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Learning. Psychology 40S C. McMurray. How Do We Learn?. Learning is a relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience. Experience is the key to Learning!. 3 Types of Learning: Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Social Learning/Observational Learning.

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  1. Learning Psychology 40S C. McMurray

  2. How Do We Learn? Learning is arelatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience.

  3. Experience is the key to Learning! 3 Types of Learning: • Classical Conditioning • Operant Conditioning • Social Learning/Observational Learning

  4. Classical Conditioning • A learning procedure in which a person’s old response becomes attached to a new stimulus • An association between 2 stimuli For example: When do we know when a scary part of a movie is about to take place? Apply this to classical conditioning

  5. Classical Conditioning Scary Movie Example • A learning procedure in which a person’s old response becomes attached to a new stimulus Old response: Being scared when something jumps out at you in movie. Attach responseto music…now scared when music plays. • An association between 2 stimuli Associating music with scary part of movie

  6. Classical Conditioning and Pavlov’s Dog Pavlov’s dog experiment • Pavlov originally studied how much dogs salivated during digestion. • Noticed that dogs started salivating at the sight of food. • Pavlov varied the stimuli before feeding…drooling to a bell Ivan Pavlov

  7. Joke Time: What did the sign on Pavlov's lab door say? Please knock. DON'T ring the bell.

  8. Classical Conditioning “Little Albert” Experiment (Famous example of classical conditioning in humans) John Watson

  9. Little Albert

  10. Classical conditioning with an altoid

  11. Name the US,UR, CS,CR A large dog barks then bites you You see a large dog barking at you You feel pain You feel fear US CS UR CR US- unconditioned stimulus UR – unconditioned response CS- conditioned stimulus CR – conditioned response

  12. Name the US,UR, CS,CR The child sees a nurse A child gets an injection from a nurse The child cries and runs from a nurse The child feels pain and cries CS US CR UR US- unconditioned stimulus UR – unconditioned response CS- conditioned stimulus CR – conditioned response

  13. Discovery Learning Video • Learning

  14. Fraser explains Classical Conditioning

  15. Polly Dots Classical Conditioning Experiment 1 2 3 4 5

  16. Extinction After conditioning has occurred, what would happen if the unconditioned stimulus no longer followed the conditioned stimulus? When the US (food) does not follow the CS (tone), CR (salivation) begins to decrease and eventually causes extinction. Extinction: The weakening of a conditioned response through removal of the unconditioned stimulus

  17. Spontaneous Recovery An extinguished response is not necessarily gone forever. With spontaneous recovery, organisms sometimes display responses that were extinguished earlier. After a rest period, an extinguished CR (salivation) spontaneously recovers, but if the CS (tone) persists alone, the CR becomes extinct again. Spontaneous Recovery: The reappearance of a learned response after its apparent extinction

  18. Stimulus Generalization Tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the CS is called generalization. (Pavlov’s dog salivates to any kind of bell)

  19. Review of Classical Conditioning Terms Neutral Stimulus (NS) A stimulus that does not cause a response Unconditioned Stimulus (US) a stimulus that causes an automatic response Unconditioned Response (UR) an automatic response to a stimulus Conditioned Stimulus (CS) a learned stimulus Conditioned Response (CR) a learned response to a neutral stimulus

  20. Operant Conditioning • A learning procedure in which a person’s behaviour increases or decreases due to consequences that follow that behaviour • Skinner box experiment B.F. Skinner

  21. Operant Chamber Skinner developed the Operant chamber, or the Skinner box, to study operant conditioning.

  22. Operant Chamber The operant chamber, or Skinner box, comes with a bar or key that an animal manipulates to obtain a reinforcer like food or water. The bar or key is connected to devices that record the animal’s response.

  23. Skinner Box

  24. Types of Reinforcers Reinforcement: Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.

  25. Reinforcement Schedules • Continuous Reinforcement:Reinforces the desired response each time it occurs. • Partial Reinforcement:Reinforces a response only part of the time. Though this results in slower acquisition in the beginning, it shows greater resistance to extinction later on.

  26. (4 Types of Partial Reinforcement)Ratio Schedules • Fixed-ratio schedule: Reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses. e.g., piecework pay. • Variable-ratio schedule: Reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses. This is hard to extinguish because of the unpredictability. (e.g., behaviors like gambling, fishing.)

  27. Interval Schedules • Fixed-interval schedule: Reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed. (e.g., preparing for an exam only when the exam draws close.) • Variable-interval schedule: Reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals, which produces slow, steady responses. (e.g., pop quiz.)

  28. Positive Reinforcement

  29. Big Bang Theory Operant Conditioning • operant conditioning big bang theory

  30. Smart Squirrel • smart squirrel

  31. Punishment An aversive event that decreases the behavior it follows.

  32. Punishment (orange text 332-333) • Results in unwanted fears. • Gives no information to the person who is being punished. • Justifies pain to others. • Causes aggression towards the punisher. • Causes unwanted behaviors to reappear in its absence. • Causes one unwanted behavior to appear in place of another. Although there may be some justification for occasional punishment, it usually leads to negative effects. (Larzelaere & Baumrind, 2002)

  33. Video www.learner.org/resources/series54.html Discovering Psychology “Learning” #8

  34. Learning by Observation Higher animals, especially humans, learn through observing and imitating others. The monkey on the right imitates the monkey on the left in touching the pictures in a certain order to obtain a reward.

  35. Mirror Neurons Neuroscientists discovered mirror neurons in the brains of animals and humans that are active during observational learning.

  36. Waving Bear • see the waving bear

  37. Imitation Onset Learning by observation begins early in life. This 14-month-old child imitates the adult on TV in pulling a toy apart.

  38. Social Learning…Learning by ObservationForm of learning by observing and imitating the behaviour of others • Bobo Doll Experiment Albert Bandura Acive Psych video clip: CD2 Learning #14: Bandura on Social Learning

  39. Bandura's Experiments Bandura's Bobo doll study (1961) indicated that individuals (children) learn through imitating others.

  40. Test Review 1. Make a concept map for the following: • Motivation • Emotions • Stress and Health • Learning (all 3 types of learning) 2. Make a test question (using higher level thinking) that involves topics from Motivation, Emotions, Stress/Health and Learning. If your question is used on the test you will receive a bonus mark.

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