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French 101 Class Syllabus Highlights and Guidelines

Learn about the Total Physical Response technique, effective language teaching methods, class format, attendance policy, excused absence criteria, responsibilities, and grading details for the French 101 course. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and expectations to succeed in the class.

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French 101 Class Syllabus Highlights and Guidelines

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  1. IntroductionTPR & syllabus FRN 101 Mercredi 2 septembre

  2. Bonjour et bienvenue! en classe de FRN 101!

  3. TPRTotal Physical Response Je m’appelle Lucie Lecocq-Aussignargues Comment tu t’appelles?

  4. TPRTotal Physical Response Lève-toi (singular) Levez-vous (plural) Mettez-vous par Assied-toi (groupes de) 2, 3, 4 Asseyez-vous 2 ou 3

  5. TPRTotal Physical Response Ouvre/ferme ton livre(singular) Ouvrez/fermezvotre livre(plural) Prends/pose ton crayon, une feuille Prenez/posezvotre crayon, une feuille

  6. TPRTotal Physical Response Touche …(singular) Touchez…(plural) la main, la tête, le nez Va au tableau, à l’écran, à la porte Allez au tableau, à l’écran, à la porte

  7. Jacques a dit…


  9. RCS Department on SLA • Language is an implicit mental representation • Explicitly teaching grammar rules (pedagogical rules) helps very little in second language acquisition • Especially since these pedagogical rules often have exceptions/are not always right • Being exposed to input (authentic examples of the target language) helps grow the mental representation • Our brains are language machines that, after having been exposed to sufficient amounts of input, are capable of working out how a language works on their own with better accuracy than pedagogical rules

  10. RCS Department on SLA • Communication is the expression and interpretation of meaning in a given context • Communication is purposeful • Communication may make use of language, but not necessarily • The most effective way to teach a language is to provide large amounts of input and provide situations where students must interpret meaning in the target language in order to achieve a goal.

  11. Class Format • Lots of French input (oral) and lots of opportunities for using French in class • You are expected to participate in class activities and to • assist in the establishment and maintenance of a positive learning environment. • Students and the Instructor will adhere to a NO ENGLISH policy in class

  12. In class… • Please feel free to eat/drink in class, but • NO COMPUTERS open during class • you do not need them. Period. At all. • NO TEXTING • I will know when you are doing it. No one just looks down at their crotch and randomly laughs.

  13. Attendance Policy • Attendance will be taken daily • Arriving 10 minutes tardy will count as an absence • You will not be allowed to make up a pop quiz • Three freebies • > 3 absences • 1% point reduction in overall grade • Maximum 15 absences; > 15 absences = fail • Missing an exam • This is the only time when you can get an ‘excused’ absence.

  14. What counts as an excused absence from an exam? • University approved excuses include: • Religious observance • University approved field trips • University sponsored athletic events • Medical issues that require a visit to a doctor • Certain other instances beyond the student’s control Generally, documentation must be provided.

  15. What doesn’t count as an excused absence from an exam • It was my mom’s birthday, so I went home • I overslept/missed my bus/was abducted by aliens/etc. • My friend was really upset about breaking up with his/her significant other • I’m going to a concert that day • Test? What test?

  16. Missed Exams • Makeup of quizzes must be authorized by the Assistant Director or Director of the French Basic Language Program. • The student must request to make-up the missed work within one week from the date of the absence • Work, family vacations, planned trips, social events, or advanced appointments are not acceptable excuses.

  17. Responsibility • It is YOUR responsibility to keep track of your attendance on D2L. • Students often think they have missed fewer days than they really have • It is YOURresponsibility to regularly check your grade on D2L. • It is YOUR responsibility to keep up on the online homework on iLrn. • It is YOURresponsibility to let me know if you don’t understand something in class.

  18. Disabilities and VISA • If you have a Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) statement • please show this to your instructor as soon as possible Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (for information, visit www.rcpd.msu.edu)

  19. Grading 5 10-15

  20. iLrn • We will make extensive use of an online component to this class called iLrn (pre-class activities and homework). Follow the calendar on Ilrn! • You must purchase a textbook and register online via the card that comes packaged with the book • You must register As Soon As Possible • Course code is: XNHXXP869

  21. A Note on the Day to Day Not HW assignments

  22. Extra Credit Simple policy: There is NO EXTRA CREDIT.

  23. Qui est votre professeur? PrénomNom de jeune fille – nom d’épouse • Je m’appelle Lucie Lecocq-Aussignargues

  24. Vous pouvez m’appeler… • Professeur • Madame • Lucie Comme vous préférez!

  25. QUIZZ • Quel est mon prénom: Julie ou Lucie? • Lecocq est mon nom de jeune fille ou d’épouse? • Aussignargues est mon nom de jeune fille ou d’épouse?

  26. Je suis française. Je viens de France. • Je viens du sud de la France, à côté de Marseille.

  27. Vrai ou faux? • Je viens du nord-est de la France. • Je viens du sud-ouest de la France. • Je viens du nord-est de la France. • Je viens du sud-est de la France. • A côté de Toulouse. • A côté de Paris. • A côté de Marseille.

  28. J’habite à East Lansing depuis 2 ans. • Mon mari est chercheur (post-doc) à MSU.

  29. QUIZZ • J’habite à East Lansing ou Ann Arbor? • Depuis deux semaines, deux mois ou deux ans? • Je suis venue avec mon frère ou mon mari? • Mon mari est chercheur ou pasteur?

  30. Avant, j’étais professeur des écoles. • J’ai enseigné pendant six (6) ans à des enfants de trois (3) à onze (11) ans, en maternelle ou en élémentaire.

  31. Vrai ou faux? • J’ai été professeur au collège. • J’ai été professeur en maternelle. • J’ai été professeur en élémentaire. • J’ai enseigné pendant trois ans. • J’ai enseigné pendant six ans. • J’ai enseigné à des enfants de 3 à 11 ans. • J’ai enseigné à des enfants de 1 à 6 ans.

  32. Jacques a dit…

  33. Des questions? Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-2:30 pm at CeLTA (French help room) Wells Hall B135 By appointment : Email address: lecocqau@msu.edu Office: Wells Hall B470

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