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外语系. 纺织商务英语 Textile Business English. Module Eight. Packing, Shipment & Insurance. Task 2. Shipment. 1. C ategories of shipment 2. Propose prompt shipment 3. D iscuss partial and transshipment. Learning Objectives. Lead-in—Group discussion. What should be considered before shipment?

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  1. 外语系 纺织商务英语 Textile Business English

  2. Module Eight Packing, Shipment & Insurance

  3. Task 2 Shipment

  4. 1. Categories of shipment 2. Propose prompt shipment3. Discuss partial and transshipment Learning Objectives

  5. Lead-in—Group discussion What should be considered before shipment? Are transshipment and partial shipment acceptable to you? How to urge prompt shipment?

  6. Useful expressions and patterns • 1. Could you consider prompt shipment for this lot? • 2. Can you dispatch the goods by air instead of by sea? • 3. We trust you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time. • 4. Please make your best efforts to get the goods dispatched with the least possible delay. • 5. Your failure to deliver the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us. • 6. Please amend the covering letter of credit to allow partial shipment, under advice to us. • 7. Our customer requests the shipment be made in three equal lots, each every two months. • 8. We will arrange shipment immediately after we receive your L/C. • 9. We greatly regret the delay, which has been due to circumstance beyond our control. 10.How much do you charge for the transportation of the goods?

  7. Listening Dialogue 1 Notes to the dialogue • 1. liner 定期货轮,班机。 • 2. vessel 船,容器。 • 3. on-carrier 中转船, 第二程船。 • 4. intended sailing 既定航线 • 5. alternative 可供选择的办法

  8. Listening Dialogue 2 Notes to the dialogue 1. the Christmas season 圣诞季 2. fully committed 满负荷工作 3. step up production 加快生产速度 4. pour in 源源不断 5. work three shifts 三班倒 6. take you at your word 相信你的话

  9. Listening Listen to dialogue 2 and complete the following blanks: • 1. The buyer is expecting the overcoats delivered before ____________________. • 2. Christmas sales usually begins about ________________ before December 25. • 3. When new orders are full, manufacturers have to work _______________ to speed up production. • 4. The delivery time promised by the exporter is ____________________. • 5. The lead time range in this business will be ____________________

  10. Listening Dialogue 3 Notes to the dialogue • man’s pants 男裤 • highly appreciate 非常感谢。 • out of stock 缺货,无现货。 • shipment place 仓位。 • fierce competition 激烈竞争 • a competitive price 具有竞争力的价格 • freight cost 运费 • transshipment 转载,转船 • Jardian Shipping Agent (HK) LTD 香港怡和船务代理公司

  11. Listening • Listen to dialogue 3 and fill the blanks with what you hear. • 1. The man’s pants can not be shipped in November because • 1). The goods are ______________, • 2). The manufacturers are ______________ • 3). The line has been _______________. • 2. The quickest way of sending might be ______________, but freight cost will be higher and that will affect ________________. • 3. To ensure delivery time, _________________________ by Jardian Shipping Agent (HK) LTD seems to be the best choice.

  12. Reading and Analyzing • Shipment

  13. Reading and Analyzing Brainstorming Question

  14. Shipment Shipping has multiple meanings. It can be a physical process of transporting goods cargo, by land, air, and sea. It also can describe the movement of objects by ship. Land or "ground" shipping can be by train or by truck. In Air and Sea shipments, ground transportation is often still required to take the product from its origin to the airport or seaport and then to its destination. Ground transportation is typically more affordable than air shipments, but more expensive than shipping by sea. Shipment of freight by trucks, directly from the shipper to the destination, is known as a door to door shipment. Vans and trucks make deliveries to sea ports and air ports where freight is moved in bulk.

  15. Shipment Much shipping is done aboard actual ships. An individual nation's fleet and the people that crew it are referred to its merchant navy or merchant marine. Merchant shipping is essential to the world economy, carrying the bulk of international trade. The term shipping in this context originated from the shipping trade of wind power ships, and has come to refer to the delivery of cargo and parcels of any size above the common mail of letters and postcards.

  16. Shipment • Common trading terms used in shipping goods internationally include: • Freight on board, or free on board (FOB) - the exporter delivers the goods at the specified location (and on board the vessel). Costs paid by the exporter include load and lash, including securing cargo not to move in the ships hold, protecting the cargo from contact with the double bottom to prevent slipping, and protection against damage from condensation. For example, at Kunming Airport, FOB means that the exporter delivers the goods to the airport, and pays for the cargo to be loaded and secured on the plane. The exporter is bound to deliver the goods at his cost and expense. In this case, the freight and other expenses for outbound traffic is borne by the importer.

