Workshop4 NQFs as communication tools. How qualifications frameworks can promote dialogue and cooperation a) Qualifications framework as a communication tool between stakeholders from different education and training subsectors b)Qualifications framework as a communication tool between stakeholders in education and labour market Chairperson: Francis Petel Facilitator: Michael Axmann Presenters: Francisca Arbizu, Benedikte Sterner, Jolana Blažíčková Rapporteur:Gábor Halász Budapest, May 26, 2011 Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
1. Dilemmas and challenges/1 • Recognising the key role of the communication dimension of NQFs • Identifying all relevant actors and sectors to be involved • Shaping the nature of communication so that it becomes interactive and dynamic, leading to cooperation and to co-creation • The different subsystems of education and training still too much isolated from each other Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
1. Dilemmas and challenges/2 Communication between subsystems being both a challenge and an opportunity Communication between the formal and non-formal sector as being particularly challenging Sustainability of communication (especially in the implementation phase) Involving the social partners NQF and regulated professions Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
2. Necessary conditions and policy recommendations/1 • Making communication interactive and substantial(going beyond simple information exchange) • Making continuous trust building a key function of communication • Making it clear that different development phases require different tools and policies Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
2. Necessary conditions and policy recommendations/2 Re-confirming the involvement of all stakeholders and their ownership as a “key success factor” Using a wide range of instruments to enhance the engagement of social partners NQFs should cover all professions, including regulated professions Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
3. Common issues raised/1 • The development of NQFs and their implementation conceived as learning process • This process creating new knowledge, new understanding (e.g. about the complex relationship between the worlds of education and work) • NQF is also social capital building (there is a huge social potential in the NQF creation process) • The complex relationship between VET and HE needs further common reflection Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
3. Common issues raised/2 The importance of the sectoral approach It may enhance trust building and makes communication easier It enhances “vertical thinking” (across levels) Combining sectoral and general approaches „Private qualifications” and connecting them to the general/national system trough accreditation The impact of national traditions and culture Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
4. European cooperation • Using EU funded projects and programs to promote communication and the involvement of social partners at national and European level • Enhancing common learning with a special focus on the communication dimension(sharing experiences at European level about how communication and cooperation works at national level) Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011
Thank you for your attention Conference on the European Qualifications Framework 25-26 May 2011