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RAPID PROTOTYPING Concurrent Engineering I

Rapid Prototyping. What is Rapid Prototyping?a CAD technique to allow Automatic" creation of a physical model or prototype from a 3-D model.Create a 3-D Photocopy' of a part.Computer -> Real lifeWhy use Rapid PrototypingDecreases lead timeFacilitates concurrent engineeringAllows visualizati

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RAPID PROTOTYPING Concurrent Engineering I

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    1. RAPID PROTOTYPING Concurrent Engineering I Dr. Jack Zhou Drexel University Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics

    2. Rapid Prototyping What is Rapid Prototyping? a CAD technique to allow �Automatic� creation of a physical model or prototype from a 3-D model. Create a 3-D �Photocopy� of a part. Computer -> Real life Why use Rapid Prototyping Decreases lead time Facilitates concurrent engineering Allows visualization of more ideas Rapid Prototype is a term that is broadly used. Generally, the idea behind rapid prototyping is that it is supposed to be like a three dimensional printer. Thus it is a CAD technique that is supposed to enable the user to generate a physical object from his computer model. (Instead of printing onto paper, you want to �print out� a solid object. In its idealized form it should be no more difficult for the user to print the solid object than it is to print onto paper.) Why do we want to use Rapid Prototyping? R&D is very expensive. Rapid Prototyping techniques may cost more initially (bigger initial investment), but in the end they save money, by allowing solid objects to be quickly created. This allows you to move quickly through the design process. Further it enhances communication which greatly facilitates concurrent engineering. Finally in today�s industry speed is king. It used to be said that if you built a better mousetrap the world would beat a path to your door. In the marketplace today, after you design a better mousetrap you must beat a path to your customer�s door. The ability to quickly get new innovations to market is of vital importance. (A key figure that is often cited when discussing the rise of Toyota, Honda, etc over GM, Ford, and Chrysler is the shocking difference in time to market-- the time from inception to the assembly line.) Rapid prototyping plays a key role in reducing you lead time. Rapid Prototype is a term that is broadly used. Generally, the idea behind rapid prototyping is that it is supposed to be like a three dimensional printer. Thus it is a CAD technique that is supposed to enable the user to generate a physical object from his computer model. (Instead of printing onto paper, you want to �print out� a solid object. In its idealized form it should be no more difficult for the user to print the solid object than it is to print onto paper.) Why do we want to use Rapid Prototyping? R&D is very expensive. Rapid Prototyping techniques may cost more initially (bigger initial investment), but in the end they save money, by allowing solid objects to be quickly created. This allows you to move quickly through the design process. Further it enhances communication which greatly facilitates concurrent engineering. Finally in today�s industry speed is king. It used to be said that if you built a better mousetrap the world would beat a path to your door. In the marketplace today, after you design a better mousetrap you must beat a path to your customer�s door. The ability to quickly get new innovations to market is of vital importance. (A key figure that is often cited when discussing the rise of Toyota, Honda, etc over GM, Ford, and Chrysler is the shocking difference in time to market-- the time from inception to the assembly line.) Rapid prototyping plays a key role in reducing you lead time.

    3. Design Process Overview

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