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“Research” at 2YC’s. TPS: Goals of your geoscience class. You are asked to develop 3 over-arching goals for your geoscience class. What are they?. Goals. Think like a scientist Develop question Figure out how to answer question Lab, field, computer
TPS: Goals of your geoscience class • You are asked to develop 3 over-arching goals for your geoscience class. • What are they?
Goals • Think like a scientist • Develop question • Figure out how to answer question • Lab, field, computer • activities with no prescribed / definite / predictable result • Synthesize & Interpret results (metacognitive / reflective activity) • Present data • Written, oral
Thinking like a scientist RUSH D. HOLT Chief Executive Officer, AAASExecutive Publisher, Science Family of Journals For many decades the purpose of STEM education has been to fill the pipeline with excellent future scientists, engineers, and technicians. A necessary step for this and a more important goal, too often overlooked, is to develop in all citizens an understanding of how science is done and to enable them to think like scientists whenever the situation calls for it. We must teach them that science, at its core, is not about technical expertise; it’s about asking questions that can be answered empirically — using evidence — and anyone can do it. This is the basic lesson for adults as well as students. It begins by developing an ability to recognize the evidence needed to answer relevant questions. It proceeds to understanding how the evidence can be collected in a manner that avoids bias and deception, and then to consideration of various interpretations, inferences, and hypotheses, and finally to open communication so that others can validate one’s evidence and thinking. For our future wellbeing, culturally, economically, and politically, we must develop and use widely this approach to every public matter. • Email from AAAS Member update, 25 Aug 2018
What research does • helps students learn content and practical skills. • prepares students for the geoscience workforce promotes students' cognitive development (Lopatto, 2004). • promotes students’ affective development (Krathwohl et al., 1964). • helps develop students' sense of self (Bauer and Bennett, 2003). • Increase retention / perserverence • can be the hook to get students interested in pursuing geoscience as a career, especially URM • NGSS students used to this, not standard ‘sage on stage’ • Develops acceptance (“belief”) of science; not shown in public
Think – pair - share • What are the barriers to doing ‘research’ at a 2YC?
Class / single assignment length • Citizen science • Zooniverse • On campus field trips /long term monitoring • Stream discharge activity • Wetlands and observation wells • Soils • GSI • Linked labs • Capstone • CURE • Quantitative writing • Investigative case learning
Semester length • Honors projects • IND / Capstone • Working with 4YC/U • CURE • Service learning • Research methods class? • IAI?
Multi-semester • River basin analyses • Geomorphological changes • Lake changes • AMP-MAP • Working with 4YC/U • CURE
Resources • CCURI • https://www.ccuri.org • CUR • www.cur.org • GEO2YC • ‘Foundations’ • Undergraduate Research week events • NIU: UG Research & Artistry Day • NSF • IUSE • REU
Journal of College Science Teaching, 2009, Sep/Oct, p 43-53 Journal of College Science Teaching , 2010, May/June, p43-49
Journal of College Science Teaching, vol 30, no 7, p 460 - 464
Undergraduate Research Experiences for STEM Students Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities (2017), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum: Report of a Convocation. Washington, DC: National Academies Press
Challenges • Equipment • Time • Mentor / train students • Lack of Admin support
Science & engineering practices in NGSS • Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) • Developing and using models • Planning and carrying out investigations • Analyzing and interpreting data • Using mathematics and computational thinking • Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) • Engaging in an argument from evidence • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information McDonald, 2019 There is a difference between engagement and understanding, Jour Coll Sci Teaching, v48, no3, p7-8