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Condor-G - Your Window to the Grid

The Condor Project is a distributed system performing CS research in a UNIX/Linux/NT environment. It faces software engineering challenges, interacts with users and collaborators, maintains a distributed production environment, and educates and trains students. Supported by NSF, NASA, DoE, DoD, IBM, INTEL, Microsoft, and the UW Graduate School.

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Condor-G - Your Window to the Grid

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  1. Condor-G -Your Window to the Grid

  2. The Condor Project (Established ‘85) Distributed systems CS research performed by a team that faces • software engineering challenges in a UNIX/Linux/NT environment, • active interaction with users and collaborators, • daily maintenance and support challenges of a distributed production environment, • and educating and training students. Funding - NSF, NASA,DoE, DoD, IBM, INTEL, Microsoft and the UW Graduate School .

  3. National Grid Efforts • National Technology Grid - NCSA Alliance (NSF-PACI) • Information Power Grid (NASA) • Particle Physics Data Grid (DoE) • Grid Physics Network (NSF-ITR)

  4. Driving Concepts

  5. “ … Since the early days of mankind the primary motivation for the establishment of communitieshas been the idea that by being part of an organized group the capabilities of an individual are improved. The great progress in the area of inter-computer communication led to the development of means by which stand-alone processing sub-systems can be integrated into multi-computer ‘communities’. … “ Miron Livny, “Study of Load Balancing Algorithms for Decentralized Distributed Processing Systems.”, Ph.D thesis, July 1983.

  6. Every Communityneeds a Matchmaker!

  7. Why? Because ... .. someone has to bring together members of the community who have requests for goods and services with members who offer them. • Both sides are looking for each other • Both sides have constraints • Both sides have preferences

  8. High Throughput Computing For many experimental scientists, scientific progress and quality of research are strongly linked to computing throughput. In other words, they are less concerned about instantaneous computing power. Instead, what matters to them is the amount of computing they can harness over a month or a year --- they measure computing power in units of scenarios per day, wind patterns per week, instructions sets per month, or crystal configurations per year.

  9. HW is a Commodity Raw computing power is everywhere - on desk-tops, shelves, and racks. It is • cheap • dynamic, • distributively owned, • heterogeneous and • evolving.

  10. Master-Worker (MW) computing is common and Naturally Parallel.It is by no means Embarrassingly Parallel. Doing it right is by no means trivial.

  11. The Tool

  12. C High Throughput Computing ondor Our Answer to High Throughput MW Computing on commodity resources

  13. The Condor System A High Throughput Computing system that supports large dynamic MW applications on large collections of distributively owned resources developed, maintained and supported by the Condor Team at the University of Wisconsin - Madison since ‘86. • Originally developed for UNIX workstations • Based on matchmaking technology. • Fully integrated NT version is available. • Deployed world-wide by academia and industry. • More than 1300 CPUs at the U of Wisconsin. • Available at www.cs.wisc.edu/condor.

  14. Condor CPUs on the UW Campus

  15. Some Numbers:UW-CS Pool Total since 6/98 4,000,000 hours ~450 years “Real” Users 1,700,000 hours ~260 years CS-Optimization 610,000 hours CS-Architecture 350,000 hours Physics 245,000 hours Statistics 80,000 hours Engine Research Center 38,000 hours Math 90,000 hours Civil Engineering 27,000 hours Business 970 hours “External” Users 165,000 hours ~19 years MIT 76,000 hours Cornell 38,000 hours UCSD 38,000 hours CalTech 18,000 hours

  16. I have a job parallel MW application with 600 workers. How can I benefit from Condor?

  17. The Application … Study the behavior of F(x,y,z) for 20 values of x, 10 values of y and 3 values of z (20*10*3 = 600) • F takes on the average 3 hours to compute on a “typical” workstation (total = 1800 hours) • F requires a “moderate” (128MB) amount of memory • F performs “little” I/O - (x,y,z) is 15 MB and F(x,y,z) is 40 MB

  18. Step I - get organized! • Turn your workstation into a “Personal Condor” • Write a script that creates 600 input files for each of the (x,y,z) combinations • Submit a cluster of 600 jobs to your personal Condor • Write a script that collects the data from the 600 output files • Go on a long vacation … (2.5 months)

  19. A Condor Job-Parallel Submit File executable = worker requirement = ((OS == “Linux2.2”) && Memory >= 128)) rank = KFlops initialdir = worker_dir.$(process) input = in output = out error = err log = log queue 600

  20. Your Personal Condor will ... • ... keep an eye on your jobs and will keep you posted on their progress • ... implement your policy on when the jobs can run on your workstation • ... implement your policy on the execution order of the jobs • .. add fault tolerance to your jobs • … keep a log of your job activities

  21. personal Condor your workstation 600 Condor jobs

  22. Tasks Jobs Condor Layers Application Application Agent Customer Agent Environment Agent Owner Agent Local Resource Management Resource

  23. Step II - build your personal Grid • Install Condor on the desk-top machine next door. • Install Condor on the machines in the class room. • Install Condor on the O2K in the basement. • Configure these machines to be part of your Condor pool. • Go on a shorter vacation ...

