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微波工程期末報告 - 論文研讀報告. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stop band Filters. 授課老師:陳文山教授 學生: 蘇育慶 學號: m99s0204.
微波工程期末報告-論文研讀報告 Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stop band Filters 授課老師:陳文山教授 學生: 蘇育慶 學號:m99s0204
作者:David Bouyge、David Mardivirin、 Jordi Bonache 、Pierre Blondy、Aurelian Crunteanu 、Arnaud Pothier、Miguel Durán-Sindreu。 發行日期 :2011/05 引用文獻篇數:13 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
綱 目 • 前言 • 主題設計和實驗結果 • 結論 • 參考文獻
前 言 • 此文章是應用於隙環共振器的微電機系統下的環形懸臂式可調阻抗式共振微帶線 • 隙環共振器在週期性排列的狀態下受外來電磁波影響,會在其共振頻率附近產生負值的等效磁導率,。在適當的安排下與週期性的細金屬線陣列作結合,能在某特定頻段產生負折射的現象,而此形式的複合材料又稱超穎材料。 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
Case1 模擬設計圖(a)黑色的部分為此圖實驗時的部分(b)截面離地狀態 (c)截面平放在地面 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
拓樸架構 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
Return loss 返回損失 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
Case2 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
量測圖 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
結論 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
自從讀了研究所之後自從踏入通訊這塊領域,發現通訊知識非常廣泛,其中印刷式天線這塊領域是以前大學所沒有碰過的一科,必須花時間去努力及研究,而系上開了一門微波電路,藉由這次機會讓自己在印刷式天線這方面知識有所獲得自從讀了研究所之後自從踏入通訊這塊領域,發現通訊知識非常廣泛,其中印刷式天線這塊領域是以前大學所沒有碰過的一科,必須花時間去努力及研究,而系上開了一門微波電路,藉由這次機會讓自己在印刷式天線這方面知識有所獲得 Bouyge, D.; Mardivirin, D.; Bonache, J.; Crunteanu, A.; Pothier, A.; Duran-Sindreu, M.; Blondy, P.; Martin, F.; , "Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) Based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Deflectable Cantilever-Type Rings: Application to Tunable Stopband Filters," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE , vol.21, no.5, pp.243-245, May 2011
綱 目 • 參考文獻
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