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Enhancing Customer Service in a Diverse World

Learn how to provide quality service to diverse groups by recognizing differences, developing sensitivity, and understanding cultural values. Discover actions for dealing with people to serve all customers effectively.

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Enhancing Customer Service in a Diverse World

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  1. CHAPTER EIGHT Customer Service in a Diverse World

  2. LEARNINGOBJECTIVES • Recognize differences are NOT bad • Develop sensitivity to uniqueness • Understand need to treat customers as individuals • Determine actions for dealing with people • Identify factors that make people diverse • Comply with legal requirements • Serve all customers effectively

  3. DEFINING DIVERSITY • Innate characteristics • Learned or gained factors

  4. DIVERSITY The different characteristics, values, beliefs, and factors that make people different, yet similar.

  5. CULTURAL VALUES • Taught at young age • Based on beliefs of culture or subculture • Not better or worsethan others • Indicate acceptable behaviorsand practices • Can impact service • Influence perceptions and actions • Expressed openly or subtly

  6. TYPICAL CULTURAL VALUES • Modesty • Expectations of privacy • Forms of address • Respect for elders • Importance of relationships • Gender roles • Attitude towards conflict • Concept of time • Ownership of property

  7. QUALITY SERVICE TODIVERSE GROUPS • Language differences • Disabilities • Elderly customers • Younger customers

  8. QUALITY SERVICE TODIVERSE GROUPS • Language differences - Customer guides conversation - Be flexible - Listen patiently - Speak clearly & slowly - Speak at a normal volume - Use open-ended questions - Pause frequently - Use standard English

  9. QUALITY SERVICE TODIVERSE GROUPS • Language differences - Use universally understood references - Look for non-verbal cues - Paraphrase the customer’s message - Try writing the message - Try another language - Avoid humor & sarcasm - Look for positive options - Be less critical

  10. QUALITY SERVICE TODIVERSE GROUPS • Language differences - Use questions carefully - Use a step-by-step approach - Keep your message brief - Check frequently for understanding - Keep smiling!

  11. QUALITY SERVICE TODIVERSE GROUPS • Customers with Disabilities - Customers with hearing disabilities - Customers with vision disabilities - Customers with mobility or motion disabilities * Be prepared and informed * Offer, do not force, assistance * Be respectful

  12. QUALITY SERVICE TODIVERSE GROUPS • Elderly Customers - Be respectful - Be patient - Answer questions - Try to not sound patronizing - Remain professional - Guard against biases - Communicate effectively

  13. QUALITY SERVICE TODIVERSE GROUPS • Younger Customers - Be respectful - Avoid condescending or demeaning language

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