  24. personal Condor Group Condor your workstation 600 Condor jobs

  25. Step III - Take advantage of your friends • Get permission from “friendly” Condor pools to access their resources • Configure your personal Condor to “flock” to these pools • reconsider your vacation plans ...

  26. personal Condor Group Condor your workstation 600 Condor jobs friendly Condor

  27. Think big. Go to the Grid

  28. Condor-G A Grid enabled version of Condor that uses the inter-domain services of Globus to bring Grid resources into the domain of your Personal-Condor • Supports Grid Universe jobs • Uses GSIFTP to move glide-in software • Uses MDS for submit information

  29. Condor-glide-in Enable an application to dynamically turn allocated grid resources into members of a Condor pool for the duration of the allocation. • Easy to use on different platforms • Robust • Supports SMPs

  30. X509 Certificates We are in the process of adding X509 based authentication capabilities to Condor services. • Job submission • Local file access • Access to Condor-glide-in software • Resource authentication

  31. GSIFTP Enable Condor I/O services to use remote GSIFTP servers. • Move glide-in tar files • Read executables • Move Data from/to data repositories • Access disk caches

  32. Grid Universe Grid Universe jobs submitted to Condor are transformed in the Globus jobs and submitted (via GlobusRun) to a grid resource. • Use MDS to locate resource • Monitor status of job on remote resource • Report status via Condor services • Rewrite in progress with new Globus library.

  33. Step IV - Think big (Grid)! • Get access (account(s) + certificate(s)) to a “Computational” Grid • Submit 599 “Grid Universe” Condor- glide-in jobs to your personal Condor • Take the rest of the afternoon off ...

  34. personal Condor Globus Grid Group Condor your workstation 600 Condor jobs LSF PBS 599 glide-ins friendly Condor Condor

  35. Does it work?

  36. An example - NUG28 We are pleased to announce the exact solution of the nug28 quadratic assignment problem (QAP). This problem was derived from the well known nug30 problem using the distance matrix from a 4 by 7 grid, and the flow matrix from nug30 with the last 2 facilities deleted. This is to our knowledge the largest instance from the nugxx series ever provably solved to optimality. The problem was solved using the branch-and-bound algorithm described in the paper "Solving quadratic assignment problems using convex quadratic programming relaxations," N.W. Brixius and K.M. Anstreicher. The computation was performed on a pool of workstations using the Condor high-throughput computing system in a total wall time of approximately 4 days, 8 hours. During this time the number of active worker machines averaged approximately 200. Machines from UW, UNM and (INFN) all participated in the computation.

  37. NUG30 Personal Condor … For the run we will be flocking to -- the main Condor pool at Wisconsin (600 processors) -- the Condor pool at Georgia Tech (190 Linux boxes) -- the Condor pool at UNM (40 processors) -- the Condor pool at Columbia (16 processors) -- the Condor pool at Northwestern (12 processors) -- the Condor pool at NCSA (65 processors) -- the Condor pool at INFN (200 processors) We will be using glide_in to access the Origin 2000 (through LSF ) at NCSA. We will use "hobble_in" to access the Chiba City Linux cluster and Origin 2000 here at Argonne.

  38. It works!!! Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 22:41:00 -0500 (CDT) From: Jeff Linderoth <linderot@mcs.anl.gov> To: Miron Livny <miron@cs.wisc.edu> Subject: Re: Priority This has been a great day for metacomputing! Everything is going wonderfully. We've had over 900 machines (currently around 890), and all the pieces are working great… Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 11:41:11 -0500 (CDT) From: Jeff Linderoth <linderot@mcs.anl.gov> Still rolling along. Over three billion nodes in about 1 day!

  39. Up to a Point … Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 14:35:11 -0500 (CDT) From: Jeff Linderoth <linderot@mcs.anl.gov> Hi Gang, The glory days of metacomputing are over. Our job just crashed. I watched it happen right before my very eyes. It was what I was afraid of -- they just shut down denali, and losing all of those machines at once caused other connections to time out -- and the snowball effect had bad repercussions for the Schedd.

  40. Back in Business Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 18:55:59 -0500 (CDT) From: Jeff Linderoth <linderot@mcs.anl.gov> Hi Gang, We are back up and running. And, yes, it took me all afternoon to get it going again. There was a (brand new) bug in the QAP "read checkpoint" information that was making the master coredump. (Only with optimization level -O4). I was nearly reduced to tears, but with some supportive words from Jean-Pierre, I made it through.

  41. The First 600K seconds …

  42. The First 35K seconds …

  43. We made it!!! Sender: goux@dantec.ece.nwu.edu Subject: Re: Let the festivities begin. Hi dear Condor Team, you all have been amazing. NUG30 required 10.9 years of Condor Time. In just seven days ! More stats tomorrow !!! We are off celebrating ! condor rules ! cheers, JP.

  44. C High Throughput Computing ondor Do not be picky, be agile!!!

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