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TOPIK 1:. PENGERTIAN KURIKULUM . Collected by: Saiful Amien. Perkembangan Kurikulum . Bergantung pada kepercayaan filosofis yang dianut ; Berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan teori dan praktek pendidikan Bervariasi sesuai dengan aliran atau teori pendidikan yang dianut.
TOPIK 1: PENGERTIAN KURIKULUM Collected by: SaifulAmien
PerkembanganKurikulum.. • Bergantungpadakepercayaanfilosofis yang dianut; • Berkembangsejalandenganperkembanganteoridanpraktekpendidikan • Bervariasisesuaidenganaliranatauteoripendidikan yang dianut
InterpretasiKurikulum Peter F. Olivamenemukanada 13 definisi: • that which is taught in school; • A set of subjects • Content • A program of studies • A set of materials • A sequence of courses • A set of performance objectives
A course of study • Everything that goes on within the school, including extraclass activities, guidence & interpersonal relationships • That which is taught both inside and outside of school directed by the school • Everything that is planned by school personnel
A series of experiences undergone by learners in school • That which an individual learner experiences as result of schooling
OemarHamalikmenemukan 6 definisi: • Suatu program kegiatan yang terencana • Hasilbelajar yang diharapkan • Reproduksibudaya (cultural reproduction) • Kumpulan tugasdankonsep
Agenda rekonstruksisosial • Currere (arena pacu/lomba; menekankanpadaprosespacuan/lombadimanakapasitasindividudiberdayakandalammerekonseptualisasiotobiografinyasendiri
Definisikurikulumdapatdibedakandariluas-sempitnyacakupanmuatannya:Definisikurikulumdapatdibedakandariluas-sempitnyacakupanmuatannya: • Dalamartisempit : kumpulanmatapelajaran /bahan ajar yang harusdisampaikan guru • Dalamartiluas : lebihmenekankanpadapengalaman
CONTOH DEFINISI AHLI Carter V. Good’s Dictionary of Education: “a systematic group of courses or sequences of subjects required for graduation or certification in major field of study, for example, social studies curriculum, physical education curriculum..”
Hollis L. Caswell & Doak S. Campbell: “all the experiences children have under the guidance of teachers”
J. Galen Saylor, William M. Alexander & Arthur J. Lewis: “a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities for persons to be educated”
Hilda Taba: “a plan for learning..” ygmeliputielemen: a statement of aims and of specific objectives; selection and organization of content; certain pattern of learning and teaching; a program of evaluation of the outcomes”
Ronald C. Doll: “the formal and informal content and process by which leaners gain knowledge and understanding, develop skill, and alter attitudes, appreciations, and values under the auspices of that school”
Daniel Tanner & Laurel N. Tanner: “reconstruction of knowledge and experience systematically developed under the auspices of the school (or university), to enable the learner to increase his or her control of knowledge and experience”
Albert I. Oliver menyamakankurikulumdengan program pendidikandanmembaginyamenjadi 4 elemendasar: “1) the program of studies; 2) the program of experiences; 3) the program of services; 4) the hidden curriculum”
Pendekatan Lain Kurikulumjugadapatdidefinsikandenganmembedakannyasebagaitujuan, konteks, danstrategi.
Purposes (tujuan;“what it does atau should do?”) contoh: tujuankurikulumadalahuntukmentransmisiwarisanbudaya; mengembangkanketerampilanberpikirreflektifpadasiswa, dll
Context (konteks/latarbelakang), contoh: kurikulumesensialis [essentialist curriculum]; kurikulumberpusatpadasiswa [child-centered curriculum]; kurikulumrekonstruksisosial [reconstructionist curriculum]
Strategies (strategi, proses, metode, teknikpembelajaran) contoh: curriculum as a problem-solving proses; as group living
SUMBER: Oliva, Peter F. 1992. Developing the Curriculum. HarperCollin Publishers. New York.