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Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases. PATHOGENESIS. Section in lung shows Ghon’s Focus small focus , Under the pleura, (1cm) in size with caseation Tuberculous lymphangitis Tuberculous lymphadenitis Diagnosis : primary pulmonary tuberculosis. Primary pulmonary complex.

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Infectious Diseases

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  1. Infectious Diseases


  3. Section in lung shows Ghon’s Focus small focus ,Under the pleura, (1cm) in size with caseation Tuberculous lymphangitis Tuberculous lymphadenitis Diagnosis :primary pulmonary tuberculosis Primary pulmonary complex

  4. The lung shows a rounded apical cavity (4x3cm.) having fibrous wall and yellow caseous lining. multiple yellow caseous foci Diagnosis: Chronic fibrocaseous pulmonary tuberculosis. Chronic firocaseous TB

  5. Early TB in Lymph node

  6. Section in a lymph node shows multiple tubercles formed of : 1-Epithelioid cells having pale cytoplasm, round or oval vesicular nuclei and indistinct cell border 2- Langhan’s giant cells with large number of round nuclei arranged in the periphery as a circle or arch 3- Lymphocytes encircle the tubercle. Diagnosis: Tuberculosis of lymph node

  7. Caseating TB lymph node

  8. Caseating TB granuloma

  9. Miliary TB lung

  10. Section in lung tissue having mutiple small tubercles formed of epitheliid cells, Langhan’s giant cells and lymphocyte with minimal central caseation. The alvolar wall are congested. Diagnosis: Miliary tuberculosis, lung

  11. Fibrocaseous TB lung

  12. Section in the lung shows large irregular areas of caseation appearing granular ,homogenous pink, surrounded by tuberculous reaction and fibrous tissue. Some alveoli show haemorrhagic exudate and others show compensatory emphysema. Diagnosis: Chronic fibrocaseous tuberculosis, lung. Caseation Fibrosis

  13. Bilharzial large intestine

  14. Section in large intestine. Bilharzial ova deposited mainly in the submucosa and to a lesser extent in the mucosa and muscle layers. Fresh ova show granular meracidium and surrounded by refractile shell. Degenerated ova are pink, while calcified ova are blue. The ova are surrounded by macrophages, plasma cells, eosinophils, lymphocytes and foreign body giant cells. Old lesion shows fibrosis. Diagnosis: Bilharziasis large intestine

  15. Diagnosis : multiple bilharzial polyps section in the secum shows multiple polyps ranging in size from 1x1 up to 2x2 some of them have stalk

  16. Bilharzial polyp

  17. Section in a polyp shows: Central core of connective tissue showing fresh, degenerated and calcified ova surrounded by bilharzial reaction (Macrophages,Lymphocytes, Plasma cells, Eosinophils Few giant cells ). The covering mucosa shows hyperplastic glands surrounded by inflammatory infiltrate and bilharzial ova. Diagnosis: Bilharzial polyp, colon.

  18. Bilharzial bladder

  19. Section in a bladder wall showing bilharzial ova deposited in the submucosa and surrounded by bilharzial reaction (Macrophages,Lymphocytes, Plasma cells, Eosinophils Few giant cells ).Old lesions show fibrosis. Dignosis: Bilharziasis, urinary bladder.


  21. specimen forming of colonies of oval mass surrounded by large number of neutrophils, macrophages loaded with fat foamy cells , lymphocyte, plasma cells and, and granulation tissue appear at the periphery of the lesion Diagnosis: ACTINOMYCOSIS

  22. Mycetoma Pedis

  23. Mycetoma Pedis ( Nocardiosis) Chronic infective suppurative granuloma, affects mainly the foot, caused by free living saprophytes called Nocardia Pathological features Gross: Multiple sinuses discharging pus containing the fungal colonies

  24. Madura foot ( Mycetoma)

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