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Branch Regions - Water Implementation & Support Programs

Learn about Program 4 focusing on water resource management, infrastructure projects in 9 provinces, and regional objectives. Branch manages ACIP and RBIG with strategic planning for water sustainability.

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Branch Regions - Water Implementation & Support Programs

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  1. Portfolio Committee: Water and Environmental Affairs Branch Regions Ms TR Mbassa, DDG: Regions

  2. BRANCH Background information

  3. Branch objectives • The Branch Regions is responsible for Programme 4 in the ENE i.e. Regional Implementation and Support. • The purpose of Programme 4 is to coordinate the effective implementation of the Department’s strategic priorities and objectives in the 9 Provinces including the following: • establishment of water resource management institutions, • facilitating water conservation and demand management • accelerating access to water infrastructure by communities through the Accelerated Community Infrastructure Programme (ACIP) • Regional Bulk Infrastructure Programme (RBIG) • Functions are mainly funded under the Main Exchequer Account and Trading account

  4. Overview: branch structure DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL 1 L15 1 9 L14 L13 CHIEF DIRECTORS 3 L14 DIRECTORS 27 L13 6 L13 4

  5. Vacant Posts CD: EC- Interviews conducted, appointment to be finalised by end April CD: KZN- Second phase of interview to be conducted by end April 2012 CD: Mpumalanga- Interviews scheduled for May 2012 CD: NC - Interviews scheduled for May 2012

  6. OVERVIEW: Branch performance plan for 2012/13

  7. Strategic objective: To ensure the availability of water supply for economic and domestic use 7

  8. Regional Bulk Infrastructure 8

  9. Eastern Cape RBIG Projects in Construction

  10. Eastern Cape: Mbizana BWS (Ludeke Dam)

  11. Free State RBIG Projects in Construction

  12. Free State: Sterkfontein Water Treatment Works

  13. KwaZulu Natal RBIG Projects in Construction

  14. KwaZulu Natal: Mhlabatshane Dam

  15. Limpopo RBIG Projects in Construction

  16. Limpopo: Mogalakwena BWS

  17. Mpumalanga RBIG Projects in Construction

  18. Mpumalanga: Acornhoek BWS

  19. Northern Cape: Colesberg BWS

  20. North West RBIG Projects in Construction

  21. North West: Taung BWS (WTW)

  22. Western Cape RBIG Projects in Construction

  23. Strategic objective: To ensure the availability of water supply for economic and domestic use 24

  24. Strategic objective: To improve the protection of water resources and ensure sustainability 25

  25. Strategic objective: To improve the protection of water resources and ensure sustainability 26

  26. THE ACCELERATED COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAMME (ACIP) IN ADDRESSING INTRODUCTION: ACIP was established and funded by DWA, as a rapid intervention programme with the purpose of accelerating service delivery and ensuring the achievement of universal access to water and sanitation by 2014. The Programme focuses on: Community Infrastructure Water Supply – areas exposed to cholera, water service backlogs, fund shortage and low Blue Drop scores; Water Conservation and Demand Management – areas with high water loss and heightened awareness; and Waster Water Infrastructure Refurbishment Projects – facilities exceeding effluent quality limits, failures exceeding hydraulic capacity; areas prone to spillages.

  27. “Hotspots”: Wastewater Treatment Works : Performance Rating • Combined Rating of: • capacity exceedance • effluent compliance • skills deficit • delivery & functionality 14% good/excellent 56% very poor / critical Total WWTW = 1155 821 municipal works 28

  28. PROGRESS TO DATE 23 Community Infrastructure Water Supply projects – R145 million spent; 22 Water Conversation and Demand Management projects – R153 million spent; and 58 Wastewater Infrastructure Refurbishment projects - R315 million.

  29. Strategic objective: To improve the protection of water resources and ensure sustainability Strategic objective: To improve water use efficiency 30

  30. Strategic objective: Support local government to deliver water services 31

  31. Strategic objective: Support local government to deliver water services 32

  32. Strategic objective: Support local government to deliver water services 33

  33. “Hotspots”: Ministerial Priorities

  34. Rapid Response Unit (RRU) Key Achievements RRU has been active in all 9 Provinces, focusing on operation and maintenance issues within municipalities. I t has been instrumental in dealing with “crisis” incidents at municipal level Assistance to municipalities with poor Blue Drop and Green Drop results, in particular those with below 30% scores. Business Plans developed – Wastewater Works Refurbishment; - 24 implemented and 17 about to start. 5 Wastewater Risk Abatement Plans developed; 7 Water Safety Plans developed. Non Revenue Water baseline studies and business plans completed in a number of municipalities – 18 Water Conservation and Demand Management strategies developed.

  35. RRU Key Achievements cont’d RRU intervention has ameliorated major environmental impacts in the Knysna Lagoon and the Breede River. Assistance provided to address issues such as water quality, wastewater and abattoir effluent problems, review of designs, etc.

  36. Entity Links Water Board

  37. Strategic objective: Improve the protection of water resources and ensure sustainability 38

  38. Strategic objective: To improve water use efficiency Strategic objective: To improve water use authorisation 39

  39. Strategic objective: To improve the regulation of water quality through compliance, monitoring and enforcement 40


  41. “Hotspots”: – Non-Revenue Water (score) Legend

  42. “Hotspots”: – Municipal IQ (public protest) count of incidents (past 5 years) Legend Total Count of Incidents = 419

  43. Stable and unstable water supplies 2009/2010 (StatsSA) Good performance in GP and WC and metros 59% Unstable supplies 63% 10% 32% 18% 30% 29% 2% 38%

  44. Communities without access to water

  45. Waste Water Systems: Green Drop Results – 2011 Major interventions required !!!! 24% 56% 79% 50% 32%% 82% 23% 83% 67%

  46. Waste Water Works Performance 47

  47. Planned Interventions Approval of the Infrastructure Investment Framework to address funding requirements for: Access to water (interim services) Refurbishment of Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Technical expertise Water Conservation Water Demand Management Building Programme Management capacity to improve effectiveness of all infrastructure programmes , including MIG Creative usage of existing infrastructure programmes- pans are in place

  48. End Thank you

  49. RBIGLetsema BacklogStatus of current backlog WULAsStatus of New 2011/12 WULAs2011 WULAs in Regions Annexure

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