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Math.375 Interpolation

Math.375 Interpolation. Vageli Coutsias, Fall `05. function plot_temp() [L,K,T] = av_temp plot(L,T(:,1),'g',L,T(:,2),'r',L,T(:,3),'b',L,T(:,4),'k') title(' The temperature as a function of latitude ') xlabel(' Latitude (in degrees) ') ylabel(' Temperature ')

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Math.375 Interpolation

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  1. Math.375 Interpolation Vageli Coutsias, Fall `05

  2. function plot_temp() [L,K,T] = av_temp plot(L,T(:,1),'g',L,T(:,2),'r',L,T(:,3),'b',L,T(:,4),'k') title(' The temperature as a function of latitude ') xlabel(' Latitude (in degrees) ') ylabel(' Temperature ') legend('K=.67','K=1.5','K=2.0','K=3.0') function [L,K,T] = av_temp % Q&S Table 3.1 L = 65:-10:-55; K = [.67, 1.5,2.0,3.0]; % T is 13x4 T = [-3.10, 3.52, 6.05, 9.30;... -3.22, 3.62, 6.02, 9.30;... -3.30, 3.65, 5.92, 9.17;... -3.32, 3.52, 5.70, 8.82;... -3.17, 3.47, 5.30, 8.10;... -3.07, 3.25, 5.02, 7.52;... -3.02, 3.15, 4.95, 7.30;... -3.02, 3.15, 4.97, 7.35;... -3.12, 3.20, 5.07, 7.62;... -3.20, 3.27, 5.35, 8.22;... -3.35, 3.52, 5.62, 8.80;... -3.37, 3.70, 5.95, 9.25;... -3.25, 3.70, 6.10, 9.50];

  3. Topics • Polynomial Interpolation in 1d: Lagrange & Chebyshev • POLYFIT & POLYVAL • 2D: Matrices and Color Images • Trigonometric Interpolation • Sound

  4. function runge1() close all a = -1; b = 1; m = 17; %Equally Spaced, m=17 x = linspace(a,b,m); y = rung(x, 16); x0 = linspace(-1,1,100); y0 = rung(x0,16); [P,S] = polyfit(x,y,17); pVal = polyval(P,x0); plot(x,y,'ro',x0,pVal,'b',x0,y0,'r--') axis([-1,1,-2,2]) function y = rung(x,a) y = 1./(1+a*x.^2);

  5. [P,S] = polyfit(x,y,17); pVal = polyval(P,x0);

  6. % least squares fit: degre 8 fit based on 17 pts. [P,S] = polyfit(x,y,8); pVal = polyval(P,x0);

  7. for i = 1:m+1 % Chebyshev Nodes x(i,1) = .5*(b+a) +.5*(b-a)*cos(pi*(i-1)/m) ; end y =1./(1+16*x.^2); [P,S] = polyfit(x,y,17); pVal = polyval(P,x0);

  8. Machine assignment 2.7 (a) Write a subroutine that produces the value of the interp. polynomial at any real t, where is a given integer, are n+1 distinct nodes, and f is any function available in the form of a function subroutine. Use Newton’s interpolation formula and generate the divided differences (from the bottom up) “in place” in single array of dim n+1 that originally contains the function values. (b) Run your routine on the function using and n=2:2:8 (Runge) Plot the polynomials against the exact function.

  9. function c = InterpNRecur(x,y) n = length(x); c = zeros(n,1); c(1) = y(1); if n > 1 c(2:n) =InterpNRecur(x(2:n), ((y(2:n)-y(1))./(x(2:n)-x(1))); end

  10. function c = InterpN(x,y) n = length(x); for k = 1:n-1 y(k+1:n) = (y(k+1:n)-y(k))/(x(k+1:n)-x(k)); end c = y;

  11. function pVal = HornerN(c,x,z) n = length(c); pVal = c(n)*ones(size(z)); for k=n-1:-1:1 pVal = (z-x(k)).*pVal + c(k); end

