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Teacher’s notes for two activities focusing on naming the planets in the solar system in Spanish, including vocabulary suggestions and guidance. The first activity involves learning planet names, while the second is a quiz-style game testing knowledge retention.
TEACHER’S NOTES- VOCABULARY SUGGESTIONS FOR ALL ACTIVITIES in “El Sistema Solar” TOPIC The vocabulary in this topic is based on previous learning and new topic-related words. The following is for guidance only. PREVIOUS LEARNING/KEY PHRASES Aqui- here C’est… -It is ¿Cual…? Which? ¿Quien soy? Who am I? Soy– I am ¿Cuantos? - how many El/la másgrande - the biggest El/la máspequeño(a)-the smallest Mas grandeque-bigger than Máspequeño(a) que-smaller than Entre- entre Hay= there is/ there are ADDITIONAL WORDS FOR TOPIC Le sistema solar- the solar system Unaplaneta- a planet Mercurio- Mercury Venus- Venus La Tierra- Earth Marte- Mars Júpiter- Jupiter Saturno-Saturn Urano- Uranus Neptuno- Neptune La Luna- the Moon Unaestrella-a star El sol- the Sun El astronauta- the astronaut El cohete-the rocket
Actividad 1-El sistema solar–Teacher’s notesNAMING THE SOLAR SYSTEM • Modern Languages • I can use my knowledge about language and pronunciation to ensure that others can understand me when I read aloud or say familiar words, phrases and short texts. • MLAN 2-07b Sciences • Learners develop their understanding of the Earth’s position within the universe while developing a sense of time and scale.
Activity 1- El Sistema solarTeacher’s notesNAMING THE SOLAR SYSTEM Prior learning: 1. Aqui 2.Que planetaes…? 3. Es.. Introduced in lesson- the names of the planets in Spanish Words connected to the solar system Activity Children will look at pictures of the solar system and will then try to learn the names of what they see. They may well want to make comparisons and draw parallels with their own language. The quiz at the end will allow them to see how well they have remembered the names of the planets. The planets are introduced in order, so children can also reinforce their knowledge of the sequence of the planets.
El sol Aquiesta el sistema solar.
Aquiestan los planetas de el sistema solar
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planetaMercurio.
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planeta Venus
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planeta Tierra.
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planetaMarte.
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planetaJúpiter.
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planetaSaturno.
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planetaUrano.
¿Queplanetaes? Es el planetaNeptuno.
Actividad 2 –El Sistema Solar–Teacher’s notes¿Quiere ser millonario?(Gracias à M Damon who designed the original template!) • Modern Languages • I can use my knowledge about language and pronunciation to ensure that others can understand me when I read aloud or say familiar words, phrases and short texts. • MLAN 2-07b Sciences • Learners develop their understanding of the Earth’s position within the universe while developing a sense of time and scale.
Actividad 2 – El Sistema Solar –Teacher’s notes¿Quiere ser millonario? Prior learning: 1. learning from lesson 1- the names of the planets Introduced in lesson- Entre= between Cuantos = how many? Hay… there is/ there are….. Más grand que- bigger than Más pequeño) que- smaller than ¿Quien soy? Who am I? Activity Children will try to recall what they learned in Activity 1 to take part in a “¿Quiere ser millonario? - style game. The children can read the questions aloud as they appear on the screen. Unfortunately, the “phone a friend” nor the 50:50 buttons work (but obviously help can be provided to suit circumstances), and the prize money is purely imaginary. Que pena!
10 1 million € 100 € Soy el planeta mas grande. ¿Que planeta soy? 9 500 000 € 250 000 € 8 7 100 000 € 6 50 000 € 5 10 000 € 4 5000 € 3 1000 € 2 500 € 1 100 € 50:50 B: Marte. A: Saturno. C:Jupiter D: Venus.