  17. Shipment • Cost and freight (C&F, CFR, CNF): Insurance is payable by the importer, and the exporter pays the ocean shipping/air freight costs to the specified location. For example, C&F Los Angeles (the exporter pays the ocean shipping/air freight costs to Los Angeles). Many of the shipping carriers (such as UPS, DHL, FedEx) offer guarantees on their delivery times. These are known as GSR guarantees or "guaranteed service refunds"; if the parcels are not delivered on time, the customer is entitled to a refund.

  18. Shipment • Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF): Insurance and freight are all paid by the exporter to the specified location. For example, at CIF New York, the exporter pays the ocean shipping/air freight costs to New York including the insurance.

  19. Shipment The term "best way" generally implies that the shipper will choose the carrier who offers the lowest rate (to the shipper) for the shipment. In some cases, however, other factors, such as better insurance or faster transit time will cause the shipper to choose an option other than the lowest bidder.

  20. New Words and Expressions • 1. multiple adj. 多样的, 多重的 • 2. cargo n. 船货 • 3. origin n. 起源, 由来 • 4. ground transportation 陆地交通 • 5. door to door shipment 送货上门 • 6. in bulk 散装, 大批 • 7. fleet n. 舰队 • 8. merchant navy / merchant marine 商船队 • 9. Merchant shipping 商船运输 • 10. shipping trade 航运业

  21. New Words and Expressions • 11. Freight on board/ free on board (FOB)  离岸价 • 12. load and lash 装货和捆扎 • 13. slip v 打滑,滑动, 滑倒 • 14. condensation n. 冷凝 • 15. outbound adj. 开往外地的, 开往外国的 • 15. Cost and freight (C&F, CFR, CNF) 货价加运费 • 16. shipping carrier 货运公司 • 17. delivery time 交货时间 • 18. entitled adj. 有资格的 • 19. refund 退款. • 20. Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) 到岸价 • 21. bidder n.出价人, 投标人

  22. Notes to the Passage • 1. In Air and Sea shipments, ground transportation is often still required to take the product from its origin to the airport or seaport and then to its destination. • 在空运和海运中,通常也涉及陆地交通,以此将商品从厂家运至机场或码头,再运至目的地。 • 2. Shipment of freight by trucks, directly from the shipper to the destination, is known as a door to door shipment. • 货物装车,从发货人出货直到目的地的过程,称为送货上门。送货上门,自发货点到收货点的交易方式,也叫“交钥匙”方式,买方只需付款,由卖方负责将货物交到买方场地。对外贸易过程中,卖方也负责清关等程序。

  23. Notes to the Passage 3. Much shipping is done aboard actual ships. An individual nation’s fleet and the people that crew it are referred to its merchant navy or merchant marine. 许多运输实际都是将货物装船。某个国家的船队和船员称之为商船队。 4. The term shipping in this context originated from shipping trade of wind power ships, and has come to refer to the delivery of cargo and parcels of any size above the common mail of letters and postcards. 本文中的“运输”一词来源于使用风能船只的航运业,现在发展为除邮递普通信件和明信片之外的任何货物和包裹的运输。

  24. Notes to the Passage 5. Costs paid by the exporter include load and lash, including securing cargo not to move in the ships hold, protecting the cargo from contact with the double bottom to prevent slipping, and protection against damage from condensation. 出口商承担装货和捆扎的费用,包括确保货物在舱内不移动,货物与双层底隔离以防打滑,防止冷凝的危害。 6. Many of the shipping carriers (such as UPS, DHL, FedEx) offer guarantees on their delivery times. These are known as GSR guarantees or "guaranteed service refunds" 许多货运公司(如美国联合包裹运输公司,德国中外运敦豪公司,美国联邦快递公司)提供保证交货时间的服务。这被称作“限时送达”,若交货时间推迟可获退款。

  25. Group Discussion 1.What does “shipment” really mean? 2.How important do you think GSR guaranteesare totrading companies? 3.Which term involves the payment of insurance? C&F, CFR, CNF, FOB or CIF? 4. How to suggest partial shipment and transshipment to your trading partner?

  26. Assignment • Collection information about famous shipping companies in China and around the world. Generally speaking, textile exporters tend to choose foreign companies instead of China’s to ship their goods. List at least 4 reasons and make a presentation in class.

  27. Reference For more topic-related information , please refer to the following websites: http://www.cscl.com.cn/ http://www.shipping-international.com/ http://www.freightcenter.com/shipping%20companies.aspx http://www.timetableimages.com/maritime/images/list.htm

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