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The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee . what we do for animal research at ASU. The ASU Animal Use Program. A three-legged stool. Attending Veterinarian (& DACT Director) - Joanne Tetens. Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee Chair – Dale DeNardo. Institutional Official

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The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

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  1. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee what we do for animal research at ASU

  2. The ASU Animal Use Program A three-legged stool Attending Veterinarian (& DACT Director) - Joanne Tetens Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee Chair – Dale DeNardo Institutional Official - Jon Harrison

  3. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) The IACUC provides internaloversight of animals used in research & teaching: - animal use procedures - husbandry - facilities The ASU IACUC consists of 11 voting members plus other supporting participants who include: - faculty representing the various departments and uses of animals - representatives of relevant ASU service units - DACT (including the Attending Vet) - Environmental Health & Safety - Campus Health - Risk Management - Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development Office - non-affiliated member

  4. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) • Web site includes: • IACUC Policies and Procedures Manual • IACUC forms • protocol due dates & meeting dates • IACUC training instructions and exams • IACUC Standard Institutional Guidelines • AVMA euthanasia guidelines • professional society non-traditional species recommendations • federal regulations and other policies • Animal Welfare Assurance & USDA certificate numbers • Occupational Health & Safety Program documents • DACT forms & housing per diem rates • etc. http://researchintegrity.asu.edu/animals/IACUC+Overview

  5. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) • Primary objective- oversight • To assure that ASU meets all regulatory requirements • - USDA – enforces the Animal Welfare Act. Definition of “animal”? • - OLAW (Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare) – oversees the use of non-human vertebrates in PHS-supported research or included in the institution’s PHS assurance (PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 2002) • - AAALACi (Association for the Assessment & Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International) – voluntary, covers all non-human vertebrates at the institution • - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – oversees federally protected species, migratory birds, and international transport of all vertebrate animals and their parts • - Arizona Game & Fish Department – oversees the capture & holding of native wildlife, as well as the holding of restricted non-native wildlife • - Arizona Department of Health Services – covers species where there is a concern for zoonotic disease All mammals except laboratory mice & rats Next tri-annual visit is this winter!

  6. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Secondary objective - service To minimize the burden on investigators (provided it does not interfere with Objective 1) - Assist investigators in achieving compliance. - Develop processes that are consistent but flexible enough to be relevant to the varied animal use on campus. - Eliminate the need for duplication of effort by investigators (e.g., sharing of protocols across institutions)

  7. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) • The review process (detailed in the Policies & Procedures Manual): • Protocols: • - pre-reviewed by the Attending Veterinarian, then one other IACUC member (assigned by the Chair as the Primary Reviewer) • - reviewed by the full committee at a convened meeting in the presence of the PI or designee • Amendments: • - Minor– administratively approved by the Chair • - Significant– with the approval of the full committee, reviewed by a Designated Reviewer (assigned by the Chair) and the Attending Veterinarian • - Major – reviewed by full committee at a convened meeting - a change that does not affect the animals (e.g., adding personnel) • the rationale for the new procedure is consistent with the research goals in the approved protocol • involves no increased risk of pain, distress, or discomfort to animals • does not markedly increase, by absolute or relative terms, the number of animals involved in the project - any change deemed substantive by the Chair or any IACUC member

  8. Protocol Form Why does the protocol form change periodically? • - regulatory oversight is very dynamic • (if the rules change, the form must change) • - improve comprehension of the questions • (the better the question, the more likely we get the info we need) • - improve internal logistics • (to ease reporting) MAKE SURE TO USE THE MOST CURRENT FORM! (available on the web site)

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