of the gamma-ray emission? → Georganopoulos talk this afternoon - Is there an accretion mode dichotomy? → what can we learn from studying large populations? Narrow Line Region (NLR): scales > MT (seen at all angles) l Broad Line Region (BLR): 10-100 ld l θ Molecular Torus → size up to ~pc SMBH 106-1010 Msol Accretion Disk → Luminosities up to ~ 1046 erg/, peak in UV
Zeroth Order: Orientation-based Unification: Direct view of the jet! Blazars Radio Galaxy FR I: brightest at the center, “plumey jets” FR II: brightest in the lobes, collimated jets
Radio Loud AGN Unification(beyond orientation) Blazar Spectral Type Radio Galaxy Morphology BL Lac FR I Low power, weak lines) ADAF (Many notable exceptions!) FSRQ FR II Thin disk High power, high excitation spectra
RL AGN: Unification Problems - FR I/II morphology divide not strictly luminosity (accretion rate?) - Evolution – positive/negative? - Mixed spectral types (many low-excitation FR II) - low-power FSRQ, high-power BL Lacs - Problems with the Blazar Sequence...
The Blazar View of the Relativistic Jet Peak frequency, wide range Isotropic Radio Emission from Slowed Plasma in the Lobes Inverse Compton (source of upscattered photons not well understood) Synchrotron emission
The Blazar Sequence + Jet Power Increases - νpeak decreases + Lpeak/LR Increases + IC dominance increases + BLLs to FSRQ spectral change
BL Lacs: Jet Power uncorrelated with νp How does continuous sequence match morphology/accretion divide? Sources here were found (Nieppola 2006, Landt 2006, Caccianiga 2004)
Relativistic Beaming Relativistic Doppler Boosting of Apparent Luminosity is dependent on θ, Γ. 4:1 θ Θ increasing
Hypothesis: The Blazar Sequence Envelope Hypothesis: The Blazar Sequence Departing from the sequence, sources drop in Luminosity and frequency as θ increases Jet Power Increases (blue → red) Along 0° path (gray): Lp increases νp decreases Need to measure: Orientation (θ) Intrinsic Jet Power (good Lp, νp )
Part I: Revisiting the Blazar Sequence Is there a monoparametric Sequence? (1) Measure (unbeamed) Jet Power (2) Measure the alignment – how does angle of observations affect what we see? Hint: Jet structure may become more apparent at large θ (3) Build Up a large Sample – better SED sampling
Methods Lobe Emission “sticks up” II. Orientation: Radio Core Dominance Cavity Power (P*ΔV/time) Extended, Low-frequency Power Core is faint in the radio (not beamed) Cavagnolo, et al. 2010
Results FSRQ & BLLs Radio Galaxies BLLs
Results “Simple jet” (single Γ) Two Branches? “Decelerating Flow” model (Georganopoulos et al 2005)
New Hypothesis: A Strong/Weak Dichotomy? Strong Jets: All High Lkin (> 1044.5 erg s-1), some lower Lkin (Nearly) All FSRQ, many BL Lacs Low νp (< 1015 Hz), Reach highest Lp Associated with FR IIs (based on Lkin) Weak Jets: Only at low Lkin (< 1044.5 erg s-1) (Nearly) All BL Lacs All high νp (> 1015 Hz), some low νp? Associated with FR Is (based on Lkin) S W
New Hypothesis: A Strong/Weak Dichotomy?Next Questions: 1) Is the divide real? 2) Linked to Accretion Mode? Spectral Type mixed? 3) Jet Power? (not clean divide) 4) Sequence 'broken'?
Some Questions Answered Low νp , low Lp sources? → These appear to be misaligned. Lkin (Lext) does not vary with νp for BL Lacs? → Consistent with our findings: Horizontal movement due to velocity gradients in jet Sources at low νp have range of Lkin? → Consistent with our findings: All 'misalignment paths' meet at low νp
Part II: Accretion Mode and the Broken Power Sequence Accretion Modes – driving the FR I/FR II divide? BH mass Jet Power Critical value m'~10-2.5 Ghisellini et al. 2001
Lkin, θ, … m? ° Weak Jets = InefficientStrong Jets = Efficient (Mass estimates from reverberation mapping, velocity dispersions, mass-luminosity scalings)
The Broken Power Sequence Efficient Inefficient
The Meaning of Spectral Type: BL Lacs on the strong branch? 1:4 Δfrequency:ΔLuminosity δ/δ0 = νpeak/ν0
Summary: The Broken Power Sequence log Lkin=46 m'= 1x10-1 Let's follow 109msol SMBH at 0° (log Ledd ~ 47) log Lkin=45 m'= 1x10-2 log Lkin=44.5 m'= 1x10-2.5 log Lkin=43 m'= 1x10-4
+ Suggestion of Two populations: “weak” / “strong” + Jet Power important, but not fundamental: Accretion Mode Difference? + Spectral types (FSRQ, BLL) are affected by beaming, not reliable! + Observations consistent with a change in accretion mode at a critical rate of ~ 10-2 Eddington rate, linked to a divide in jet SED characteristics. + The sequence may exist in 'broken' form: Conclusions/Key Observations
Next Steps - Complete a detailed study of high-energy emission seen by Fermi - Expand the sample to include narrow-line Seyfert galaxies - Look at VLBI data: jet speeds, morphologies - Expand the sample - Radio Galaxies need to be studied more
The end (this slide intentionally left blank)
Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) versus External Compton (EC) SSC – upscatter synchrotron photons -IC peak is a “copy” of synchrotron -beaming pattern is the same: L ~ δ3+αsynchrotron peak or IC peak EC – upscatter photons from outside the jet (BLR, molecular torus, accretion disk?) -beaming pattern is different: L ~ δ3+αsynchrotron peak L ~ δ4+2αIC peak (For radio, Lcore/Lext ~ L~ δ3+α, α ~ 0.2 )
EC in powerful jets? Trend of increasing Compton Dominance (Rp) with Rce – only for most powerful sources! Many “strong jets” down here – SSC?
Apparent speed is maximum in the middle of the correlation, as expected.
EC in powerful jets? Trend of increasing Compton Dominance (Rp) with Rce – only for most powerful sources! Many “strong jets” down here – why?
EC versus SSC Very High Power jets → EC Moderately High Power jets –> ? SSC? Only Very High Power FSRQ show this collective behavior: A possible clue to the Gamma-ray emission site? BLR versus Molecular Torus: IF SSC dominates in moderate FSRQ, synchrotron energy density must be greater than external photon energy density - while the reverse holds in powerful FSRQ. This can be cast as a critical value of Lorentz Factor : MT: critical value ~ 16 BLR: critical value ~ 8
If the plasma emitting in different zones (e.g., radio versus gamma-ray) have different speeds (Γ), and thus different δ and the relationships will not be linear! The larger the difference, the more curvature
What can we learn from Fermi ? 1.1,1.5,1.4,1.3,1.5 Rce, Lkin can predict Lg
Beaming Patterns: Expectations Synchrotron: generally, L= L0δp+α (p=3 or 2) → LR = LR,0δ3+α' while Lp = Lp,0δ4 (ssc) -or- Lp = Lp,0δ6 (EC) [assume δ are the same...] X not seen?
Orientation (Rce) Expectation: As core dominance increases, νp will increase No single track?
AGN RL: FR I & BL Lacs FR II & FSRQ RQ: Seyferts quasars Low Luminosity High Luminosity (ADAFs?) (thin-disk?) XRBs ? low hard state high soft state
Orientation (Rce) Clear break between RG, blazars “striping” - indicates that Lkin and L0 are linked