500 € Soy el planeta entre (=between) Venus et Marte. ¿Que planeta soy? 10 1 million € 9 500 000 € 8 250 000 € 7 100 000 € 6 50 000 € 5 10 000 € 4 5000 € 3 1 000 € 2 500 € 1 100 € 50:50 A: Saturno B: Tierra C: Urano D: Neptuno
1000 € No soy un planeta. Soy grande y caliente. En mi centro, el temperatura es 15 million°C. ¿Que planeta soy? 1 million € 10 9 500 000 € 250 000 € 8 7 100 000 € 6 50 000 € 10 000 € 5 4 5 000 € 3 1 000 € 2 500 € 1 100 € 50:50 A: El sol B: la Luna. C: Marte. D: Venus
FANTASTICO! Han ganado 1000 €
5000 € Soy entre (=between) Júpiter et Urano. ¿Que planeta soy? 1 million € 10 500 000 € 9 250 000 € 8 100 000 € 7 50 000 € 6 5 10,000 € 5,000 € 4 1000 € 3 500 € 2 100 € 1 50:50 A: La Tierra B: Marte C: Neptuno D: Saturno
1 million € 10 000 € ¿En nuestro sistema solar, cuantos planetas hay? 10 500 000 € 9 250 000 € 8 100 000 € 7 50 000 € 6 10 000 € 5 5000 € 4 1000 € 3 500 € 2 100 € 1 50:50 B: Six A:Huit C: Neuf D: Sept
pour 50 000 € Je suis la planète la plus petite. Qui suis-je? 10 1 million € 9 500000 € 8 250 000 € 7 125 000 € 6 50 000 € 5 10 000 € 4 5000 € 3 1000 € 2 500 € 1 100 € 50:50 A: Mars. B: Saturne. D:Jupiter. C:Mercure.
Excellente! Han ganado 50 000 €
100 000 € Soy un planeta. Soy entre (=between) Marte et Saturno. ¿Que planeta soy? 1 million € 10 500 000 € 9 250 000 € 8 7 100 000 € 6 50 000 € 10 000 € 5 4 5000 € 1000 € 3 500 € 2 100 € 1 50:50 A: La Tierra B:Júpiter D:Neptuno C: Venus
Marvilloso! Han ganado 100 000 €
250 000 € 1 million € 10 500 000 € 9 No soy un planeta. Soy una pelota de gas muy caliente! ¿Quien soy yo? 250 000 € 8 100 000 € 7 50 000 € 6 5 10 000 € 5 000 € 4 1000 € 3 500 € 2 100 € 1 50:50 A: La Luna B: La Tierra C: Marte D: Una estrella
500 000 € Soy un planeta mas grande que Uranus pero más pequeño que Júpiter, ¿Quien soy yo? 1 million € 10 500 000 € 9 250 000 € 8 100 000 € 7 50 000 € 6 10 000 € 5 5000 € 4 1000 € 3 500 € 2 100 € 1 50:50 A: La Terre B: Mars C: Saturne D: Vénus
1 million € 10 1 million euros 500 000 € 9 250 000 € Me llamo“el Rover Curiosity”. ¿Donde estoy? 8 100 000 € 7 50 000 € 6 10 000 € 5 5000 € 4 1000 € 3 500 € 2 100 € 1 50:50 B: sur Neptune A: sur Jupiter C: sur Mars D: sur Vénus
Han ganado VOUS AVEZ GAGNE €1 MILLION Félicitations! 1 000 000 euros
Activité 3 Los planetas Modern Languages I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages Sciences • By observing and researching features of our solar system, I can use simple models to communicate my understanding of size, scale, time and relative motion within it. • SCN 2-06a
Activité 3 Los planetas Prior learning: 1 the names of the planets and space-related words in French. Please see Activity 1 for full list. Activity Each child/pair will take one of the flashcards, identify its meaning and then illustrate and decorate to enhance a wall display in classroom. Cards can be shrunk or enlarged to suit, and the text can be altered according to requirements. *Extension activity* cards can be reduced in size and used to make pelmanism game/ snap cards
Mercurio Venus
La Tierra Marte
Júpiter Saturno
Urano Neptuno
La Luna Le Sol