3. Symmetry in Genesis 1:1-2:3
4. Theological Contributions of Genesis 1 Transcendence of God
Order, harmony and Perfection of His Creation
Centrality of Humankind
5. Theological Contributions of Genesis 2 Immanence of God
Care/Love He has for Humankind
Need Humanity has for Community
6. Genesis 3:1-7 Introductory Question
3:1a Nature of serpent
3:1b Serpent’s Question to Eve
3:2-3 Eve’s answer
Serpent’s Deception
3:4-5 Lie
3:5, Distorted Truth
7. Genesis 3:8-13Consequences of Sin Separation from God (fear)
Esp. 3:8-10
Separation from Personal Responsibilities
Esp. 3:11-13
8. Genesis 3:14-19 Divine Response
Against the Serpent (3:14-15)
Against the Woman (3:16)
Against the Man (3:17-19)
9. Salvation Housed in JudgmentGenesis 3:15
God is the Prime-mover in redemption
Lesson in bad grammar
“Her seed” (Where is the Father?)
10. Components of Evil A false understanding of God
Distrust in God (inner attitude)
Rebellion against God (outer action)
11. A Lesson from the Flood Genesis 1.2 Deep ~AhTi tehom
Genesis 7.11 Deep ~AhTi tehom
Genesis 8.2 Deep ~AhTi tehom
12. A Lesson from the Flood
13. A Lesson from the Flood
14. A Lesson from the Flood
15. Covenant Family
16. ABRAM’S CALLGenesis 12:1-3 The COMMAND: “GO!”
away from three things
1. land / country
2. family / tribe / clan
3. father’s house
to one thing 1. the land that I will show you
17. Genesis 12:1-3 continued The PROMISES
1. Descendants (A great nation) 12:2a
2. Blessing (you, family and all nations) 12b-3
3. Land (Future fulfillment) 12:6-7
18. Life of Abraham, is this a story about... A Man of Faith
Gen 12:10-20
Gen 20:1-18
Gen 16:1-16
19. Life of Abraham,is this a story about... (or) a Man of Faith
Gen 15:1-6
Gen 22:1-19 (see Hebrews 11:17-19)
20. Life of Abraham,is this a story about... Or A Faithful God
Call promises (Gen 12)
Protection in Egypt (Gen 12, 20)
Promise of a son (15:4;18:10)
21. Lessons in Covenant Keeping Genesis 15-17 Covenant 1, (Gen 15) God at Work for Us
Sarai, Man’s Help (Gen 16)
Covenant 2, (Gen 17) God’s Way Gen 17:1-8 Man Obeys Gen 17:9-14
22. Genesis 15-17 Summary God Obligates Himself to Us!
God must make Himself known (ha'r'), First and progressive.
As He reveals Himself, our responsibility in the Covenant grows!
23. Abraham TestedGenesis 22 Is untested faith, faith at all?
Has Abraham changed?
24. Three Objects of the Verb “take” in Genesis 22:2 Your son
Your one and only son, whom you love
25. Parallels between Gen 12 and Gen 22 COMMAND
Genesis 12:1 Genesis 22:2
Go! Take! Go! Offer!
unknown land unknown mountain
“I will show you” “I will tell you”
12:4 22:3
obedience obedience
Gen 12 Gen 22
PROMISES NO PROMISES Parallels between Gen 12 and Gen 22
27. Patriarchal PassagesGenesis 12-50 Abraham / Isaac Narrative Gen 12-25:10
Jacob Narrative Gen 25:11-36
Joseph Narrative Gen 37-50
28. Theology of Genesis Nothing will stop God’s plan to “Bless” all nations
Not Satan
Not Sin
Not man’s help (Abraham, Sarai)
Not selfish scheming (Jacob)
Not separation from the promised Land
29. Theology of Genesis God’s Covenant to the Patriarchs is the beginning of his effort to “Reveal” Himself to us.
In His Creation
In History (His-Story)
In His Word
30. Condition of Promise(s) at Close of Genesis Separated from Land, but not God
Blessing has reached Egypt
Minimal fulfillment, but promise intact