  12. % Ma505; Gautschi M.2.7 for m=1:4 n=2*m; x = linspace(-5,5,n+1); y = 1./(1+x.^2); x0 = linspace(-5,5,1000); y0 = 1./(1+x0.^2); a = InterpNRecur(x,y); pVal = HornerN(a,x,x0); subplot(2,2,m) plot(x0,y0,x0,pVal,'--',x,y,'*') axis([-5 5 -1 1]) end

  13. LAGRANGE polynomials

  14. Lagrangian Polynomial Interpolating Polynomial is a UNIQUE polynomial of degree n that agrees with f(x) at the n+1 nodes

  15. Problem 2.24 Prepare plots of the Lebesgue function for interpolation, for with the nodes given by: Compute on a grid obtained by dividing each interval into 20 equal subintervals. Plot in case (a) and in case (b).

  16. The Lebesgue function and constant for a grid are defined as: with the Lagrange polynomial: Below we give a matlab script that computes the Lebesgue functions (and constants) for the given grids.

  17. % Math 505; Gautchi 2.24: Lebesgue functions fprintf(' n equispaced Chebyshev \n') for ii=0:2 n=5*2^ii; xa(1:n+1,1)=0; xb(1:n+1,1)=0; for i= 1:n+1 xa(i,1) = -1+2*(i-1)/n; xb(n+2-i,1) = cos(pi*(2*(i-1)+1)/(2*n+2)); end for i=1:n for j=1:20 ga(20*(i-1)+j,1)=((21-j)*xa(i)+(j-1)*xa(i+1))/20; gb(20*(i-1)+j,1)=((21-j)*xb(i)+(j-1)*xb(i+1))/20; end end ga(20*n+1,1)=xa(n+1); gb(20*n+1,1)=xb(n+1); for k = 1:20*n+1 %compute Lebesgue functions na(:,k)=ga(k)-xa(:); nb(:,k)=gb(k)-xb(:); %numerators end for i = 1:n+1 % denominators for j=1:n+1 da(i,j) = xa(i)-xa(j); db(i,j) = xb(i)-xb(j); end end

  18. for k = 1:20*n+1 for i = 1:n+1 la(i,k) = 1; lb(i,k) = 1; for j=1:n+1 if j~=i la(i,k)=la(i,k)*na(j,k)/da(i,j); lb(i,k)=lb(i,k)*nb(j,k)/db(i,j); end end end lama(k)=1; lamb(k)=1; for i=1:n+1 lama(k)=lama(k)+abs(la(i,k)); lamb(k)=lamb(k)+abs(lb(i,k)); end end figure subplot(2,1,1); plot(ga,log(lama)) subplot(2,1,2); plot(gb,lamb) lamax =lama(1); lambx =lamb(1); % compute Lebesgue constants for k = 2:20*n+1 if lama(k) > lamax; lamax= lama(k); end if lamb(k) > lambx; lambx= lamb(k); end end fprintf('%9i %22.14f %22.14f \n',n,lamax,lambx); clear end

  19. a b n=5 n=10 Lebesgue constants n equispaced Chebyshev 5 4.10496 2.68356 10 30.8907 3.06859 20 10987.5 3.47908 The plots give the Lebesgue fncs (log of same for grid (a)). a b n=20

  20. Fourier series

  21. Complex Form

  22. Band Limited Functions Complex Form

  23. Real to Complex conversion

  24. Equispaced Sampling

  25. Discrete Orthogonality

  26. Coefficients are computed exactly from discrete sampling

  27. Real form; even or odd sample sizes

  28. f t

  29. The Fast Fourier transform • fft: compute Fourier coefficients from sampled function values • ifft: reconstruct sampled values from (complex) coefficients • interpft: construct trigonometric interpolant

  30. FFT Discrete Fourier transform. FFT(X) is the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of vector X. For length N input vector x, the DFT is a length N vector X, with elements N X(k) = sum x(n)*exp(-j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/N), 1 <= k <= N. n=1 The inverse DFT (computed by IFFT) is given by N x(n) = (1/N) sum X(k)*exp( j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/N), 1 <= n <= N. k=1 See also IFFT, FFT2, IFFT2, FFTSHIFT.

