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LEP3: integration issues at the LHC tunnel. M. Koratzinos 2 nd LEP3 day, 23 October 2012. Preamble. This is not an exhaustive list of all issues. It is rather a first attempt to categorize integration issues
LEP3: integration issues at the LHC tunnel M. Koratzinos 2nd LEP3 day, 23 October 2012
Preamble • This is not an exhaustive list of all issues. It is rather a first attempt to categorize integration issues • The aim is to come up with integration-related questions that we wish to study and answer (to complement the table that Frank and others have started compiling) • We are at the ‘brainstorming’ period. No idea is too crazy or too stupid. • I will try not to repeat what I have already reported on during the 1st LEP3 day
Civil engineering • The civil engineering that (might) be needed for LEP3 is for: • Klystron galleries • Bypass tunnels
Question #1: bypass tunnels • The accelerator ring could either pass through the experiments or bypass them. • The two options need to be studied: • Pass-through solution: what is the loss of performance? • Bypass tunnel: how much does it cost? • For the latter, we have a good idea from the LHeC design report
LHeC CDR Construction methods • Construction methods (standard): • Tunnel boring machine (TBM) • Single pass precast segmental lining • Grout injection • 150m/week • Roadheader • 30m/week John Osborne
LHeC CDR Civil Construction Ring-Ring scheme • Ring – Ring • New bypass tunnels on the outside of the LHC tunnel at Point 1 and Point 5 • Assumed no bypass tunnel needed at Point 8 (LHCb) Point 1 - ATLAS Junction Cavern Point 5 - CMS 500m Junction Cavern 120m 500m John Osborne
LHeC CDR Costing and Planning PreliminaryLHeC underground costs • * Ring-Ring costs do not include : Bypass tunnels at Point 8 (LHCb) or Injection Complex • No surface structures included in this cost estimate. Integration with other services (Cooling & Ventilation, Electricity etc) needed in the next phase to better define underground volumes and surface building requirements. Cost estimation by Amberg Engineering. John Osborne
LHeC CDR Costing and Planning LHeC planning • 4 year Construction schedule for either LHeC option: • Ring-ring: • Assuming 2 roadheaders with excavation progress of 30m/week • Linac-Ring: • Assuming 2 roadheaders and 1 shielded TBM (TBM excavation progress of 150m/week) John Osborne
Time and money • For LHeC the cost of two tunnels of 2 kmslength (plus 240m of klystron galleries) is 86MCHF • The time envisaged for construction is 4 years • The LHeC estimate is close to what we would need for LEP3 injector beam bypass • The question now becomes, does the loss of performance justify spending this amount of money?
Question #2: civil engineering for klystron galleries • Can we get away without extra civil engineering for the klystron galleries? • LEP2 klystron galleries (UAs) now filled with Power converters, UPSs, protection switches, vacuum control, etc., etc. • How many klystrons do we need and what real estate do they take?
Klystron galleries • LEP3 needs 606m of RF cavities (900m of cryo modules) and a corresponding length of klystron galleries. • It is preferable from a cryo point o view if we split these in four (even) points. This means 150m of RF per even point. • Do not forget that LEP3 will also need 7GV of RF power for the injector ring (350m) or 90m per even point. • It is not excluded that a scheme will be found where both the accelerator and injector ring use the same RF cavities, but this needs a lot of brainstorming and real work. • Total is 120 m of RF both right and left of all even IP points. • One RF cavity is 1.03 m long. We need about 110 cavities per side and per even IP • For the main ring we need 1 klystron every 2 RF cavities. For the accelerator ring we only need 1 klystron per 8 or 16 cavities. • Total number of klystrons per side 85 + (5 to 10) = around 90 klystrons
10MW L-Band MBK for European X-FEL 50cm Figures show the cut-away view of the Toshiba MBK E3736 and its photograph, respectively. The total length is approximately 2.3 m. 2.3m Real estate of Klystrons is modest
Klystron galleries • Need ~90 Klystrons per side per even IP • These need less than 90 m of space in the gallery. • UAs are more than 200 m long. • The LHC powering links project will help here • Careful study should be performed, but it should be feasible to integrate the klystons in the UAs.
The LHC powering links project • The idea is to move all power converters and the DFBs (cryogenic electrical feedboxes) to the surface • Reason: avoid SEU issues • Project is not yet approved but on track to be installed during LS2 and LS3 • This will benefit LEP3 is two ways: • Liberate real estate in the UAs for klystrons • Solve the problem of how to integrate LEP3 around the DFBs
Cohabitation issues • Reminder: three possible cohabitation scenarios with the LHC. • Our current baseline is for LEP3 to be installed while the bulk of the LHC magnets and infrastructure remains in the tunnel. • [in case it is decided to remove the LHC first and then install LEP3, the problem is non-existent]
Cohabitation (with the LHC) • Concurrent operation (LHeC style) • Alternating operation (Y-to-Y or LS-to-LS) • Single operation – only one accelerator in tunnel Unnecessary Difficulty Currently the baseline Best performance
The LHeC experience • What can we learn from the ring-ring exercise of the LHeC? • S. Weisz has looked at the ring-ring option and made a series a recommendations • Although the LEP3 case is different than the LHeC case, the recommendations need to be taken into account
LHeC S. Weisz referee report • From the summary paragraph: • Need to perform a precise integration study in the LSSs • Impact of the electron ring on the LHC protection systems • No show-stopper can be identified • Prevention and maintenance work might be a problem after HL-LHC • A stop of the LHC of at least 4 years Each column is 6 months 4 years stop of LHC • My personal conclusion from reading the report: • LHeC integration issues are much more important than those of LEP3 due to the need for concurrent operation • Although there is no showstopper, one needs to keep an eye on how to minimize the time where no accelerator would be running in the LHC tunnel. • LEP was installed in 18 months – LHeC seems to need 4 years
S. Wiesz extra input • Sylvain has the feeling that a co-habitation solution can be found in the arcs, but one needs to pay special attention in the long straight sections • Questions like DFB integration, RF module positioning, klystron positioning, etc. are the important questions to answer first.
Integration of LEP3 around DFBs… …would be a nightmare!
More DFB pictures • LHC beam pipes are hiding behind the “chimneys”
The QRL connection & IFS box QRL connection – every 100 m IFS box– every magnet
Tunnel space considerations : LHeC : Space reserved for future e+e– machine LEP3 LEP3 LEP3 I have tried to be as open- minded as I could… LEP3
Position 1 On top of the LHC, as envisaged originally. Problems: mechanical fixing, vertical bump, need to avoid QRL “chimney” LEP3
Position 2 On the right of the LHC. Easy fixing, no vertical bump. Problems: can the LHC magnet train pass? LEP3
Position 3 On the left of the LHC. Problems: mechanical fixing, vertical bump, need to avoid QRL “chimney” LEP3
Position 4 On the floor. Easy fixing. Problems: mechanical fixing, remove QPS racks LEP3
Conclusions • Questions to add to our long list: • Experiment bypass tunnels: worth the extra cost? • Klystron galleries: can the real estate needed be found without civil engineering? • Investigate even crazy ideas of position of LEP3 in the arcs. • (questions from my talk during the 1st LEP3 day also remain)