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So Why CAF?. Sally Savage Childrens Services Adviser. Systematic change to: Build services around the child young person and family Support parents and carers Promote prevention and early intervention And to integrate services Across universal and targeted services Across the age range.
So Why CAF? Sally Savage Childrens Services Adviser
Systematic change to: Build services aroundthe child young person and family Support parents and carers Promote prevention and early intervention And to integrate services Across universal and targeted services Across the age range Be Healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic wellbeing Every Child Matters promised:
Universal Education Social Services Universal Healthcare Connex-ions Social Worker Connex-ionsPA Youthoffendingteam SENCO & Ed Psycho-logist APIR = worker = agency = assessment Different agencies, multiple assessments, one child YOT CAMHS EWS LEA special educational needs PCT Children’s Fund Youth Service Childpsycho-logist Edwelfareofficer Youthworkers Healthvisitor Children in need At risk register Statement of SEN Conductdisorder Risks to parents ASSET
Local change, focused on outcomes, driven forward by children’s trusts partnerships Over two thirds of LAs have trialled common assessment framework in 05-06. 70% of LAs developing role of lead professional. Index being implemented.
Some definitions: • CAF • ICS • Index • Lead professional • Integrated working
CAF – Common Assessment Framework • A common process enabling practitioners to make an assessment – and act on the result; with • A standard form to record the assessment and where appropriate, share with others; and • A pre-assessment checklist to help decide if a child would benefit from a common assessment
ICS – Integrated Childrens System • A conceptual framework based on the assessment framework • A practice discipline to improve core processes • A business process Essentially: • A system to record and manage specialist assessments of children in need
Information Sharing Index The index will contain individual records of all children with: • name, address, gender, date of birth and an identifying number • name and contact details for: parents or carers, educational setting, primary medical practitioner, practitioners providing other services, the lead professional, the person who holds the CAF
Lead Professional Is a set of functions essential to delivering integrated support: • a single point of contact – giving children, young people and their families a trusted person to support them and communicate without jargon. • a co-ordinator of services – so that effective action is properly planned, delivered and reviewed.
Integrated Working • Multi-agency panel eg Youth Inclusion and Support Panel (YISP). • Multi-agency team eg Behaviour & Education Support Teams (BESTs) and Youth Offending Teams (YOTs). • Integrated service eg Sure Start children’s centres and extended schools.
So why CAF? As a catalyst for change to: • make the child the centre of service delivery • deliver services based on need • work together more effectively To: • Improve outcomes for children