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Book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js. PDF.js works in the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE10 . Limited support for Safari, Android and IE9. For more information click here
How to use flipbook wordpress plugin? WordPress is known as the most prevalent blogging framework being used on the web. Also, it is accounted for that more than 60 million sites are associated with WordPress. All things considered, this is nothing amazing as WordPress has made substance administration a ton simpler. Plus, it offers great feature with attractive layout and plugins architecture to make site more creative and wonderful. You can easily find the and install the flipbook wordpress plugin into wordpress site. The extraordinary flipbook plugin will let public flexibly twist pages by dragging pages corner and clicking page previous and next buttons which will engage readers. Detail of flipbook wordpress plugin PDF TO FLIPBOOK You can create a book directly from the PDF file. Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files. PDF RENDER Book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js. PDF.js works in the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE10+. Limited support for Safari, Android and IE9. For more information click here JPG TO FLIPBOOK You can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately. MANUALLY ADDING PAGES You can also add pages separately ( you can make also text in wysiwyg editor ). THREE TECHNIQUES SHOW FLIPBOOK
- shortcode– you can put flipbook anywhere in content ( page, post, custom post etc) - template– you can add flipbook as an independent template in the whole browser window, the advantage is that it is 100% working with all theme ( no conflict with css styles etc…. ) - lightbox– You can put the link text or image link anywhere in content on your site. When you click on the link loads a book as a lightbox. So you can have an unlimited number of book on one page. Lightbox works also with deeplinking. MULTIPLE BOOKS ( CAROUSEL 3D VIEW ) You can show preview your books as a carousel. See here ( click the first icon at the top ) RTL Right to left flpibook for eastern countries.