  31. INTERPFT 1-D interpolation using FFT method. Y = INTERPFT(X,N) returns a vector Y of length N obtained by interpolation in the Fourier transform of X. Assume x(t) is a periodic function of t with period p, sampled at equally spaced points, X(i) = x(T(i)) where T(i) = (i-1)*p/M, i = 1:M, M = length(X). Then y(t) is another periodic function with the same period and Y(j) = y(T(j)) where T(j) = (j-1)*p/N, j = 1:N, N = length(Y). If N is an integer multiple of M, then Y(1:N/M:N) = X.

  32. function F =CSInterp(f) n = length(f); m = n/2; tau = (pi/m)*(0:n-1)'; P = []; for j = 0:m, P = [P cos(j*tau)]; end for j = 1:m-1, P = [P sin(j*tau)]; end y = P\f; F = struct('a',y(1:m+1),'b',y(m+2:n));

  33. THE FOURIER COEFFICIENTS F.a=[y(1),…,y(m+1)] F F.b=[y(m+2),…,y(2m)] A CELL array: it’s elements are STRUCTURES (here arrays) F = struct('a',y(1:m+1),'b',y(m+2:n));

  34. function Fvals = CSeval(F,T,tvals) Fvals = zeros(length(tvals),1); tau = (2*pi/T)*tvals; for j = 0:length(F.a)-1 Fvals = Fvals + F.a(j+1)*cos(j*tau); end for j = 1:length(F.b) Fvals = Fvals + F.b(j )*sin(j*tau); end

  35. % Script File: Pallas A = linspace(0,360,13)'; D=[ 408 89 -66 10 338 807 1238 1511 1583 1462 1183 804 408]'; Avals = linspace(0,360,200)'; F = CSInterp(D(1:12)); Fvals = CSeval(F,360,Avals); plot(Avals,Fvals,A,D,'o') axis([-10 370 -200 1700]) set(gca,'xTick',linspace(0,360,13)) xlabel('Ascension (Degrees)') ylabel('Declination (minutes)')

  36. The Gibbs Phenomenon ….

  37. % Script File: square % Trigonometric interpolant of a square wave. M=300 A = linspace(0,360,2*M+1)'; D(2:M)=0;D(M+2:2*M)=1; D(1)=.5;D(M+1)=.5;D(2*M+1)=.5; D=D'; Avals = linspace(0,360,1000)'; F = CSInterp(D(1:2*M)); Fvals = CSeval(F,360,Avals); plot(Avals,Fvals)

  38. …. can be seen at all discontinuities

  39. % Script File: sawtooth_wave. clear M=512 A = linspace(0,360,2*M+1)'; D(2:M)=(2:M)/M;D(M+2:2*M)=-1+(2:M)/M; D(1)=0;D(M+1)=0;D(2*M+1)=0; D=D'; Avals = linspace(0,360,1024)'; F = CSInterp(D(1:2*M)); Fvals = CSeval(F,360,Avals); plot(Avals,Fvals)

  40. The overshoot is present at any resolution…

  41. …although the interpolant is correct at the nodes as dx->0

  42. Compare with equispaced polynomial interpolation

  43. Input-output structures • x=input(‘string’) • title=input(‘Title for plot:’,’string’) • [x,y]=ginput(n) • disp(‘a 3x3 magic square’) • disp(magic(3)) • fprintf(‘%5.2f \n%5.2f\n’,pi^2, exp(1))

  44. Writing to and reading from a file fid = fopen('output','w') a=linspace(1,100,100); fprintf(fid,'%g degC = %g degF\n',a,32+1.8*a); fid=fopen('output','r') x=fscanf(fid,'%g degC = %g degF'); x=reshape(x,(length(x)/2),2)

  45. ---------------------------------------- I. A=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]; y=x'; %transpose x=zeros(1,n); length(x); x=linspace(a,b,n); a=x(5:-1:2); %SineTable (Help SineTable) disp(sprintf('%2.0f %3.0f ',k, a(k))); ----------------------------------------

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